Vestry minutes – April 15, 2012 meeting
April 15, 2012
Present: Jack Bailey, Bob Bess, Gary Grant, Joy Malmgren, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Jami Taylor, Brian West; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk: Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Absence notified: Steve Anderson, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 15, 2012, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Christian Education
Valerie Reinke, CE director, reported the following:
She is trying to bring the 10:30 coffee hour into the East Hall, so that parishioners have a chance to see the Lenten Art Work. The show was a great success. The projects will remain on display throughout April. Next Sunday we will celebrate Earth Day. Everyone is asked to wear green. Sisters of the Spirit will do a green coffee hour. Earth Day will be the subject for the Parochial Associate’s sermon. We will go paperless for services with no bulletins. April 18 will be the last time for Wednesday Night Live this year. All are invited to come try any class on a one time basis. VBS will take place June 11 – 15. The theme is “Sky.” The kick off meeting will be April 29; online sign-up will be available in May. Reinke will invite participation from St Stephen’s and will send information to the diocese for inclusion on the website.
Proposed Joint Scout Project
Jack Bolerjack, Tom Bolerjack and Sarah Kleinwechter provided an update on their plan for a joint outdoor living space project. (See attached drawings and October 23, 2011 minutes.) They plan to have it completed by the end of summer. They need approval of the Vestry for their plans so far in order to take the proposal to their Councils for approval – which is needed before they can seek funding. St. Martin would be responsible for movement of the playground fence to accommodate the scout project as planned. Joy Malmgren moved approval of the scout project as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that prayer visitors are still needed for some parishes. Currently 17 of 33 parishes are covered. He reviewed the requirements for those who agree to participate. (See February 19, 2012 minutes.)
He announced that on Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 10 AM at TrinityChurch two people will be ordained and serve as transitional deacons.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren reported the following:
On Holy Saturday she delivered to the Presbyterian Night Shelter the items that had been given. The next project she plans is to ask for donations for care packages for the troops in Afghanistan. She has received a request from a group who wants to come do stroke detection. She would coordinate that group with the Blood Drive. Mission and Outreach has made 83 loans to Kiva.
Radical Hospitality
Joy Malmgren announced that the group has proposed a Fun Festival – in the Fields to be held Saturday, September 29, 10 AM – 3 PM. (See attached proposal.) A variety of activities will take place and those living in surrounding areas will be invited to take part. All members of St-Martin-in-the-Fields will be asked to volunteer. Nominal charges for activities, food and beverages and an auction are planned to defray costs. A tent will be rented for the weekend – for use for the festival, then for the Saturday and Sunday services. RH plans that the cost of tent rental will be covered by income from the festival. If not, the members of RH will cover the cost. They ask that the Vestry authorize the cutting of a check to rent the tent before the event, repayment for the rental to be done as outlined. Jami Taylor moved the Vestry authorize fronting RH the cost of rental of a tent as outlined, with the understanding they will contact the city and obtain all proper permits first. The motion was seconded and carried.
Communications Committee
Gil Kleinwechter reported that the committee is small – Will Duff, Aubrey Hardman and Gil and Susan Kleinwechter – to ensure that everyone is aware how communication is to flow. Currently the Fielder and bulletin are the primary sources of information for within the parish. We need to reach outside the membership of St-Martin-in-the-Fields, and the website can be the best vehicle for that. The website will be redone. The start-up cost to redo the website will be $3,000 – 5,000 with an annual cost of under $150. The committee will be making regular reports to the Vestry of their plans and progress. Susan Kleinwechter explained the possibilities of usage with a blog, and stated that the Lenten Reflections were St. Martin’s first foray into use of a blog. The opening rate for the Reflections averaged around 30%, an excellent rate.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Bob Bess moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. There was discussion of the current shortfall in receipts – $9000 year to date. Vestry consensus was that parishioners need to be aware of the shortfall, and the best vehicle would be the weekly enewsletter. Bob Bess and Jami Taylor will compose the wording for the notification.
Parochial Associate Report
In the absence of the Parochial Associate her written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Rector’s Report
Vestry members signed a letter of support for Annette Mayer as a candidate for ordination. 3 of the 4 candidates from St-Martin-in-the-Fields are in the process toward ordination.
The Rector reiterated that St. Martin will be going paperless next weekend as our contribution to Earth Day. He announced that Michele King, the Administrative Assistant, will be out 4 – 6 weeks recuperating from her surgery. Volunteers are being recruited to answer phones during her absence. The Parochial Associate will be the person in charge of organizing the front office during King’s absence. The Rector would like to pay King her regular salary during her recuperation. Recent practice at St. Martin has been to pay staff members’ regular salaries when they are absent due to illness, but there is no written policy. Bob Bess moved that the Vestry agree to pay Michele King during her recuperation up to 6 weeks – the first week to be taken as sick leave and up to 5 weeks as regular salary. The motion was seconded and carried, 7 in favor, 1 opposed. The Rector appointed Gary Grant, Diana Panther and Jami
Taylor as the Leave Policy Committee to create a written leave policy for St-Martin-in-the-Fields, and to return with a report at the next meeting. Panther will chair the committee.
Senior Warden’s Report
Concrete Work: The Senior Warden reported for the Jr Warden that the window for the placement of concrete for the redo of the front sidewalk and changing the steps up to the East Parish Hall to a ramp is between May 14, close of the Academy, and the beginning of VBS, June 11. The cost of concrete needed for the slanted sidewalk was not specified in the previous amount approved. Joy Malmgren moved the Vestry approve addition of the concrete for the slanted sidewalk, the total for the whole project not to exceed the $5000 previously approved. The motion was seconded and carried.
Playground Update: The Senior Warden announced that he has learned there are 76 children between the ages of 4 and 10 in Sunday School. Currently there is no playground for children between the ages of 5 and 12. He proposed using some of the oil lease income to cover the cost of a playground to accommodate the 5-12 age group. He is getting bids for the work, which would be coordinated with the scout project. He asked the Vestry to look at other churches in the area to see what they have for children at the elementary school level. Becky Snell stated that she will do a survey of the congregation on a new playground and bring the survey results to the next Vestry meeting.
Joe Panther announced that the VPIC needs to be sure the ropes are wrapped around the pole securely when the flags are taken down
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM with prayer by Jami Taylor.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Report to the Vestry – April 2012
I will be at the Episcopal Church Building Fund 2012 Symposium this weekend, so I will be unable to attend the Vestry Meeting at SMitF.
Youth Work:
- April 26-29 – I will be at the Province VII youth workers meeting at All Saint’s Camp, LakeTexoma. Sadly, the date of this conflicts with Texas TAKS test dates so I will be unable to take youth reps with me.
- May 5 – EYC will have an ActOut day. ActOut is a new program that TEC has rolled out this year to provide Episcopal Relief and Development a way to interact with youth in the same way that WorldVision has with 30 Hour Famine. We will be focusing on Malaria as one of the Millennium Development Goals. Part of the work of the day will be to put together the sermon for that weekend – and then present it at all three services. There is not an overnight component to this one. There will be a fund-raising component to this; ERD is matching funds raised for mosquito nets through May 25 (details here: Any $$ we raise will be doubled so it is well worth our energy.
- May 18-20 – Diocesan Youth Leadership Project at SMitF. This is a retreat for all middle school and high school youth in the diocese. The purpose is to get the youth involved in the planning of further diocesan youth activities. We will stay overnight at SMitF on Saturday.
- June 24-29 – Bastrop Blessings High School Mission Trip – Adults will be me, Becky Snell, Fr Jim, and Bob Nielson. I am predicting that we will have about 12 youth going. This is for youth going into 9th grade to those who have just graduated from high school. We will stay at an abandoned camp in Smithville that the Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, and Episcopal churches in the area have set up to feed and house volunteers. The organizers will assign our work there. I have made contact with the Episcopal priest in Bastrop, so she is also looking for some work around the church or for church members. The cost to the youth will be $200 per person, with a $50 deposit due March 25. I have money in my benevolence fund to scholarship any youth who need it. As of 4-13-12, I have six youths registered to go, but I know there is more interest.
Other Work:
I am working with Kathleen Wells to update the policies and procedures concerning youth work in the diocese.
- I have now completed my first solo funeral (3-30-12). Thanks be to God that all went well.
- From the funeral through Easter, I preached 9 times, celebrated 7 times, and participated in 13 services. Thank you all for your words and deeds of support throughout.
- I have been contacted by a young couple to counsel them before performing their marriage in late September. I am looking forward to it.
- April 22 – the diocesan chapter of Integrity has asked me to celebrate a Eucharist for them here at SMitF. I will ask the Bishop’s permission to use an inclusive language Eucharistic prayer from Enriching Our Worship. I predict it will be OK with him. The group will arrive on campus at 330 pm and begin to make individual videos for the It Gets Better Project on YouTube. After the Eucharist at 5pm, there will be a potluck and more videos made.