October 20, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: The Rev Amy Haynie, Associate Rector;
Absent: Gary Grant.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 20, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Interim Rector.
Discussion by members of the parts of the prayer that were most meaningful to them was followed by their reading the prayer in unison.
Minutes of the September 15, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, CE Director, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Communication Committee Report
Susan Kleinwechter reported that in the future a different email setup will be used for emails from persons sending out emails on behalf of the church. She went over some of the ways in which those emails will be different (see her attached report). She asked that a vote of the Vestry be taken to allow or disallow forwarding of church-related emails to personal email accounts in the future. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry vote to not auto-forward in the future. The motion was seconded and carried.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that the diocesan Commission on Ministry will meet on Friday. One new person is to be interviewed by the COM in December. The annual diocesan convention will be held November 8 and 9 in Wichita Falls.
Aubrey Hardman, committee chair, reported that so far $105,000 has been pledged by 26 households. It is estimated that St. Martin has about 217 active households. 4 additional pledges were received today. Information on stewardship is now being included in the bulletin and the Bible studies are going well.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Joel Walker moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Interim Rector’s Report
The Rev Mike Wallens stated it is a real joy to be at St. Martin’s. He is grateful for the support of the Vestry and the staff. He listed several subjects he has seen that need consideration:
He reminded the Vestry that they are currently the school board for St. Martin’s Academy. It is very important that the School Board meetings be separate from Vestry meetings. He suggested Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening for meetings of the School Board. Vestry consensus is that Tuesday is the best day. The Interim Rector will check with Catherine and the first meeting of the School Board will be Tuesday, October 29 or November 1 at 7 PM.
The current phone system does not allow for inter office communication. The possibility of changing the phone system is being investigated.
He has requested and the cleaning service has agreed to start cleaning on Sundays to ensure the buildings are ready for use on Monday.
Policies need to be put in place for gifts to St-Martin-in-the-Fields. DJ Mitchell volunteered to do the preliminary work on gift policies.
Policies also need to be on record for weddings, funerals and building use.
Starting in November a Parish Council – made up of the heads of all organizations and ministries – will begin meeting on a regular basis to ensure that all are aware of the work of the others.
Diocesan meetings will be held February 9-11 on transformation and change to take place in Frisco and May 2-4 on formation at Camp Allen. Teams need to be put together to attend these gatherings.
Our Bishop will visit on November 17 – the Feast of St. Martin. He will meet with all interested parishioners between the Sunday services that day to answer questions and listen to concerns.
A Vestry retreat will be planned for January or February. Between now and then the Mission, Vision, and Values statements will be determined and from those will come the parish profile.
He stated that previous experience has shown a successful search for a new rector needs to begin before Lent or be delayed until after the start of fall activities. Because of the work that needs to be done before a search starts, that means that the search for a new rector for St. Martin can begin no sooner than fall. He announced that an interim rector needs to leave 4 to 6 weeks before the new rector comes.
Associate Rector’s Report
The written report of the Associate Rector is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden reported that the insurance adjustor came to assess the roof of the education building. His initial assessment is there is not enough damage to warrant a new roof. A structural engineer was planning to come to analyze the cause of water damage, but a convenient time could not be found. If the engineer and the church do not agree on the determination, arbitration would be required.
Nominating Committee Announced
The Senior Warden announced that Steve Anderson, Linda Seeber and Becky Snell will serve as members of the nominating committee for Vestry and delegates nominees for election at the Annual Parish Meeting 2014. Anderson will chair the committee. In recent years the 3 most recent senior wardens have been invited to serve on the committee also. The committee is charged with determining the slate of nominees by the November Vestry meeting.
Associate Rector Housing Allowance Resolution
Jim Wilson moved the adoption of the following resolution:
Whereas the Reverend Amy Haynie, an ordained minister, is employed to serve St.-Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church as an Assistant Clergy; and
Whereas St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church does not provide a residence for its appointed ministers:
It is hereby resolved that the compensation to be paid to the Rev. Amy Haynie for the calendar year 2013, and subsequent years unless amended, shall include an annual payment of $48,000.00, which is designated as housing allowance, within the meaning of the term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
The motion was seconded and carried.
Mitchell Report on Capital Funds Research
DJ Mitchell reported on his findings in regard to the history and designation of the Capital Funds. The resulting resolution he prepared was distributed to Vestry members prior to this meeting for their consideration. Said resolution is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Joel Walker moved the resolution be adopted as written. The motion was seconded and carried.
Offer by the Soccer People
The people of the soccer league that uses our field have worked on the playground and landscaping as a service project and want to do more volunteering for St. Martin. They currently plan to paint the hall in the office area. The Green Teams are presently responsible for mowing the closer areas of our property, and the Jr Warden plans to ask the soccer people to make this mowing one of their service projects. City of Southlake has ceased watering the soccer field. The soccer people have offered to take over responsibility for the watering if an agreement can be reached. The Senior Warden passed around the agreement he plans to sign with the soccer people as soon as the details are ironed out. The proposed agreement states they will have use of the field for a consideration of $500 plus documented volunteer hours.
The diocese is looking at realigning the deaneries. Discussion and realigning the deaneries may occur at the Executive Council meeting on December 7, 2013.
The Senior Warden remarked that recently St. Alban’s did an evaluation and found that most people in Arlington didn’t know they exist. They have no “local identity.” St. Martin must ensure that is never the case for our parish.
The Interim Rector announced that he offered the invocation at the October Keller Council meeting.
Joe Panther reported that Boy Scout troop 937 is considering asking for permission to hold a fundraiser in the St. Martin parking lot next March.
The meeting adjourned at 3:18 PM with prayer by Pat Hollifield.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, November 17, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Christian Education Report
October 2013
Sunday School Update: We have enjoyed the breath of fresh air that the Intergenerational Bible Study has brought to the parish. Each week we have learned new things about each other and it has been great to look towards the future. I’d like to offer thanks to Fr. Mike Wallens for facilitating this bible study and to my wonderful Sunday school volunteers for their help. The highlight of each Sunday morning was seeing Joel and Carol-Lynn Walker set up a breakfast for the parish and many thanks goes to the Walkers for their generosity.
In November, Sunday school resumes the chosen curriculum (Godly Play, re:form and RefLectionary) for youth and children in the east parish hall between the 8:00am and 10:30am service. Sunday school will be held from 9:30am-10:15am. Adult Education will be held in the west parish hall from 9:30am-10:15am, with a morning gathering time starting at 9:15am with coffee and conversation.
Wednesday Study: The Heart of Christianity by Marcus J. Borg wraps up on Wednesday, October 23rd. The next book for this group will be Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Official Prayers by Annie Lamott.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: A Wednesday night bible study is in full swing! Each Wednesday night, everyone is invited to the Education building for coffee, dessert and great discussion from 7:00pm-8:00pm.
This class will also offer childcare.
All Hallow’s Eve: An All Hallow’s Eve service will be held on Saturday, October 26th at 5pm. We will celebrate God’s victory over evil and learn about the history of Halloween. Following the service, we will gather in the east parish hall for a Spooky Kooky evening with tricks and treats and more! Candy donations are graciously accepted in the narthex and the parish is encouraged to dress in their spooky best and hand out candy, gobble “soul cakes” and have a grand time!
In His Service,
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education
Associate Rector’s Report
Vestry Report – October 2013
Since we met last, I have been on the road a lot. The Spiritual Retreat in Massachusetts was wonderful for my soul. The silence was very healing and the quiet allowed me to reflect on the last year with all of its busy-ness. This was my first real retreat since my ordination and it was sorely needed.
The Episcopal Business Administrator’s Conference was the complete opposite. New York City is not the place to be when the United Nations is meeting. One of the groups was staying in the same hotel so bomb-sniffing dogs and secret service men greeted us every time we ventured to the lobby. I learned a great deal there, mostly about the Church Pension Group and all of its workings. There were a few very practical tips that I will introduce to y’all later- once things slow down a bit.
Last week, Corrie and I met with the diocesan youth workers from Province 7 in Houston at the Diocese of Texas offices. We learned a lot of great information that we will put to use right away here at SMitF. We also learned the most up-to-date information on the Episcopal Youth Event that will be held at Villanova, July 9-13, 2014. In 2011, SMitF sent several youth and I expect we will again.
Today I am travelling to the clergy conference of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas with other colleagues from Ft Worth. If you remember, I went last year and found it to be a very valuable event for building collegiality and poaching good ideas. I pledge to do the same this year.
I am hopeful that all of this time away has given Mike a chance to settle in without my interference in his pastoral relationship building with the staff and parishioners. I believe he and I are working well together, learning each other’s strengths and shortfalls so that we can serve God effectively at SMitF.
This next weekend, Martha Spong will be the guest preacher. She is a United Universalist pastor and president of RevGalBlogPals. She will be leading a continuing education class on the SMitF campus Friday & Saturday (10/25-26) and offered to preach on Sunday as a gift to us. She is related to Bishop Spong as a cousin of some sort, but I’m sure she will tell you all about that. She said it’s always the first question she gets from Episcopalians.
I got our delegates and clergy for diocesan convention (11/8-9) registered. The delegates are: Bob Bess, Phyllis Bess, Richard Cabes, Lisa Neilson, Becky Snell, and Joel Walker. The alternate is Susan Kleinwechter. Sue Mitchell and Marty Hitchcock are unable to join us. Each person, including clergy, is responsible for making their hotel arrangements. That trip to Wichita Falls will conclude my travel for the fall – thanks be to God.
As always, I am honored to serve alongside you all. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
For His Sake,
The Rev. Amy Haynie
Cell: 214-695-2627