October 19, 2014
Present: Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Bob Blomstrom.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 19, 2014, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Interim Rector.
Minutes of the September 20, 2014, meeting were approved as distributed.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School
The Interim Rector reported St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School continues to improve in enthusiasm from both staff and parents, and in support from parishioners. A “drop-in” program is beginning for those who want to make use of it. Children can be brought in for the day only at a set fee for the service.
James Sworn In: Cindy James has been certified by the licensing board as Interim Director of the school and will be officially sworn in at the board office.
Chapel Cross: A wooden cross made especially for the school by Bill Matulevich has been blessed and is being used in chapel.
Playground Funding: The school has received a grant from the diocese for the playground and additional funding has been pledged. Work will begin soon.
Playground Usage Policy: DJ Mitchell will prepare a draft of playground usage policy to be voted on at the regular November Vestry meeting. Playground usage on Sundays must be closely monitored to ensure that older children do not use equipment made for younger children.
Children and Youth Minister Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, CYM, is attached and made a part of these minutes. Attendance at Godly Play has increased. The recent can drive was very successful. The coat drive begins soon.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that the current chair of the Commission on Ministry is retiring and the Rev. Henry Penner will take over as chair. Walker encouraged everyone to attend the November 3 meeting of our deanery at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, to hear the presentation by the Constitution and Canons committee.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Reports: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Jim Wilson moved the treasurer’s reports be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Academy Reserve Portion Moved to Playground Fund: DJ Mitchell moved that $7000 from the academy reserve be moved to the Playground Fund. The motion was seconded and carried.
Scout Fund Moved to Playground Fund: Jim Wilson moved that the money currently in the Scout Fund be moved to the Playground Fund. The motion was seconded and carried.
Academy Reserve Balance Moved to General Fund: DJ Mitchell moved that the balance left in the academy reserve – about $10,000.00 – be moved into the General Fund. The motion was seconded and carried.
Dormant Special Funds Closed: The Audit Committee has recommended that dormant special funds be closed and the funds therein be moved to the General Fund. DJ Mitchell moved the moneys in the Chapel, Jesus Doll, Ordination, ECW and Bookstore Funds be moved into the emergency reserve fund. The motion was seconded and carried.
Interim Rector’s Report
Baptisms and Confirmations: The Interim Rector announced that as of now it appears that between November 1 & 2 and November 8 & 9 there are 7-10 baptisms scheduled. Nine persons have been prepared for confirmation by the Bishop when he visits November 9.
Discernment Committee for Omoniyi: The following persons have agreed to serve as a Discernment Committee to guide Ayo Omoniyi in the path to ordination – Courtney Mullaney, Jean Smith and Joe Panther.
As He Leaves: The Rev Mike Wallens described his appreciation of all the Vestry support during his time with us. His work with St. Martin-in-the-Fields ends on November 9. He emphasized that the parish is much stronger now than when he came due to the leadership of the Vestry.
Senior Warden’s Report
Transition Committee: The Senior Warden is in the process of forming a Transition Committee which he will chair. The committee will consist of 9-12 members. The work of the committee is expected to last about a year.
Nominating Committee: Bob Bess, Aubrey Hardman, Joe Panther and Joel Walker will form the Nominating Committee to compile a slate of nominees for Vestry and Delegates to Convention. They hope to have the names to present at the regular November Vestry meeting. The elections will take place at the Parish Annual Meeting on January 25, 2015.
Search Committee Costs: The costs for the search for a new rector are not included in the 2014 budget. To date the committee has spent around $3,500.00. It is expected that at least $1000.00 in additional expenses will be incurred before the search ends.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden announced that the roof is still leaking and he has received various suggestions as to the cause. He plans to have it inspected by a professional roofer to get an opinion on the problems and possible solutions to said problems
Outside Wiring: The outside wiring of the church has been checked by an electrician and there are no problems with it.
Gil Kleinwechter thanked everyone for the support shown the Search Committee in all their long weeks of work. They all look forward to the completion of their task.
Elizabeth Mason stated that the last Wednesday class of Financial Peace University will be November 5. There will be a video presentation and pot luck dinner. All are encouraged to attend.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM with prayer by Bob Bess.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report
October 2014
Wednesday Nights
Thanks to the vestry member volunteers who have helped everything run smoothly with the Wednesday Night Financial Peace series! This series wraps up on November 5.
Second Sundays Stats (Lunches Made /Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant)
July 2014-84 Sack Lunches
August 2014-91 Sack Lunches
September 2014-100 Sack Lunches
October 2014-100 Sack Lunches
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
EYC will continue to meet on every second Sunday and fourth Sunday for service, faith and fellowship. Teens will have opportunities to work closely with Union Gospel Mission including a December outreach project to benefit Union Gospel Mission.
Sunday School Children’s Chapel
Children ages 4 years through 3rd grade participate in chapel each week in Sunday School, before going to Godly Play. They are introduced to the liturgical seasons, simple creeds and prayers.
Youth Musicians at St. Martin’s
A youth musician group has formed, inviting all 6th graders through high school to join in the fun. The group has been preparing to perform “When the Saints Go Marching In” on All Saints Sunday at the 10:30am service. Look for other seasonal performances.
All Saints’ Parade and Trunk or Treat on November 2
Children ages 4 years through 3rd grade are invited to participate in the All Saint’s parade, held at the beginning of the 10:30am service. Our youth musicians will parade too! After the 10:30am service, join us in the parking lot for trunk or treat!
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Chaplain Minute
The students have been introduced to the Old Testament, through the Shell curriculum. They are becoming familiar with the truths found in Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark and more. Godly Play storytelling has been introduced and the students are spellbound by what they see. Students and families are given opportunities to respond to God’s love by joining with St. Martin’s canned food drive, coat drive and more this fall. In November, St. Martin will visit the preschool!
Corrie Cabes