St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting June 17, 2024
For a pdf of financials, please click here
Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Shawn Casey, Bob Garrity, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan, Tina Morehead – Clerk pro tem, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.
Not Present: Gavin Tomlin – Curate, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Eloise Frye, Rebecca Haynes, Glenda Morehead – Clerk
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Monday June 17, 2024 at 7 PM via Zoom.
The meeting opened with prayer at 7:05 PM by the Rector who chaired the meeting.
Consideration of the Minutes
Rick Schulz moved the minutes of the May 19, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report
Notes from the Committee Meeting: St Martin’s cash position remains consistent, and we continue to bring in more donations with expenses continuing the previous downward trend. Junior Wardens have reviewed Building and Grounds budget against expenditures, and they expect that we should be able to stay within the approved budget through year end.
Update on the Annual Financial Review: Wilkinson reported that the Financial Review Committee met on June 8th. The report of the audit committee is on track to be completed for acceptance by the vestry at the August vestry meeting. The report must be forwarded to EDOT by September 1.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Rick Schulz seconded the motion and the report was accepted.
Junior Wardens’ Reports
The report prepared by Rick Schulz is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Broken Dumpster Gate update: Schulz reported that repairs to the gate surrounding the dumpster (broken by our waste management service – Colleyville Waste Management) are still outstanding pending review and finding a company that will warranty the repairs.
Ceiling and roof repairs in Parish Hall: Ceiling tile replacements are in scope of renovations; Seeber is to follow up with the Parish Administrator regarding insurance possibly paying for roof repairs. Mitchell stated that he has asked the contractor if roof repairs will fall under scope of renovation.
Wires in church room: Seeber is continuing the search for a contractor to hide wires of the video system in the church room as previously requested. So far no video contractors have offered bids as the job is too small.
Senior Warden’s Report
The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes
Rector’s Report
The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
2024 Lenten Outreach: RIP Medical is now called Undo Medical Debt. The $14 thousand donated through St. Martin eliminated 1.9 million in medical debt instead of only 1.4 – the association was able to assign us a higher multiplier to our funds raised. The Rector plans to read thank you notes received from people who were beneficiaries of our donations during upcoming services.
Nursery Fund Raiser: Nursery Director Rose Ackley has asked to be allowed to hold fund raisers to allow the nursery to buy enrichment items needed for the new expanded nursery spaces after renovations. The fund raisers will be Date Night babysitting. On designated Friday evenings parents can drop their children at the church nursery for a set duration (2 – 3 hours, to be determined); price of $10 per child to be tended by church’s regular babysitting team. She anticipates that babysitters will volunteer their time. All Safeguarding rules will apply; no non-members will be allowed to participate so that everything falls under St. Martin’s insurance coverage. DJ Mitchell moved that the fund raiser be approved and a temporarily restricted fund be set up for the proceeds, Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried.
As usual, there will be no regular vestry meeting in July. The Treasurer will request a special meeting be called if necessary.
DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Rick Schulz seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 7:50 PM
Respectfully submitted, Tina Morehead
Clerk Pro Tem