October 16, 2016
Present: Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney , Ike Ogbue, Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden: Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Jim Bedell, Elizabeth Mason, Kathy Wilkinson.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 16, 2016, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Consideration of Minutes
Gil Kleinwechter moved that the minutes of the September 18, 2016, meeting be approved as distributed. Linda Snow seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Joel Walker moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Ike Ogbue seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Treasurer Mitchell stated that he will have a draft budget available for the November meeting.
Stewardship Report
Stewardship minutes are being presented at every church service. Church ministries are also being highlighted to give parishioners insight as to some of the work that is funded by their giving. Next week the Youth Mission Trip program will be highlighted. Celebration Sunday will be November 6 with a Potluck Luncheon following the 10:30 AM service. Calls will be made in January to any contributors who have not yet pledged for 2017.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
School enrollment currently stands at 70 students. Departure of some students was caused by the students being accepted into public school programs.
Vestry Vote on New School Software Program: The school administration staff has requested that the purchase of the Childcare Manager Software Program be included in the budget for 2017. (Copy of the proposal attached.) Charles Busey moved the vestry approve inclusion of the program costs as presented be included in the 2017 budget as requested. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
VPiC Volunteers for Special Services
Volunteers are needed to serve as Vestry Person in Charge for services Thanksgiving Day and all Christmas services. Vestry members volunteered for the services. A copy of the volunteer schedule will be provided to all vestry members and to the schedulers.
Diocesan Information
2016 Convention: The 2016 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will be held November 11 and 12 at All Saints School, Fort Worth. Convention is scheduled to open with Holy Eucharist at 4 PM Friday, with the first business session opening at 7:50 PM. Closing of convention is scheduled for 4 PM Saturday with various committee meetings to follow. Further details are available on the diocesan website.
Racial Reconciliation: Very soon the diocese will require anti-racism training for all vestry members and all in leadership roles in parishes. Currently the expectation is that 72 hours of training will be required for certification.
Ministry Liaison Reports
The quarterly Liaison Reports of the following Ministries of St. Martin’s are attached and made a part of these minutes: Adult Education, Children, Communications Committee, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Radical Hospitality, Worship, Youth. The rector thanked all vestry members for their work with the church’s ministries.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Jr. Warden Busey reported the following:
Roof Leaks Update: Efforts to to correct the recurring roof leak problems will come in 2017. Any additional costs will be included in the budget for 2017.
Water Bill Sharing: St. Martin’s has an agreement with Fever United under which Fever will pay 60% of the water bills. To date in 2016 they have paid $500.00 and planned to pay an additional $3,000.00. Fever gifted St. Martin’s with a dishwasher for the office kitchen. The rector recommended that in light of the gift they pay $2,500.00 for the water bill, and they have done so.
Replacement of Education Building Doors: Three estimates have been received on replacement of the doors, but no actual bids (resulting from on site examination by the contractors) have been produced yet. If the bids are provided in time, the matter will be considered at the November vestry meeting.
Senior Warden’s Report
Stop Hunger Now: Senior Warden Kleinwechter thanked all vestry members and church leaders who took part in St. Martin’s’ first participation in this program. There was a large group who participated, and those who did are asking that it be a part of the Outreach programs for 2017.
Gymnasium Update: When he met with the potential donors they expressed concerns with dealing with City of Southlake. He was able to lessen their concerns by explaining that the church has plans that include a gymnasium, and the plans have already been approved by the city. Kleinwechter hopes to continue to work toward a gymnasium when his vestry term ends.
Labyrinth Bricks Moved: Gil and Mark Kleinwechter have moved all the labyrinth bricks inside the fenced area of St. Martin’s property. The vestry thanked them for their work.
First Aid Kit Upkeep: It has been learned that there is no regular oversight over the first aid kits in either building to ensure that each contains the recommended supplies. Linda Snow took on the responsibility of first aid kit upkeep.
Rector’s Report
Memorial Garden Fall Beautification: The rector thanked Cathy Tolliver and her eight volunteers for their work to keep the Memorial Garden a place of remembrance, peace and beauty.
Nominees for Vestry Election 2017: At the called vestry meeting following the Annual Meeting on January 31, 2016, Jim Bedell volunteered to serve out the last year of Bob Bess’s vacant term on the vestry. That term ends with the Annual Meeting 2017. Bedell has agreed to run for a full three-year term. The rector reminded vestry members that Bedell’s willingness to serve again means that only three other nominees are needed. He asked that vestry members forward names of any nominees to him.
VPiC Duty Changes: The list of duties of Vestry Person in Charge at the various services has changed. He will review the current list to ensure that it is updated and currently correct. The updated list will be provided to vestry members as soon as possible.
Rector on Vacation: The rector will be on vacation October 17 through October 29. He plans to be with his mother in Florida. He can still be reached by email and text. He asked for prayers for his mother, Mary, who will undergo surgery while he’s there.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
Ordination of Lisa Nielson as Priest – October 22, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, College Station
Now What – Buildings for a New Tomorrow – October 28
Commitment Sunday and Celebration Pot Luck – November 6
Diocesan Convention – November 11and 12, All Saints School
St. Martin’s Feast Day Weekend – November 12 and 13
Honoring Military and Spouses – November 12 and 13, all services
Parish Annual Meeting – January 29, 2017 12:15 PM.
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer
The meeting adjourned at 2 PM with prayer by Linda Snow.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead