Sundays at 9:30 – Luke 101
“December! Advent! It’s here! With Advent comes the new Lectionary year and that means we’re switching up which of the Gospels we use each Sunday. We just spent the last year with Mark, and this Lectionary Cycle, we’ll be in the Gospel of Luke. Luke is a fascinating, visceral book, full of healings and miracles, teachings and preachings, and stands as a truly stunning portrait of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Morning Formation for the month of December will focus on Luke’s Gospel: Week 1 we’ll look at the context of Luke; Week 2 we’ll talk about the structure of this Gospel, how it’s laid out; Week 3 we’ll talk about some of the overarching themes and elements seen in Luke; and Week 4 we’ll talk about some key takeaways we might use in interpreting the Gospel.
So, please join us! Sunday Mornings this December at 9:30 in the Large Parish Hall where Father Alan and Father Gavin will lead us in our Advent study of Luke’s Gospel!”