September 20, 2014
Present: Bob Bess, Bob Blomstrom, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Not present: Diana Panther, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Saturday, September 20, 2014, at 3:00 PM in the home of Gil and Susan Kleinwechter. The meeting followed the Vestry retreat in the same location.
Minutes of the August 17, 2014, meeting were approved as distributed.
Children and Youth Minister/ School Chaplain Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, CYM, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reiterated the information previously given regarding the upcoming convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. The Bishop of the Diocese of Texas will be the keynote speaker. Once again he encouraged all Vestry members to plan to attend.
Committee for Church Growth
Elizabeth Mason, chair, announced the introductory Town Hall scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled. There were only 8 responses from the numerous emails sent asking ministry heads to attend. There seems to be some confusion on the purpose of the committee. The Senior Warden and committee chair will revise the handout to clarify its purpose. The group will meet to determine how to proceed in the future.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented in writing only. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Interim Rector’s Report
Ayo Omoniyi and the Discernment Process: Ayo Omoniyi spoke to the Vestry to tell of his progress in response to a calling to the permanent (vocational) diaconate. He went through the discernment process in Diocese of West Texas. He began his studies with 3 years at Texas Tech but was unable to complete his degree due to illness. He desires to continue his journey toward ordination and has met with Bishop High who has recommended he study at Iona School in the Diocese of Texas. The Interim Rector will appoint a discernment committee who will meet with Omoniyi and report back to the Vestry with their decision regarding his continuing his journey.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School Update: The school was recently inspected by the licensing authority and was cited for 10 minor items, all of which have been corrected.
New Ministry to Veterans and Their Families: A new ministry to veterans and their families is beginning at St. Martin. The goal of the ministry is to assist veterans and their families who are dealing with problems as a result of their service – both those within the congregation and those in our community. Child care will be provided for all sessions. A brain training workshop will be done in connection beginning on October 11. Other veterans in the congregation will be encouraged to become involved to provide support.
Senior Warden’s Report
Playground Changes Voted: The school director has received a proposal from a vendor for improvements to the playground, including vendor installation. DJ Mitchell moved the Senior Warden be authorized to meet with the school and advise them the Vestry has voted to purchase whatever is necessary to improve the playground and whatever else is needed to bring it up to code. The motion was seconded and carried.
Staff Addition Proposed by the Canon: Canon Janet Waggoner has proposed that St. Martin-in-the-Fields add Slaven Manning to a temporary parish staff position. Bob Blomstrom moved the Vestry authorize the Senior Warden to decline the Canon’s proposal. The motion was seconded and carried.
Transition Committee To Be Appointed
The Interim Rector and Senior Warden will meet and select those who will be asked to form the Transition Committee. The Senior Warden will then appoint the committee.
2013 Audit Accepted
The Vestry received the report of the audit committee who reviewed the 2013 financial records of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry accept the audit for forwarding to the diocese. The motion was seconded and carried.
The Vestry joined in thanking the Kleinwechters for their hospitality for the day.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM with prayer by Joe Panther.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report
September 2014
Wednesday Nights
Jr.’s Adventures Bible study has been so much fun! The kids are learning about the principles of ownership and how God fits into the picture. Through interactive outdoor games, cooking and stories, children are learning to lead a God-centered generous life.
Second Sundays Stats (Lunches Made /Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County)
July 2014-84 Sack Lunches
August 2014-91 Sack Lunches
September 2014-100 Sack Lunches
This intergenerational outreach work will expand in the colder months with each lunch containing nutritious food and a pair of adult socks. A sock drive will start in October.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
EYC will continue to meet on every second Sunday and fourth Sunday for service, faith and fellowship. One highlight to share includes preparation for Advent. The teens will take on a project of creating large reproductions of the Advent cards used in the Advent Godly Play stories.
Picture this story retold in 8 ft. tall foam board!
Sunday School Theme and Curriculum-It’s All About Servant Leaders!
Sunday school kicked off with Fun Faith Field Day on September 14.A super-hero sized blessing started the festivities that day with Sunday school volunteers sporting superhero t-shirts , costumes and capes. Over 50 children, teens and volunteers joined in a field day with themes from Genesis. Reveling in the cooler weather, the children enjoyed an interactive retelling of the Creation story. It was fun to hear the kids hollering “and God said it was good!” after each day of Creation was read. Playing games with oversized hand-painted world discs, children played “He’s got the Whole World in His Hands” relay and “Creation Kickball.” After cooling off with water bottles and popsicles, the children joined the congregation with an outdoor Eucharist.
Children will have service opportunities at the beginning of each Sunday school morning, with stations where children can create prayer shawls, cards and decorate lunch sacks for Union Gospel Mission. Younger children will experience a brief chapel time with biblical teachings that tie into God’s desire for us to love and serve one another. Older children will brainstorm a Fall outreach project to be worked on during Sunday school.
Did You Know?
The children will experience stories from the Old Testament and New Testament, moving through the entire Bible in three years with the FaithweaverNOW curriculum. New Godly Play stories are being told this year as well. The Bible is alive at St. Martin’s in Sunday school for children and teens. In addition, the Nicene Creed will be broken down into meaningful chunks and explained to the children during Sunday school.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Chaplain Minute
The “Shell” curriculum, created especially for preschoolers, comes from Virginia Theological Seminary. The students are enjoying each day of the Creation story in the month of September! Godly Play stories are being told to the students as well, with time to wonder and chat about together. Children play instruments and learn short prayers and creeds. Special guests will make appearances such as “St. Nicholas” and “St. Martin.”
Corrie Cabes