This October, St. Martin’s answered the call to provide socks and shoes for men getting a fresh start at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County (UGM). In addition to daily Bible study and chapel, adults participate in life skills and job training at UGM. Part of the program involves going on job interviews and starting new jobs. New or gently used shoes can really make a difference to men seeking to take the next step in becoming independent.
St. Martin’s teens helped count socks and prepared them to go to Union Gospel mission.

Youth gather to count socks

Youth gather to count socks.

Teens count socks and tally the total amount on their phones.

Teens count socks & tally the total.

Richard Seeber, a member of St. Martin’s outreach committee, shares:

Our sock drive brought in over 350 pairs of new socks. The people of St. Martin donated 46 pairs of shoes. With funds from the church and a $2000 grant from the diocese, we purchased 170 pairs of shoes. That means a total of 216 pairs of shoes are going directly to the men of UGM.

This drive echoes Proverbs 19:17:

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

In mid-November we made an early delivery of socks and shoes to UGM.

Our partial delivery of shoes & socks was  already changing lives at UGM.

Donations at church were gathered at our altar and blessed on November 22.
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The sock and shoe delivery to UGM was completed on November 23.

Shoes being loaded onto UGM truck

Union Gospel Mission picks up coats and shoes and food from St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Shoes and food being loaded onto UGM truck