October 21, 2012
Absence notified: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Aubrey Hardman, Brian West.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 21, 2012, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector. Minutes of the September 16, 2012, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
Corrie Cabes, Director of CE, was not available, but her written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that on Tuesday at 7 PM, at St Elizabeth in northwest Fort Worth Cyndy Riker will be ordained to the transitional deaconate. On Saturday at 10 AM at St. Alban’s, Arlington, two deacons will be priested – Heather O’Brien and Doyle Diets-Allen. Joy Malmgren reported that the next meeting of the Eastern Deanery is tomorrow night.
Linda Seeber reported on the wrap-up meeting of the Committee on behalf of Dick Seeber, chair. The email that forms the notes on the meeting is attached and made a part of these minutes. The Festival cleared approximately $1000.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren, chair of the Committee, reported the following:
The daughter of Elizabeth Mason provides Christmas gifts for children at her school. She will be providing 50 names for St. Martin’s Angel Tree.
She announced the following plans:
She is looking at bringing in a truck for St. Martin’s Day for parishioners to fill with household goods for Community Storehouse. She will ask in the bulletin for donations for the Storehouse for Thanksgiving. She will pursue getting lists of needs from our partnered school. She got a discount card for St-Martin-in-the-Fields from the Mattel Outlet. Mattel will give a discount to anyone who brings in a bulletin or other proof of their connection to St. Martin.
In the absence of Bob Bess, chair, Glenda Morehead provided the following update:
Prior to today 10 pledge cards had been turned in. Bess had been hoping that after services today the total would have reached 20. Vestry members applauded when she announced the actual number received prior to today’s Vestry meeting is 30.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Jami Taylor moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Parochial Associate Report
The Parochial Associate announced that next Saturday will be a busy one, starting with the ordinations at St. Alban’s at 10 AM. Acolyte practice for Henry Penner’s ordination will be at 12:30 PM at St-Martin-in-the-Fields, and the Sandy Bess memorial service will take place at 3 PM. The Parochial Associate’s presentation at Diocesan Convention will begin at 5 PM Friday evening. The Diocese will pay for dinner for 15 of the people who will be coming that evening to Henry Penner’s ordination to the vocational deaconate. The liturgy bulletins for the ordination will be done at St. Martin’s and the Diocese will reimburse the church.
She reported that the 11:15 Thursday Holy Eucharist is going well and they continue to explore a variety of liturgies. There were 20 participants in the Blessing of the Animals.
On December 20 the Parochial Associate and Annette Mayer will be doing a Blue Christmas for those for whom Christmas is a difficult time.
Next Sunday will be the planning meeting for the church calendar Advent through Epiphany. The event for youth of our Province will be held July 8-14, 2013, at the University of Dallas. Participants will stay in the dorms there, and each day go to the work sites of their choice. Time will be provided for fun events, also. 200 kids are expected.
Rector’s Report
Security of Property Committee: The Rector announced that Pat Hollifield will chair the Security of Property Committee which will determine the best option for protection for all St. Martin buildings, property and contents. Hollifield will report on the committee findings at the next regular meeting.
Ordination of Jordan Haynie: Bishop High will ordain Jordan Haynie to the transitional deaconate at 7 PM, December 21 at St-Martin-in-the-Fields.
Bishop’s Official Visit: He has requested May 5, 2013, for the official visit of the Bishop to confirm those who will be ready.
Henry Penner Benevolence Fund: A bucket will be set out at Diocesan Convention Friday night and Saturday morning for donations to Henry Penner’s benevolence fund. Becky Snell and a person representing the diocese will count the money received, and Snell will bring the money back to be put into the Deacon’s Benevolence Fund. A small reception for Penner will be held after the 10:30 service on November 4. Penner will function as a deacon at the altar after November 4.
Gifts to Deacons: The Rector would like to provide Jordan Haynie with an alb and cincture for her ordination gift to the transitional deaconate. Cost would be $130 – $140. Sense of the Vestry is that the gift to Haynie and the gift to Henry Penner for his ordination will be from the Vestry members. The Treasurer will bring cost of the gifts to the November meeting, and the Vestry will split it.
Senior Warden’s Report
Carpet for Offices: The Senior Warden reminded Vestry members of the poor condition of the carpet in the offices of the Parochial Associate and the Parish Administrator. Carpet in both areas needs to be replaced. Linda Seeber is getting price estimates for carpeting them. The cost will be a capital expense and taken from the Capital Fund.
Saturday Service Nursery: The Senior Warden reported that the Finance Committee has analyzed nursery costs for the 5 PM Saturday service. In the past 18 months coverage of the nursery for that service has cost a total of $1638. During that time only 2 children stayed in the nursery during the service – the children of a Vestry member when he was VPiC. After discussion and suggestions of solutions, Joe Panther moved the Vestry adopt the following policy change:
To suspend the nursery for the 5 PM Saturday service with the provision that a nursery will be scheduled for the 5 PM Saturday service at the discretion of the clergy.
The motion was passed with no dissenting votes.
Letter of Agreement with the Rector: The Senior Warden reported that the letter of agreement was approved by 10 Vestry members in email commiunications. The letter has been signed by the Bishop, the Rector and the Senior Warden. One signed copy is filed with the Diocese, one copy with the Rector, and the original is on file in the secure files of St. Martin.
Parish Bylaws: The Senior Warden stated that the Diocese wants every parish to have bylaws governing their policies. Kathleen Wells, Chancellor of the Diocese, has a model. He will get one from Wells, get it to the Rector and they will determine how to proceed.
The meeting adjourned at 2 PM with prayer by Joe Panther.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Vestry Report for the Month of October
Christian Ed. Highlights-
WNL—Kicked off Oct. 3—Great Success! Avg 45-50 people in attendance weekly. -Dinner and classes for adults, kids and teens.
-Teens have led compline and music at the end of each WNL. I appreciate the Vestry agreeing to cook for the last WNL. It has been wonderful to see Vestry members supporting me weekly with attending WNL and I look forward to finishing Fall WNL with my Vestry Chefs!
Twice Weekly Chapel– It’s been great to be a part of the “Chapel Team” for the Preschool Academy with Fr. Jim and Mother Amy. We’ve included even the youngest classes for Chapel. Recently we had a stuffed animal blessing for St. Francis day. Each week we hold Chapel services for 70-80 children.
Adult Sunday School began Oct.14th! 9:45am-10:15am in the Library with Annette Mayer. This class is based on the weekly revised common lectionary!
-Lots of interest about this new offering!
Let’s Build Community! Trunk or Treat!! Sunday, Oct. 28th
Petrifying Parking Lot Coffee Hour—Looking for participants to bring decorated cars and hand out candy out of their car trunks. Costumes strongly encouraged!!! -Bounce Houses! Trunk or Treating! What fun!
Christian Education Report
November 2012 Vestry
Christian Education News:
We have lots of exciting events going on in Christian Education! Wrap Up of Fall Events—WNL was a great success with 40-50 people participating for 6 weeks. It was a great time to gather around a good meal, classes for all and EYC-led compline. Thanks go especially to Becky Snell and the Vestry for a GRAND FINALE of grillin’ and cookin’ and cleanin’ up after WNL!
Advent Festival Dec. 2nd
–hot cocoa, caroling, cookies, “green” an advent wreath, decorate an ornament and create a manger scene (crèche’).
I am seeking favorite family cookie recipes for this event. Looking for the Vestry and parish family to bake cookies and give out copies of the recipes to share with everyone. Please email me if you can do this!
St. Nicholas Chapel Service, Dec. 9th
St. Nicholas will make a guest appearance at the Preschool and Academy for a very special Chapel Service. Children’s shoes will line the halls and await goodies to be delivered by St. Nick! Preschool Chapel is held bi-weekly with music, liturgy and I am proud to say that the children have memorized the Lord’s Prayer! This is an amazing outreach ministry to the over 80 children and families enrolled in the preschool. Drop in Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30am in the sanctuary and join in the fun!
Elves Feast Dec.24th
After the 5pm Family Service-
This fun event features goodies and a visit from good ole’ St. Nick!
Epiphany Pageant Jan 6th
Under the direction of Patricia Pannell, the story of Christ’s birth is brought to life with all the children of St. Martin’s participating!
Questions/comments? Contact Corrie Cabes