Vestry Meeting – St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
November 21, 2022
Meeting was held by ZOOM
Present: Alan Bentrup, Jim McManic, Bob Garrity, Mary Anderson, Melissa Kurkul, Rick Schulz, Bob Bess, Jen Duncan, Linda Seeber, DJ Mitchell, Gary Wilkinson
Absent: Amanda Alvarez and Keen Haynes.
- Opening Prayer
- The October minutes were presented. No changes were made. Bob Bess made a motion to accept the minutes and DJ Mitchell seconded. Vestry voted and approved.
- Finance Committee Report – Gary Wilkinson
- See attached report for details
- Highlights:
- Increase in general fund
- Ahead with expenses for the year
- 77 pledges – 80% of goal – Letters will be sent out in the weeks to come.
- Next budget meeting is December 17th.
- Treasurers Report – DJ Mitchell
- See attached report for details.
- 3 points to remind everyone regarding budget:
- AC units are older and will be in need of replacing at any time
- Looking at hiring a part time clergy
- Diocesan assessment
- There is a bid out for solar panels – still waiting for the company to respond.
- 3 points to remind everyone regarding budget:
- Bob Bess made a motion to accept the reports and Keen Haynes seconded. Vestry voted to accept the budget and treasurers report.
- See attached report for details.
Senior Warden – Keen Haynes via Alan
- Announced the resignation of Joe Stark. Replacement to be voted on in January.
- Members who are elected as delegates will be on a 13 month term.
- Candidates being sought for all positions.
Jr Warden – Rick Schulz
- Reported:
- Locksmith bill from July is still in need of being paid.
- Cintas work is completed
- New locks to be installed per dioceses mandates
- Master Plan update w/city of Southlake
- Positive Meeting,
- Packet being prepared for neighbors to the north
- Next step is to present to the congregation
- Clergy Conference
- Grants available for different things
- Advent Schedule announced
Closing Prayer
Adjourned at 8:05
Respectfully submitted – Mary Anderson