October 18, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson: Bob Bess, Charles Busey, Jack Bolerjack, Annette Duff, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney , Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Doug Watson, Treasurer.
Not present: Pat Hollifield.
Guests: Jim Hazel, George Gamez, Michell Barber from Baird Investment
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 18, 2015, East Parish Hall. The meeting opened at 12:40 PM with prayer by the senior warden.
Baird Investment Presentation
The Baird representatives brought with them the Investment Policy Guidelines that were prepared for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church using the information provided to Baird at their last visit. The Guidelines were carefully examined by vestry members and the representatives answered their questions. Both groups now have a clearer understanding on the goals of the church and the timetable and actions necessary to achieve those goals. It will be important to identify and celebrate all milestones as they are reached.
Vote on Investment Policy Guidelines: Jim Wilson moved the vestry accept the Investment Policy Guidelines as presented, giving the Investment Committee authority to monitor investment performance and make appropriate modifications in the pursuit of St. Martin’s investment objectives. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Minutes Approved
Gregory Anderson moved the minutes of the September 20 be approved as distributed. Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion and the September 20 minutes were approved. Elizabeth Mason moved the minutes of the October 4 meeting be approved as distributed. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion and the October 4 minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Reports Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports for August and September. Senior warden Bob Bess provided explanations for the items that were questioned on the August report. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry accept both the August financial report and the September report. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion and the financial reports were accepted.
September 24 Email Vote: On September 24, 2015, the vestry voted by email to replenish the clergy benevolence funds with $1,000.00 from the general fund. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry endorse the email vote. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the vote was endorsed.
Finance Committee
Changes to the Monthly Financials: The finance committee has asked that detailed explanations be provided for any expense line that show a 5% overage or expense line that shows a credit balance. The vestry concurred with the change in financials with no vote taken.
Recommendation to Change Amount to Go to Baird: The finance committee recommends that the amount to be sent to Baird Investments be increased from approximately $394,000.00 to $400,000.00, additional funds to come from the general fund. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry accept the recommendation of the finance committee, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the amount to Baird was increased to $400,000.00.
Compensation for Communication Director in 2016: Currently Susan Kleinwechter serves as a volunteer Communication Director for St. Martin’s. The rector would like for her to be compensated for her work in the budget for 2016. Annette Duff and Courtney Mullaney will prepare the necessary information for the budgeting process. Because of their relationship Gil Kleinwechter would recuse himself from any vote on such compensation.
Gil Kleinwechter reviewed his written report which is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Written Reports Approved
DJ Mitchell moved the written reports of the Children and Youth Ministry, the Communications Committee, and the Grow the Church Committee be accepted as distributed. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion and the reports were accepted.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Deadbolt Update: At the last meeting the vestry approved purchase and installation of deadbolts for school classrooms. Since that time School Director Cindy James has determined that deadbolts are unnecessary. All doors are kept locked, and all teachers carry their keys at all times when they are on campus. No deadbolts were purchased.
School Bylaws: The vestry reviewed the bylaws of St. Martin’s Episcopal School which were approved by the school board at their most recent meeting. It was pointed out that the Letters of Agreement mentioned in the bylaws must be worded in such a way that they comply with the laws of the State of Texas. The rector will ensure that the Letters of Agreement are reworded to bring them into compliance, and have them signed by all school staff. With that assurance Gregory Anderson moved the vestry approve the bylaws as presented. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the bylaws were approved.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that on Friday morning, November 13 training on Safeguarding God’s People will be held for all diocesan clergy and wardens.
Signup for convention is still available online at a cost of $45.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Parking Lot Lights: Several parking lot lights needed bulbs replaced. The replacements were done at a cost of approximately $750.00 for labor and bulbs.
Memorial Garden Sprinklers: The sprinkler system for the Memorial Garden has been repaired by Charles Busey’s sprinkler man at no charge.
Bill Tracking: Gregory Anderson continues to track St. Martin’s water bills. The most recent bills were $1660.58 charged by City of Keller for water and just under $980.00 by City of Southlake for storm sewer – much higher than normal even for the time of year and weather. Constance Smith of Fever United has written a check for the water used on the fields. She intends that every month Fever will reimburse St. Martin’s for 13.28% of the water bills. Electric bills for this time of year run around $1300.00 per month.
Parking Lot Repainting: Several areas of the parking lot need repainting. The jr. wardens will solicit bids for the work.
Senior Warden’s Report
Cameras for the Parking Lot: The senior warden stated that high definition cameras for surveillance of the parking lots need to be included in the budget for 2016.
Update Current Video Equipment: Updating of the video equipment is urgently needed. DJ Mitchell and Jack Bolerjack will include the updating in their budgeting for buildings and grounds for 2016.
Rector’s Report
Archive Committee File Cabinet: The Archive Committee needs a large fireproof filing cabinet for valuable church documents. The rector will ask congregation members to donate such an item if they have one available.
Ideal Impact Energy Update: A representative from the company came out and began collecting information on the church’s energy usage. He will return again next week.
Ordination Gift for Annette Mayer: Mayer will be ordained to the transitional diaconate Thursday evening at St. Martin’s. The rector would like to send out an email regarding an ordination gift for her. DJ Mitchell moved the vestry authorize the rector to solicit funds for an ordination gift for Annette Mayer. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Playground Equipment Reminders
Gil Kleinwechter reported that he had to remind some of the youth that the playground and its equipment are off limits to children who are too old to be in that area. All members of the parish and school are asked to help families understand the playground policies.
Meeting Adjournment
Jim Wilson moved the meeting be adjourned. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM with prayer by Charles Busey.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, November 15, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report, October 2015
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
A Few Highlights:
- Our Wednesday night group is growing with 15-17 teens meeting weekly for fun, faith and snacks.
- Teens will continue to meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
- Stewardship: teens took to the fields to prayerfully consider what it means to “commit” to an abundant life at St. Martin’s. Using chalk, they wrote their names on the concrete slab by the memorial garden. They also wrote down ways they could commit to be a part of a daily life of service, worship and giving.
Sunday school
Sunday school is strong and vibrant with an average of 50 children and volunteers participating regularly.
A youth group for 3rd – 5th graders, modeled after EYC, is meeting on October 18 for a kick-off meeting to establish a new youth group for tweens. Liza Goodner is taking the lead with this program.
Monthly Giving Campaigns for fall
October 4-29
We are quickly wrapping this campaign up! Outreach is working on the total number of shoes and socks collected for adult men at UGM in October.
October 24-December 6 (Kick-off on October 18!)
Currently, there are 48 children and teens living at UGM and those numbers will expand with the new wing opening in October that will allow UGM to minister to many more children and families. A Christmas toy drive (in lieu of Angel Tree) targeted at infant-elementary aged children (0-10 years) will provide toys for the outdoor play area, intake room and give homeless children some Christmas cheer. This drive will officially start at the Festival in the Fields on October 24 with a booth featuring our special guest, Lezlee Kinney, UGM volunteer coordinator. EYC will help with the booth and offer Christmas wish list information and a drop off area for new toys.
Chaplain’s Corner
All are invited to attend weekly chapel, held three times a week in the church sanctuary from 9:15 am – 9:45 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Come worship with our students and hear a short homily, sing songs and pray with our students and staff. Our services are sprinkled with lots of fun, Godly Play stories, special events and guests throughout the year.
Blessings–Corrie Cabes
Grow the Church Report – October 2015
I believe the final count was 16 community zip code parties from April to October.
Communication prepared for the last two zip code parties (see below).
> Share your Hopes and Dreams for St Martin’s!
> Two opportunities for all to come together for food, fellowship and to support Youth and Outreach food pantry project.
> Saturday November 7 at 6pm
> And
> Sunday November 22 at noon
> In the large parish hall.
> These are the last two “zip code parties” designed to allow all to meet Father Scot, our zip code neighbors, and share all our hopes and dreams for St Martin’s!
> We will share the results from all the 15 other neighborhood zip parties with the whole parish and provide everyone an opportunity to express your ideas.
> Babe’s fried chicken will be served.
> Please bring a side dish and / or dessert to share.
> We will have a little friendly competition between zip codes!
> Please support our Youth and outreach ministries by bringing canned and or non perishable food for the Food Pantry they are supporting. Prizes will be awarded to the “zip area” participants who bring the most food items!
> We will have zip code areas arranged so you can fellowship with those who live near you as we eat and share and hear from all our parishioners.
> We hope to see you there!
> Volunteers are needed for set up and clean up. Please contact to volunteer or for questions.
> (Anika can forward questions and volunteers to my email)
Needs: Help with hosting the final two events and Help ordering the chicken.
Prizes follow up.
Discuss sinner’s dinners concept and get Vestry input on this idea.
Elizabeth Mason
Communications Committee report to the Vestry – October 2015
The committee met on October 11. Those in attendance were: the Rev. Scot McComas, Susan and Gil Kleinwechter, MaryBeth Butler, Linda and Carl Snow.
Mission and Vision Statements: Add Vision Statement to church website opening page and both statements to the Seasons document. Simplify wording in Core Values “Faithfulness” section to improve understanding for church newcomers.
Signs: Sign design for playground was decided upon and will be given to Jr. Wardens to order. One for each of the playground gates and one for the church door leading to the playground. Church address will be added to the sign. Changes to the school sign attached to the Monument sign were discussed – add Kindergarten and increase size of phone number.
School Website: Add Fr. Scot’s Biography.
Church Website: Replace Mission statement with Vision statement.
Stewardship campaign messages and visuals: Campaign has started. Gil gave a talk at the 10:30 service last Sunday. It was recorded and has been be posted on the church website. Members of the stewardship committee will give talks each week, and they will be recorded / posted on the site. The stewardship status sign will be updated every week showing progress of the campaign in terms of percentage of people who have pledged.
Tumblers: The Tumbler design has been approved and a sample has been shipped. A quantity of 500 has been ordered. Will arrive by end of October.
T-Shirts: Need to get input from Joy Malmgren – chair of outreach committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Carl Snow, Chair
Communications Committee