Christian Formation

Every Sunday, 9:30 to 10:15 am will be set aside to focus on Christian formation for all ages. Through the buttons below you’ll find the full slate of offerings: from studying the Sunday lectionary readings, to discovering how to be more fully and faithfully human, to a hands-on exploration of our Biblical stories.

Following Christian formation, we’ll all gather together for worship. At St. Martin’s, children are ALWAYS welcome in worship. For those families who desire it, children ages 3+ are welcome (but not required!) to participate in a time of Scripture reading, reflection, and prayer & crafts designed specifically for them. Then we will regather for the Eucharist, as we come together around God’s table as God’s family.

These rhythms and routines are an opportunity for us all to deepen our life of faith. We will grow, together, through our corporate worship. We will grow, together, through our various formation offerings. We will grow, together, as we participate in God’s mission.

Youth and Children




Godly Play

Children’s Chapel

Episcopal Youth Community

Sunday Morning Opportunities


Christianity 101

Lectionary Study


Small Groups & Weekday Opportunities