Vestry Meeting – St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
October 16, 2022
Present: Alan Bentrup, Jim McManic, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Mary Anderson, Melissa Kurkul, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz, Bob Bess, Gary Wilkinson
Absent: Jen Duncan, Joe Stark, and Linda Seeber
- The September minutes were presented. No changes were made. Bob Bess made a motion to accept the minutes and DJ Mitchell seconded. Vestry voted and approved.
Opening Prayer
Finance Committee Report – Gary Wilkinson
- See attached report for details
- Highlights:
- General fund has increased over the month.
- Diocesan assessment is not being changed so that monies will not be spent elsewhere until we know our assessment to the dioceses.
- External audit is being budgeted.
- 23 parishioners have returned their pledge cards = $149,000
- November 19th is the next meeting to continue planning the 2023 budget.
Treasurers Report – DJ Mitchell
- See attached report for details.
- Reported the “draft budget” was being done
- Needs from ministries need be determined by the November vestry meeting.
- Monies will be added to particular areas:
- Part time priest
- Youth minister
- Financial Manager
- Bob Bess made a motion to accept the reports and Keen Haynes seconded. Vestry voted to accept the budget and treasurers report.
Senior Warden – Keen Haynes
- General Convention is in February in Galveston
- Members who are elected as delegates will be on a 13 month term.
- Mentioned that 4 candidates are needed for vestry for 2023 as well as delegates.
Jr Warden – Rick Schulz
- Reported:
- Fire code issues are being addressed by Cintas
- Striping of the parking lot will be completed soon.
- AC unit issues are complete with the company flushing out and cleaning the units.
- Sprinkler man is working on the system.
- Alan mentioned that a property committee will meet to discuss upkeep on the grounds, scout projects that have been submitted and other issues.
- Committee will report back to the vestry for final approval.
Alan Bentrup
- The City of Southlake will hold a forum for neighborhoods and any other people affected by the changes presented by the architectural firm. The SPIN – Southlake Program for Involvement of Neighborhoods will host the meeting with the architects present. This will be a public meeting advertised by the city.
- Christmas Schedule for services were presented. More to come.
- Letters for Thanksgiving and Christmas offerings will be sent out during the respective time of year.
- November meeting will be held on ZOOM due to Alan being out of town on the Sunday of the regularly scheduled vestry meeting.
Closing Prayer
Adjourned at 12:45
Respectfully submitted – Mary Anderson