Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

On Sunday, October 27, from 12-1:30 please join us for Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot!


Get in on the fun! Decorate the trunk of your vehicle and bring individually-wrapped candy and treats to hand out to all our trick-or-treaters! This is a totally free event, and registration is not required. (Please park behind the orange cones.)

Prizes will be awarded for most creative trunks and costumes. 


Costumes are encouraged for all ages! Kids are welcome to rove around the designated parking lot and trick-or-treat in a safe, fun, and alcohol-free environment.


We will have a pumpkin carving/decorating station. Please bring your own pumpkins and carving tools. We’ll have a limited supply available as well.


Hot dogs and chips, and water & lemonade will be provided in the large parish hall.


Contact Liza, Family Ministries Director with any questions at See you there!