Vestry minutes – September 18, 2016 meeting

September 18, 2016
Present: Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, Courtney Mullaney, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson: Scot McComas, Rector; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Ike Ogbue, Cyndy Sulots; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 12:35 PM in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector. In the absence of the clerk, Joel Walker acted as clerk pro tem for the meeting.
Consideration of Minutes
Jim Bedell moved the minutes of the August 21, 2016 meeting be approved as distributed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports and his notes on them. (See attached.) He stated that at the current rate there will be a possible shortfall of as much as $20,000.00 by end of 2016.  Kathy Wilkinson moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Scrip Program Phase-Out: Vestry members were reminded of the analysis of the Scrip Program by the Auditing Committee which showed that an inventory of $10,000.00 produces an annual income for St. Martin’s of only $660.00, which the committee determined was not financially productive, considering the intensive work necessary from a volunteer staff. The Auditing Committee recommends purchase of no more scrip and phasing out the program over the coming months. The rector and Patricia Pannell, Director of the Scrip Program, have consulted on the matter. The recommendation of the Auditing Committee will be followed. The expectation is that the scrip program will end by year end.
Planned Giving Presentation: DJ Mitchell and Gil Kleinwechter gave information on a planned giving program for St. Martin’s. Although setting up such a program is work intensive, the benefits for the church would extend far into the future. More details will be provided later.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector reported that current enrollment at the school is 72 students. The student tracking computer program that the school has been using for many years is outdated. There are other programs that are specifically created for use by schools; research is being done as to the cost and feasibility of such a program for St. Martin’s School.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that the diocese will be reinstituting the Risk Audit program at the request of the Church Insurance Corporation. Some details of the process were presented to the standing committee at their meeting.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Roof Inspection Update: Jr. Warden Busey reported that the roof is being inspected and the cause of some of the leaks has been determined. More information will be presented as it becomes available.
Water Bills: The review of water bills from both Southlake and Keller continue to ensure there is no double billing. Investigation is also being done as to outdoor water usage on campus.
New Dishwasher: There is now a new dishwasher in the office kitchen thanks to Constance Smith of Fever United.
Senior Warden’s Report
Soccer Field Damage: Senior Warden Kleinwechter stated that discussion is ongoing with Fever United about the vandalism to the soccer fields. Both Fever and the church want to find a resolution to what appears to be a problem caused by unknown persons driving on the fields after heavy rains.
Damage to Electronic Equipment: Many pieces of electronic equipment of both the church and school were damaged by recent lightening strikes which apparently entered through the Verizon lines. Some repairs have been done, others are pending.
Gymnasium: Senior Warden Kleinwechter reported that Constance Smith, director of Fever United, continues to talk to potential donors for a gymnasium. A meeting with Smith to discuss some concerns from the donors will take place next week.
Rector’s Report
Diocesan Delegate Appointed: The rector announced that he has appointed alternate delegate Mary Beth Butler to serve as diocesan delegate in the place vacated by Gregory Anderson’s resignation. He thanked Anderson for his previous service and Butler for taking on such an important role for St. Martin’s.
Vote to Change Signers on St. Martin’s accounts with Liberty Bank
Jim Bedell moved the vestry approve the removal of the following individuals as authorized signers on the financial accounts of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church held with Liberty Bank:
Phyllis Bess             Diana Panther
Flo Lowrey               Helen Simpson
Sue Mitchell             Douglas Watson
And the addition of the following as authorized signers on Liberty Bank accounts:
Kerry Angle              DJ Mitchell
Jean Freitag            Jeniffer Varley.
The account numbers of such accounts with the persons authorized as the signers on each are to be listed in the authorization letter written to Liberty Bank.
Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
Stop Hunger Now – September 24
Newcomers Party – October 1, 6 PM
Festival in the Fields – October 15, 11 AM – 3 PM
Ministry Liaison Reports – October 16
Ordination of Lisa Nielson as Priest – October 22, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, College Station
Now What – Buildings for a New Tomorrow – October 28
Honoring Military and Spouses – November 12 and 13, all services
Adjournment and Closing Prayer
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM with prayer by Jim Bedell.
Respectfully submitted,
Joel Walker
Clerk, pro tem