St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting
October 15, 2017
Present: Norma Barbier, Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Mary Beth Butler, Courtney Mullaney, Linda Seeber, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Charles Busey, Ike Ogbue, Nancy Wieden, Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, October 15, 2017 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:15 PM.
Consideration of Minutes
Jim Bedell moved the vestry approve the minutes of the September 24, 2017 meeting as distributed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Reports
The Treasurer reviewed the August monthly financial reports. (See attached.)
Vestry Acceptance Vote: Joel Walker moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Consideration of Trunk or Treat Fundraiser for Youth Ministry
Kathy Wilkinson moved that the vestry accept the proceeds of the Trunk or Treat fundraiser (scheduled for October 29) for youth ministry. Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Stewardship Report
The rector will pick up a large pledge return progress chart this week to display in the narthex starting October 21. He encouraged all vestry members to return their pledge cards as soon as possible.
It was suggested and agreed for the sake of security that pledge cards received in the offering should be placed in the safe, and not in the Clerk’s box (as previously instructed).
Ministry Liaison Reports
Due to late submissions of reports and the absence of the Clerk, reports will be considered at the November meeting.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector announced that currently 64 students are enrolled in the school. He noted a trend in public education to offer kindergarten and pre-K, which may affect the future of St. Martin’s School. According to the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), private school enrollment is down 41% across the U.S.
Diocesan Information
Diocesan Convention: Diocesan Convention 2017 will be held November 10 – 11 at the Cleburne Convention Center. November 10 schedule is 1 pm to 9 pm. November 11 schedule is 8:30 am to approximately 4 pm.
Omoniyi Ordination: A date has been set for Ayo Omoniyi’s Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate. It will be Monday, December 18 at 7:00 pm at St. Martin-in-the-Fields.
Junior Warden’s Report
Delivered by Rev. Scot McComas on behalf of Charles Busey.
- Tree Trimming: Trees were trimmed and a large tree that had rotted was removed for safety reasons.
- Fire Inspection Report: Fire inspector has agreed that sheetrocking over the open areas in the closet in the nave (where chairs are currently stored) will satisfy the safety finding from the inspection. This will cost about $100 and will be handled by Neil Rinker.
- Concrete Sign Painting: Neil Rinker will handle the repainting of the monument sign on Pearson Lane.
- Leaving Flags up 24/7: This question was raised again. Charles Busey is investigating cost of lighting.
Senior Warden’s Report
The questionnaire for long-time members, which will help to prepare the 50th Anniversary history, is nearly complete. It will be distributed before and during the pledge ingathering event on November 12.
Rector’s Report
Please note and participate in the upcoming events:
Trunk or Treat Fundraiser & Chili Cookoff, October 29
Stewardship Ingathering & Celebration, St. Martin’s Day, November 12
Adjournment and Closing Prayer
The meeting adjourned at 1:08 PM with prayer by Linda Snow.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler
Substitute Clerk