Episcopal Youth Community

Episcopal Youth Community

St. Martin’s Youth, aka EYC (Episcopal Youth Community), is a collective group of 6th-12th graders who meet every first and third Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am service in the EYC room. At each meeting, we’ll explore the Word and learn how to serve our community!

We’ll read and talk about the first lesson, which is from the Old Testament, taken from the lectionary each week. These are the readings we hear in church.

On the 3rd Sundays, we give back to our community by assembling Blessing Bags – these are bags filled with helpful items for our congregation to take and give out to those in need we see on the streets. And we’ve also partnered with the JPS Street team to supply them with 25 bags each month to help their own homeless population near Rosedale Ave. in Fort Worth.

Our group is diverse, inclusive, and a safe place for all those who wish to join. For more information, contact our Youth Director: leah.robinson@stmartininthefields.org

Want to keep up with the latest youth news? Scan here to join our group chat!

Teen News for February

Teen News for February

Happy February, everyone! We’re back in the full swing of things!
Parents, please provide me a list of any and all extracurricular events that your students are involved in for school. I am a firm believer in being an encourager not only at church, but also in the holistic ways your kids participate in the world. I had the privilege of attending one of the Keller High School theater productions last fall and I would really enjoy seeing more of our students at work.
This month we’re kicking off our confirmation classes. These classes will be held every Sunday morning during our normal Sunday School hour. I earnestly encourage all students to participate whether or not they plan to be confirmed this year, or even if they are already confirmed. Simply participating lets us learn so much from each other!
Sunday Funday
This Sunday Funday we’ll be chilling! In order to honor the full range of our student’s ideas of fun, this month we’ll have a mellow hangout session. This is an intentional way for all of our students to experience a way of community that is not stressful for them. So on February 25, we’ll go to Barnes and Noble in Southlake to browse books, read, chat and drink hot beverages.
Mission Trip
We have set the date for our summer mission trip to Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey in Pecos, New Mexico! June 17-22 we’ll be heading out for a week of intentional spiritual practices and service to the community. We’ll be staying at the abbey on the nights of June 18 -21. I am reaching out to churches in Lubbock, TX to stay for the first and last nights of the trip in order to split up the 9 hour drive. Mission Trip information will be on the church website soon, so be on the lookout for that!
Service Sunday
Service Sunday is coming up on February 11 after the 10:30 am service. Please join us as we assemble sandwiches and bags of food for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission! Want to help in another way? Be an Early Bird and help us set up before church at 9:30.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have showed up for Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings! We really need more volunteers for Sundays. If you have yet to experience our special chaos, please sign up for a time:

Teen News for February

Teen News – January

We’re racing through January, and here’s a look at what we have going on for teens. In all we do, teens can come and be themselves and explore faith, ask tough questions, and have fun together!

Sunday school

Each week in Sunday school we take our direction from the lectionary, which are the lessons and gospel that we hear during church. We read the text prayerfully & then we discuss what we think the meaning behind the text is. You can also find the weekly readings at lectionarypage.net.

January 21

At 10:30 am, teens and their parents are invited to a special brunch in the small west parish hall. We’ll share experiences from 2017 and discuss 2018 activities. We’ll talk about confirmation and about our summer mission trip, including finalizing the dates! Please come and bring your favorite brunch or breakfast items to share, as well as your ideas and calendars!

January 28, Sunday Funday!

Join us for a trip to Main Event in Grapevine. While the adults are attending the annual meeting, we’ll sneak out for pizza and games! Cost is $16.95 per student which includes 1 hour of bowling, a $10 arcade card, 1 round of laser tag, and 2 slices of pizza and a drink. Scholarships are always available! We’ll leave directly after church and we need two adult drivers to join us.

Adult volunteers!

Each week during Sunday school & at Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) meetings, we must always have at least 2 adults present who have had Safe Church training. This ensures the safety of all, and helps if there is ever an emergency. To find out more about Safe Church training, contact the parish administrator, Anika Rinker at 817-431-2396 or stmartin@stmartininthefields.org.
Sign up by clicking this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d4dacaa23a2f94-eycvolunteers

More Info

Still have questions? Need more information or a scholarship? Contact youth minister Megan Grant at megan.grant@stmartininthefields.org.