Pastoral Care at St. Martin’s

We’re here for you…

The pastoral care ministry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields is here to walk with you through your times of need. We will pray for you and with you, visit you or your loved one in the hospital, connect you with local groups and resources, provide a relationship with a trained lay minister, or offer you a time of healing service.

To request pastoral care, we invite you to:

Healing Prayer

Healing prayer and anointing is offered during the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services every week.

8:00 am: Father Alan offers healing prayer and anointing at the communion rail after everyone has received. Please remain kneeling if you desire prayer.

10:30 am: Father Alan, Deacon Ayo, and others provide healing prayer at the steps of the altar. If desired, please come to the middle step before taking your place at the rail.

Pastoral Care Ministries at St. Martin’s


Stephen Ministry

Quiet Committee


Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Email Prayer Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Life Stages






Grief Counseling

