Called to Serve as a Leader?

Applications are open!

Are you called to serve? Do you have a passion for the mission of our church in our community? 

We are seeking people to serve our church in leadership positions on our Vestry and to represent our parish at the Council of our diocese. 

Under the parish bylaws, a Candidate Qualification Committee reviews the names of persons who may stand for election to the Vestry and as Delegates to Diocesan Council. That committee has been appointed and is made up of Mary Beth Butler, Bob Bess, Eloise Frye, DJ Mitchell, and Rick Schulz. 

If you feel called to serve on the Vestry or as a Delegate to the 2026 Diocesan Council, please let the committee know by using the appropriate button below to fill out a form. Submissions must be received by Monday, December 9, 2024. This process is being started now in order to allow time for discernment and for notification to be provided to the parish prior to the January election.


The Vestry works to ensure our parish ministry is carried out in accordance with our parish values, mission, goals, and priorities, and according to the constitution and canons of our diocese.

A Vestry nominee must:

  • be a confirmed communicant in good standing of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, confirmed or received by a bishop in The Episcopal Church.
  • be at least 18 years old by the date of the annual parish meeting in January 2025.
  • have made financial contributions in 2024 that are shown on the records of our parish.

In addition, Vestry tasks include:

  • attending monthly vestry meetings (3rd Sundays at 12:30 pm, beginning in Feb. 2025).
  • attend the annual vestry retreat, schedule TBD.
  • receive required online Safeguarding training as per the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Note – wardens & treasurer are also required to have a background check.
  • serve as the Vestry Person in Charge (VPIC) for approximately 10 services per year. VPIC duties include lock/unlock facilities, adjust thermostats, raise and lower flags, account for
    offering funds with support from another person, and serve as contact person in case of emergency. VPICs are welcome to delegate most tasks but must be present for funds accounting.


A delegate to Diocesan Council has a seat, voice, and vote for nominations, resolutions, proposal, budget, and other pertinent material at Council.

Lay delegates and alternates must

  • be a confirmed communicant in good standing of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, confirmed or received by a bishop in The Episcopal Church.
  • be at least 18 years old by the date of the first day of any meeting of the Council.
  • be available for both days of the Diocesan Convention in February 2026.

Use the buttons below to apply to be a member of the Vestry or a Delegate to the 2026 Diocesan Council.

If you have any other questions or would like more info, please email the committee at