As clerk of the vestry I have been authorized by the interim rector and the senior warden to provide the following report of the recent vestry meeting. Full minutes of the meeting will be posted after their approval at the next regular vestry meeting. In the meantime if you have questions or want more information, contact any vestry member.
Bishop High met with the Vestry as is his custom any time he is at a church in the diocese. He was very pleased with the number of persons confirmed and when he learned of some who were unavailable to be confirmed today, offered to come back “any time, any day of the week.” He has already been contacted by people who have recommendations for rector of St. Martin. He emphasized that if parishioners have names to recommend, he needs to see them. Canon Waggoner will be working with the Search Committee.
So far the Profile Committee has received 83 surveys from parishioners. The surveys will be used to prepare the parish profile that will be given to candidates for rector. Jim Wilson, committee chair, will get the draft profile to Canon Waggoner by Thursday for her to share at the conference of deployment officers in May. Statistically speaking enough surveys have been returned to provide an accurate sampling. He is pleased with the range of ages and services attended, although more responses are needed from those under 18.
Karrie Marling, chair of the school board of St. Martin Preschool and Academy, reported that several members of the board attended the conference of the Association of Episcopal Schools on April 5. They had the opportunity to hear about some of the successful programs in other Episcopal schools and returned excited about new ideas. Marling said the response to the recent request to parish members for their help for the school was wonderful. Many volunteered to help; two people with special skills even volunteered to teach classes in their fields on a regular basis. The board remains firmly dedicated to the future and success of the school, as does the vestry.
Anika Barbarito, St. Martin’s new administrative assistant, is tackling her position with great enthusiasm. Jarvis Savage, who had accepted the position of financial manager, has developed cancer, will be having surgery and has had to resign. Talks are taking place with another person to fill that position.
A celebration for newcomers is planned for June 8. Something would be done during the 10:30 service to honor them with a potluck lunch to follow.
Ron Hitchcock and his labyrinth committee were authorized to create a labyrinth on the floor of the east parish hall.
The staff is looking into options for replacement of the rapidly deteriorating copy machine. No refrigerator has been donated for the office kitchen, so the junior warden is looking into the cost of replacing the unit with a new more energy efficient model.
Elizabeth Mason, chair of the Grow the Church Ministry, reported on plans for implementing this new ministry to attract outsiders. Aubrey Hardman, stewardship chair, has agreed to serve as co-chair of the ministry. Representation from every ministry of St. Martin will be sought.
Associate Rector Amy Haynie announced to the vestry that she will be leaving St. Martin when her current letter of agreement ends. Her last Sunday with us will be June 1. She is looking at 4 different opportunities at this time, 2 within this diocese. Since the transition to her new position will probably not be immediate, she looks forward to the opportunity to spend time during the summer with her two boys. A letter announcing her plans to the parish as a whole will go out no later than Friday as will an email announcement. She is grateful for the support and personal growth she has experienced at St. Martin.