by Anika Rinker | Aug 22, 2023 | Christian Formation, News
Building True Community: The Life and Legacy of The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
Please join us on the second Sundays of each month in the library at noon for this study offered by St. Martin’s Daughter’s of the King.
The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray (1910-1985) was a pioneering American civil rights activist, lawyer, poet, and writer. They were known for their significant contributions to both the civil rights and women’s rights movements, including as a founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW.) Murray was also the first African American woman ordained in the Episcopal Church. They were what is now termed “gender queer,” someone who does not follow the binary norms of the gender in which they were born. All these attributes make Murray a fascinating and important Episcopalian to know. Murray was made a saint of The Episcopal Church in 2018. Their feast day is celebrated on July 1.
The curriculum for this study was created by the Pauli Murray Center and covers four topics: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Historic Ordination, Eucharistic Celebration and Interconnectedness, and Integrated Body, Mind, and Spirit. We’ll explore Murray’s writing along with audio and video about their ministry.
This study is offered by St. Martin’s Daughters of the King Deborah Chapter, and we invite all adults to join us.
Meetings will be held on four Sundays following services: September 10, October 8, November 12, and December 10 at approximately 12 noon. (We will allow time for Service Sunday participation and to get snacks and coffee before we begin.)
We’ll meet in the Library, at the back of the large (East) Parish Hall.
Childcare can be provided if needed. Please contact the office at or call 817-431-2396 to arrange.
by Anika Rinker | Jun 28, 2023 | Christian Formation, News
The St. Martin Men’s Group is dedicated to exploring the ideas of Christian brotherhood. In a world that is increasingly fragmented and isolated, we want to create a strong community where we can learn from each other’s experiences and better support our families and St. Martin as a whole.
But it’s mostly an excuse for guys of all ages and backgrounds to drink coffee and learn from each other.
Anyone interested can contact JB Clark for details on our next event:
We’ll meet once a month, on the second Saturday in the large parish hall.
by Anika Rinker | Apr 27, 2023 | News, Vestry Updates
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting March 26, 2023
For a pdf of the full vestry packet, including all reports and financials, please click here.
Present: Alan Bentrup -Rector, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber –
Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Amanda Alvarez, Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Bryan Hedrick, Liz Jordan, Melissa Kurkul (via Zoom), Becky Snell-Bolerjack, Glenda Morehead – Clerk.
Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair.
Not Present: Jen Duncan.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 26, 2023, in the West Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:00 PM.
Consideration of Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve the minutes of the February 26, 2023 meeting. Elizabeth Jordan seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.
Written Reports Going Forward
The Rector, the ex officio president of the vestry, has instituted a new policy for vestry meetings. In the future the following written reports are to be attached to and made a part of vestry minutes and available on the website after approval. Vestry members are to receive them prior to the meeting.
Finance Committee Report & Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
Committee Charter Revised: Gary Wilkinson presented the revised Charter for the Finance Committee. The Charter is in compliance with the parish bylaws. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve the Charter, Bob Bess seconded the motion and the Charter was approved.
Outside Audi Update: Wilkinson stated that the outside audit of the parish will have to be delayed until after the tax season. The audit will be done by the Garrett & Swann CPA firm in Lubbock.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Rick Schultz seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Capital Needs List
The Rector announced that a Capital Needs List is to be created. The list needs to be available for those who want to contribute specific items to St. Martin’s. Amanda Alvarez will spearhead the effort to publicize the list, coordinating with the Parish Administrator.
Jr. Wardens’ Reports
Maintenance Items: The Jr Wardens reported the status of various maintenance items.
Grubby Sunday: Vestry members were reminded of the Grubby Sunday planned for March 26.
Dishwasher for Parish Hall: More research is needed. The subject was tabled to a later date.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden thanked all those who contribute time and effort to St. Martin’s.
Rector’s Report
Curate Update: The Rector announced that he has interviewed three candidates who will be graduating in June. All 3 would be good fits for St. Martin’s, and he has reported that fact to the diocese.
Master Plan Update
Beginning in April the progress of the Building plans will be publicized in an ongoing basis.
Bylaws Committee
The bylaws of St. Martin-in-the-Fields must be updated to comply with the Constitution & Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. The Rector has appointed the following committee: Chair Glenda Morehead, Jen Duncan, DJ Mitchell, and Dick Seeber.
DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Bob Bess seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 1:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
by Anika Rinker | Feb 18, 2023 | News
Get corny!
St. Martin’s is specifically collecting cans of corn each week for 4Saints. Other area churches are collecting other specific items. So lets get corny! Bring in cans of corn each week and place them in the wagon at the back of the church.
In addtion to corn, you can bring these items in regularly to church – we are always collecting!
4Saints is in need of food items that will greatly help the food pantry!
- 1-2 lb bags of rice
- 1-2 lb bags of pinto beans
- canned vegetables – especially spinach & carrots
- canned peas & beans
- canned fruit – especially peaches
- canned soup – except cream of mushroom (they have an abundance!)
- canned meats
- canned tuna
- 16 oz peanut butter – smooth
- pancake mix & syrup
- jelly, jam & fruit preserves
- granola bars, cookies, lunch box treats
- mayonnaise, Miracle Whip, salad dressing
- applesauce pouches
- soap & deaodorant
4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry is a food distribution ministry conducted in East Fort Worth by five parishes. Our purpose is to serve with dignity and humility the nutritional needs of those seeking assistance. We are a 100% volunteer organization and members of St. Martin’s regularly volunteer.
Please visit to sign up for 4Saints Food Pantry’s monthly email newsletter.
Weekday Help and Friday Distribution
Every Friday, 4Saints distributes food to about 130 families from its new location at the Community Life Center, 2529 Mt. View Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76103 on the campus of Meadowbrook-Poly United Methodist Church on Meadowbrook Drive.
You can help on Fridays by assisting our clients shop for food or helping load the food into their cars. Just click the sign up button below. We start at 10 am and finish around 1:30 pm. Some volunteers stay the entire time, and some volunteers stay for an hour. You can visit the 4Saints website to find out more information, especially how to volunteer.
During the week, we need volunteers to help unload the food truck and restock the shelves for the Friday food distribution. There are generally several deliveries during the week, usually starting at 9:30 am and vary from week to week. You can contact Jim McManic through the church office at 817-431-2396 or for more information.
4th Saturday Distribution
In addition to Fridays, the Mobile Pantry distributes food to about 200 families every fourth Saturday of the month in the parking area located across from the Community Life Center. Volunteers arrive around 10 am to set up. We distribute food from 11 – 1. Please bring a refillable water bottle and a utility knife. There are volunteers from other churches, schools, organizations, and families – come and meet new friends! No registration required.
Pantry Relocation
4Saints’ now has a new home at the Community Life Center at Meadowbrook-Poly United Methodist Church, 2529 Mount View Avenue.
Our new location is located in the historic Meadowbrook neighborhood where the pantry first began operations in 2017. It’s fewer than two miles northeast of the temporary home the pantry has occupied on the campus of Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) since April 2021.
We are incredibly grateful to TWU and its president, Fred Slabach, for finding room for 4Saints over the past two years. Becoming part of the Polytechnic Heights neighborhood and getting to know TWU students, faculty, and staff has been gratifying. The new location gives 4Saints and TWU the room we both need to meet growing demand.
We hope and expect to remain with Meadowbrook-Poly UMC for three years as we work to build a permanent home in East Fort Worth.
Please continue to support 4Saints with your Red Envelope donations which we collect for quarterly, donating non-perishable food items and certain toiletries and diapers to fill up the 4Saints bin in the back of the church, and participating in the Reverse Advent food drive each December.
4Saints Food Pantry 2023 Impact Report
We hope the 2023 4Saints Impact Report is useful as you lean into the stewardship season as an example of how your congregation continues to embrace the Spirit and walk in its light in serving those who need us most.
by Anika Rinker | Jan 25, 2023 | News, Scouting, Uncategorized
Carson Crays from Troop 937 is working on a Lending Library for St. Martin’s!
Carson’s Plan:
The name of my Eagle Project is St. Martin’s Little Free Library. My Eagle Project will be the building of a Little Free Library to place near the edge on the church property, and then stocking this library with donated children’s books from the community and scouts from my troop. The project will include a stand alone library box on a post that will be staked into the ground. The library box will feature two shelves and a plexiglass door to allow visitors to see the current contents of the library. The box will also feature a sloped roof and weather seals to ensure rain and moisture does not enter and ruin the books inside. The box will be mounted to a wooden post and anchored into the ground. The project will also include a scout led book drive to help fill the library. Along with St. Martins, I will lead my scout troop in hosting a book drive and allow scouts and community members to donate their unneeded children’s books. These donated children’s books will initially stock the library and allow the community to immediately appreciate the library. Finally, I will help St. Martin’s register the box with Little Free Library, making it easy for the community to find the library and officially placing it on the Little Free Library map.
St. Martin’s has many outreach programs within the community, including our Boy Scout Troop. They also have a strong children’s outreach program, and with this project I plan to strengthen their children’s outreach initiatives. St. Martin’s already holds Vacation Bible School, summer camps, and year-long Sunday programs for community youth. The box will expand on their children’s initiatives and bring families from around the community to St. Martin by expanding book access to those who otherwise could have trouble obtaining books for their children. Keeping the library outside and open 24/7/365 allows anyone to access the these books anytime, and help further a community of young literate learners.
The St. Martin’s Little Free Library project will build upon existing and growing list of outdoor ammenities, including the Labrynth, and provide a not only welcoming, but safe space for everyone to gather and meet others in the community. Additionally, the project will allow the community to discover St. Martin’s and the amazing programs. St. Martin could host events around the library including book clubs, group reading sessions, and more.
“My project ultimately aims to provide another way for St. Martin-in-the-Fields to enhance the Keller, Southlake, and surrounding community through outreach initiatives, creating a community filled with connection and knowledge”.
Next Steps:
St. Martin’s will hold a book drive at our Annual Meeting on Jan. 29 at 9:30 and on Sunday, February 5 – Scout Sunday. All kinds of books are welcome for any age, Children, Teens, Adults, Religious. Carson will speak at the 9:30 service on Jan. 29, and attendees will have the opportunity to meet him and hear more about his project!
You can contribute!
Use the form below to donate money online. Choose “Eagle Project” from the drop down menu.
by Anika Rinker | Dec 9, 2022 | News
As the end of the year approaches, here are some important reminders about your pledge or other donations to the Church:
- In order for contributions to be included on your year-end Contribution Report for tax purposes, they must be received BY NOON at the church office on Sunday, December 31 or be postmarked by December 31, 2023. Donations received at either the 8:30 or 10:30 am services will be treated as contributions for 2023.
- Our church office will be closed Monday – Wednesday December 25-27. We will be open from 9 am – noon on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 28-29.
- Prepayments of 2024 pledges will be included on the 2023 Contribution Reports if received by December 31, 2023.
- If you are interested in knowing about other ways to make a contribution to St. Martin’s (e.g. donations of stock, having your IRA manager send us your Required Minimum Distribution, employer matching gift programs, etc.) please contact Sue Mitchell.
- If you have questions about your contributions, please contact Sue Mitchell at or call 817-832-6296.
As always, your time, talent, and financial support for St. Martin-in-the-Fields throughout the year is deeply appreciated. You make a difference!
DJ Mitchell II
Parish Treasurer