Vestry Minutes – 12/22/2024
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting December 22, 2024
Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden via Zoom, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Bryan Hedrick, Glenda Morehead – Clerk, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.
Also Present: Linda Seeber.
Not Present: The Rev. Gavin Tomlin, – Curate, Eloise Frye, Elizabeth Jordan.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday December 22, 2024 in the West Parish Hall.
By general consent the meeting opened at 11:50 AM with prayer by the Rector who chaired the meeting.
Consideration of the Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of the November 24, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Bob Bess seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
Establishment of a New Temporarily Restricted Fund: Gary Wilkinson reported that the committee recommends the establishment of an Insurance Claims Proceeds and Expenditures Temporarily Restricted Fund to hold the funds received for recent damages to property and from which the funds would be disbursed. This would avoid the funds going into the General Fund and being used for general purposes. DJ Mitchell moved the establishment of the fund as described. Bob Bess seconded and the motion carried.
Investment Policy to Be Written: Bryan Hedrick, chair of the Endowment Committee, announced that the committee will be writing an Investment Policy Statement which will be brought to the vestry for approval. Other committee members are DJ Mitchell, Michael Yackira and the Rector.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Rick Schutz seconded the motion and the report was accepted.
COLA Approved for All Staff: The final vote on the budget for 2025 will not occur until the January 19 2025 vestry meeting. Rick Schutz moved that today the vestry approve a 2.50% cost of living increase in their wages for 2025. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Clergy Housing Allowances Adopted
DJ Mitchell moved the vestry adopt the following resolutions regarding clergy housing allowances:
Resolved that the sum of $42,000.00 to be paid to the Reverend Alan D. Bentrup as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, January 1 – December 31, 2025, out of his compensation for that period, be designated as a housing allowance excludable from gross income to the extent permitted by Section 107, Internal Revenue code and Income Tax Regulation thereunder.
Resolved that the sum of $2,500.00 to be paid to the Reverend Gavin Tomlin as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, January 1 – December 31, 2025, out of his compensation for that period, be designated as a housing allowance excludable from gross income to the extent permitted by Section 107, Internal Revenue code and Income Tax Regulation thereunder.
Bob Bess seconded the motion and the resolutions were adopted.
Junior Wardens’ Reports
The reports prepared by the Jr. Wardens are attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Jr. Wardens received a hearty round of applause for all their work this year. Schutz has met with HVAC and roofing contractors and received verbal bids only. He will inform them he must have firm bids in writing before January 19, 2025.
Senior Warden’s Report
The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes
Curate Report
The Rector reminded vestry members that January 5, 2025 the day on which we celebrate the Epiphany will be the Rev Gavin Tomlin’s last Sunday at St. Martin’s. A reception following the service will give everyone a chance to say farewell to Tomlin as he moves on to serve as Associate Rector at St Paul’s, Waco. His first Sunday at St. Paul’s will be February 2.
Rector’s Report
The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Vestry Meeting Schedule: The following are the dates of 2025 regular vestry meetings:
January 19
February 23
March 23
April 21 Monday via Zoom 7 PM
May 18
June 23 Monday via Zoom 7 PM
July – no meeting
August 24
September 21
October 19
November 23
December 21
January 19, 2026
Mission, Vision, Values Update: The implementation of the plan that was approved by the Vestry at the November meeting will require intense work. Michael Yackira has volunteered to assist the Rector to ensure the process goes smoothly.
Children’s Choir to Perform Monthly: The children’s choir will perform as a part of the 10:30 service every month. Both they and Mr. Bob enjoyed their preparation for and participation in Christmas and Epiphany services.
Master Plan Update
DJ Mitchell reported that he anticipates as many as three bids for work related to the office modifications to the small parish hall. He will have more complete information at the January 19 vestry meeting.
Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector at 12:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk