Vestry Meeting – September 18, 2022
Present: Alan Bentrup, Jim McManic, Jen Duncan, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber, Mary Anderson, Melissa Kurkul, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz, Bob Bess, Joe Stark, Liza Goodner, Sue Mitchell, Gary Wilkinson
Absent: DJ Mitchell
Meeting called to order at 12:15pm
- The August minutes were presented. No changes were made. Rick made a motion to accept the minutes and Joe Stark seconded. Vestry voted and approved.
Christian Education – Liza Goodner
- Good News Garden update
- Scout Project – Picnic Tables
Finance Committee Report – Gary Wilkinson
- See attached report for details
- Some funds were moved from the temporary spending fund to the general fund.
Treasurers Report – Sue Mitchell
- See attached report
- Sue asked that the vestry vote to move funds from temporary to general fund. Money will be repaid.
- Keen Haynes made a motion to transfer funds and Rick Schulz seconded. Vestry voted and approved.
Senior Warden – Keen Haynes
- VPIC schedule
- Mentioned that 4 candidates are needed for vestry for 2023.
Jr Warden – Joe Stark, Rick Schulz
- Repairs and maintenance issues with sprinkler system
- Fire code violations
- AC unit issues
Alan Bentrup
- Discussed the involvement of the city to support the master plan for new building.
- Security Update:
- Adding a sign about no guns on the church property
- Changing the keys/locks per the dioceses
- Announced Christian Formation schedule
- Update on Attendance year to date
Adjourned at 2:00
Respectfully submitted – Mary Anderson