Vestry minutes – September 20, 2015 meeting

September 20, 2015
Present: Bob Bess, Charles Busey, Jack Bolerjack, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; the Rev Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Doug Watson, Treasurer.
Not present: Gregory Anderson.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, September 20, 2015, in the West Parish Hall.  The meeting opened at 1:03 pm with prayer by Senior Warden Bob Bess, who chaired the meeting.
Baird Presentation
Jim Hazel and George Gamez from the Robert W. Baird & Co. investment firm gave a presentation in their first visit with the vestry. Following a get acquainted time they and vestry members exchanged plans for future meetings, expectations and goals for the relationship. The Baird representatives emphasized that they will ask for an investment of time not only in vestry meetings but later on also with the congregation as a whole. They plan to come back to the October 18, 2015, meeting and will need approximately 45 minutes at that time. They are both available any time there are questions.
Minutes Approved
DJ Mitchell moved the August 16, 2015, and August 23, 2015, minutes be approved as distributed. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion and both minutes were approved.
2014 Audit Committee Report
By canon the vestry is required to accept the report of the Audit Committee before the report is forwarded to the diocese. Elizabeth Mason moved the vestry accept the 2014 Audit Report. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion and the report was accepted. The rector will forward the report to the diocesan office and the diocesan treasurer.
Financial Considerations
August Financials: The August financials must be re-examined before they can be accepted by the vestry. Acceptance of the August financials will be considered at the regular October meeting.
Garden Guild (Scrip Program) Checking Account Closed: The Audit Committee has instructed that the Garden Guild checking account must be closed and all assets of the scrip program shown on the church’s financials. DJ Mitchell moved the Garden Guild checking account be closed. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Stewardship Report
Gil Kleinwechter, chair of the committee, stated that the first weekend in October will be the start of the fall pledge campaign based on Reaching Out – a show of hands. He reiterated plans to use visuals in all ways possible. Different individuals will speak every week. Pledge cards will be blessed at the 10:30 am service on November 1, and lunch will follow that service.
Written Reports Approved
DJ Mitchell moved the written reports of the Youth Ministry, the Communications Committee and Memorial Garden be accepted as distributed. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion and the reports were approved.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector announced that 72 students are new enrolled. An additional employee, Brenda Newton, has been hired.
Diocesan Information
Diocesan Convention: Vestry members were reminded of diocesan convention November 13 – 14, 2015. The cost to register is currently $30 and will go up to $45 as of October 2. St. Martin’s will pay the registration fee for clergy, delegates and alternates who will be attending.
Safeguarding Policy: The diocesan safeguarding policy is now being reviewed, and changes in the policy may be coming after the first of the year.
Diocesan Grant: St. Martin’s has received a grant of $5,000.00 for the following: $2,000.00 for the Walk a Mile in My Shoes program and $3,000.00 to go for the Service Sunday program.
Welcome Mats
The rector announced that the new rubber welcome mats at all doors were a gift to St. Martin’s from the jr. wardens – Gregory Anderson and Charles Busey
Junior Wardens’ Report
Jr. Warden Charles Busey reported the following:
Fire Inspection:  St. Martin’s passed the most recent fire inspection.
Lawn Mowing: Evaluation of the status of the mowers showed that none need replacement at this time and regular maintenance will be done.
Gutters: He cleaned out all gutters recently. Cleaning of the gutters is a difficult job, and must be done frequently.
Tree Trimming: The trees on the campus will be trimmed shortly.
Overflow Solutions: He is still researching emergency water overflow solutions and will report at a later date.
Senior Warden’s Report
Newcomer Party: Senior Warden Bob Bess reported on last evening’s Newcomers Party. 68 people attended the wonderful party and all present enjoyed the evening. He spoke with two families who came to St. Martin’s Church because they have children in our school.
Ideal Impact Energy Management Proposal: For information purposes only he shared copies of the Analysis Stage Letter of Interest that will be signed with Ideal Impact, Inc. to perform an analysis stage energy audit of St. Martin’s, with no financial obligation on the part of the church. Since there is no cost involved, no action is needed from the vestry.
Rector’s Report
Appointment of School Board Chair, Secretary and PTO President and Church Librarian: The rector has appointed Gary Wilkinson chair of St. Martin’s School Board and Heather Russell as school board secretary and PTO president. He has also appointed Claire Abraham as St. Martin’s librarian.
Special Collection for Refugees Approved
Diocesan Bishop Scott Mayer has requested that every congregation in the diocese have a special collection for refugees. Cyndy Sulots moved the vestry authorize a special collection for refugees. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the collection was approved.
Resolution regarding Baird Investment Firm
DJ Mitchell moved the vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church adopt a resolution authorizing Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated to open an account and manage St. Martin’s Capital Fund with the following three persons authorized to authorize any changes on the account: Senior Warden Robert Bess, Treasurer Douglas Watson and Investment Committee Chair DJ Mitchell. Baird shall obtain authorization from at least two of these persons before making any changes.  Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion, and the resolution was adopted.
Daughters of the King: St. Martin’s chapter of Daughters of the King investiture will take place next weekend.
January 2016 Meetings:  The rector announced there will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on January 16, 2016, to finalize the budget for the year, and a called vestry meeting on January 17, 2016, to adopt a final budget before its presentation to the congregation at the Annual Meeting 2016.
Meeting Adjournment
Jim Wilson moved that the meeting be adjourned. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned with prayer by Gil Kleinwechter at 3:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Next regular vestry meeting October 18, 2015 12:30 pm east parish hall.
lunch – Annette Duff
ending prayer – charles busey

Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report September 2015

Service Sundays Stats (Lunches Made/Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County):
July-100, August-100, September-TBA
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
A Few Highlights:

  • Weekly Wednesday night meetings begin on September 16 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm with a brainstorming session to form the best possible weeknight program for teens.
  • Teens will continue to meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
  • Service Sunday is continuing to bring in more folks to help this intergenerational ministry. We just added new drivers to our program in August.

Sunday school
Sunday school started with 63 children, teens and adult volunteers on the first Sunday. Our teen class is growing. Over 20 teens came on the first Sunday school session. We are moving to the blue hall on Sundays from 10:30 am – 11:15 am.
A youth group for 3rd – 5th graders, modeled after EYC, is in the planning stages. Look for more information this fall! Liza Goodner is taking the lead with this program.
Drive-thru Pet Blessings on October 3
In addition to the St. Francis Pet Blessing worship service at 5 pm on Saturday, October 3, we will offer a drive-thru pet blessing option following the service, hosted by the youth of St. Martin’s at 6 pm. We’ll invite everyone who happens to drive by to stop for a short prayer, St. Francis medal and information about our church.
Monthly Giving Campaigns for fall
On September 20, we wrap up a successful back to school drive for Union Gospel Mission, providing over 400 flash drives and folders for the 48 children and teens living at UGM.
October 4-29
We will collect white socks for adult men at UGM in October. This drive will run at the same time with the outreach shoe drive.
October 24-December 6
Currently, there are 48 children and teens living at UGM and those numbers will expand with the new wing opening in October that will allow UGM to minister to many more children and families.  A Christmas toy drive (in lieu of Angel Tree) targeted at infant-elementary aged children (0-10 years) will provide toys for the outdoor play area, intake room and give homeless children some Christmas cheer. This drive will kick off at the Festival in the Fields on October 24 with a booth featuring our special guest, Lezlee Kinney, UGM volunteer coordinator. EYC will help with the booth and offer Christmas wish list information and a drop off area for new toys.
Chaplain’s Corner
We’ve started a great year at St. Martin’s Episcopal school. On September 9 we welcomed 20 grandparents and “grand friends” to the first Grandparent’s Day chapel service at St. Martin’s. On September 29 we will have the 4th annual Blessing of the Stuffed Animal chapel service. Chapel services are held in the sanctuary from 9:15 am – 9:45 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and all are welcome to come worship with a short liturgy, songs, prayers and homily.  Our services are sprinkled with lots of fun, Godly Play stories, special events and guests throughout the year.
Blessings–Corrie Cabes

Memorial Garden Report

Two notes on the Memorial Garden:

  1. All-weather containers have been ordered for the garden guidelines. The containers will be mounted on the signs that are already in the garden allowing people easy access to the guidelines at all times.
  1. Phase I of the landscape project takes place on September 18 and 19. The plants that are suitable for fall planting have been purchased, and will be set in place in the shady end of the garden during the week.  The volunteers are set to come in on Friday and Saturday, the 18th and 19th, to do the planting.  In the spring, we will add the rest of the plants as well as planting the sunnier part of the garden

Communications Committee report to the Vestry – September 2015

The committee met on September 13 and will meet again on October 11. Those in attendance were: the Rev. Scot McComas, Annette Duff, Susan and Gil Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney, Mary Beth Butler, Linda and Carl Snow.
Signs:  Scot to discuss the large education building sign that still says Preschool with Gregory and Charles; plan was to have Preschool painted over to say School. Susan will complete the layout of playground rules, and Gregory will then complete the vector art and have the signs printed. The verbiage was approved at the last meeting.
School Website: Committee members had reviewed school development website navigation menus, sidebars, headers, footers, and words; this development work was done by Susan and Annette. No further comments at our meeting on September 13. Some small navigation changes were made from the live school site, with the goal to funnel prospective parents more toward exploring preschool vs kindergarten, and toward enrollment.  Next task: adding photos, possible different page accent color for each age group, and after that another brief review. Website will go live by the end of October. Another task for Susan.
Church Website:  A link was added to the website About menu to add a link to the existing church history page; the history page had previously been accessed from the welcome page.  This small change improves access to church history information now that the project is gaining momentum and attention. Church website will eventually have same theme as school website; school site had greater need. Still under construction by Susan.
Stewardship campaign messages and visuals: Gil presented a stewardship campaign status sign that would portray the theme, which is “Reach out.” The sign will display the stewardship goal as a vertical arm and show the progress as a horizontal hand. The hand will be magnetic and easily moveable. Fr. Scott will advance the hand at every weekend service. Gil will proceed with completion. Anika has the graphic to complete the commitment card, and Susan, who found and tailored it, has it for the web.
Newcomer Bags: Decision was made to purchase 500 plastic double wall tumblers with the words “God loves you. No exceptions.” and our church logo. The expenditure will be presented to the vestry for next year’s budget. These will be given to newcomers and those making pledges for the year. We may sell some to others in the parish. The tumblers will be blue with white imprint.
Respectfully submitted,
Carl Snow,  chair, Communications Committee