Vestry minutes – November 20, 2016 meeting

November 20, 2016
Present: Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney, Ike Ogbue, Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Kathy Wilkinson: Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Not present: Elizabeth Mason, Nancy Wieden; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 20, 2016, in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened at 12:35 PM with prayer by the Rector.
Consideration of Minutes
Kathy Wilkinson moved that the minutes of the October 16, 2016, meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of the Treasurer Senior Warden Gil Kleinwechter presented the monthly financial reports.  (See attached.) Joel Walker moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Linda Snow seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Fund Established:  Gil Kleinwechter moved the vestry approve the establishment of a Prayer Shawl Fund to receive contributions to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Joel Walker seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
First Draft of the Budget for 2017: Kleinwechter stated that the first draft of the budget for St. Martin’s for 2017 is now ready and will be sent out to vestry members shortly after this meeting. He reminded vestry members that this is just the first of probably several drafts.
Stewardship Report
Gil Kleinwechter reported that the Stewardship Campaign this year is tracking well with that of last year. Up to this weekend 87 pledges have been received, six of which are new. The total pledged to date is $324,719.00.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
School enrollment currently stands at 69 students. Director Serin Stanford is working to make the administration of the school run smoother. There are no plans to raise tuition for the school for Fall 2017.
Diocesan Information
2016 Convention: Joel Walker reported on the convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth held November 11 and 12 at All Saints School, Fort Worth.
Location not ADA Compliant: One concern that came out of the convention was that the location was not compliant with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for accessibility to all rooms used for the convention. The matter will be a part of the Convention Wrap-Up Meeting when it is held.
Elections: Chris Jambor is the new clergy member of the Standing Committee and Amy Haynie is president of the Standing Committee. Scot McComas is a clergy deputy to General Convention.
Racial Reconciliation: A resolution was passed at the convention to require 13 hours of Racial Reconciliation training for all persons in leadership roles in parishes. A diocesan trainer will come to every parish to conduct the training.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Jr. Warden Busey reported the following:
Parking Lot Striping: It has been learned that Ken Pritchett, a member of St. Martin’s has a company that stripes parking lots around our area. Busey will be talking with him about our needs.
Tree Pruning: Pruning of trees and shrubs around our property may be delayed until Spring 2017. Early Spring is the best time to prune plants in our area.
Replacement of Education Building Doors: Bids for replacement of the doors are to be available for consideration at the December meeting.
Senior Warden’s Report
Outreach Committee: As interim chair of the committee Senior Warden Kleinwechter reported that the committee is looking at all its programs and is hoping to up the budget for Outreach in 2017. Many programs will stand as they are today, some may be changed.
Support for Those on the Ordination Journey: The Diocese wants every church to pay $1,000.00 toward the education expenses of each of its members in seminary each semester. The 2017 budget needs to include that for Corrie Cabes for the fall semester 2017. Money may also be needed for the required psychological testing of Ayo Omoniyi.
Senior Warden-Elect
First Aid Kit Upkeep: Senior Warden-Elect Linda Snow is restocking the large first aid kits in both the church and education building. It appears that the restocking may be an ongoing need. Apparently supplies in the kits are used for non first aid needs at times.
AED and First Aid Instructions Needed: Snow will be scheduling instructions on use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and how to administer first aid in an emergency for all vestry, ushers and others needing training. She stated that ideally every person responsible for providing help in an emergency can do so calmly no matter what the circumstances.
Rector’s Report
Festival in the Fields: The rector thanked everyone who took part in the Festival. The weather cooperated, and the day provided a wonderful time out for those who attended. The many hours of planning and work necessary were exhausting for those responsible, however. Serious examination will be involved to determine what changes need to be made if the event is to continue. In its current form the event requires too much from those involved. Clarity of purpose will be the first step in the examination.
Nominees for Vestry Election 2017: The rector stated that Mary Beth Butler has agreed to run for vestry as has Jim Bedell. Two other persons are needed to fill the four vacancies that must be filled by election at the Annual Meeting 2017. He asked that vestry members forward names of any nominees to him.
Service Animal Request: ADA rulings on service animals specifically exempt places of worship from the requirements to allow service animals to be present. St. Martin’s does want to be welcoming to everyone, however. The person who plans to bring her service animal to services has presented documentation that the dog is fully trained and certified. The rector will contact the owner to see what suggestions she has to ease accommodations for the animal in church services.
Scrip Program Discussion
Joel Walker reported that he has been asked by several members of the parish to express their upset over the vestry decision to discontinue the Scrip Program at the recommendation of the Auditing Committee. Although the program in its current form will be phased out, investigation will be undertaken after the first of the year to determine if it can be re-instituted in some other form. Courtney Mullaney will begin the investigation by contacting other members of the Auditing Committee to ascertain what recommendations they might have to make the program more fiscally compliant.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
December Regular Meeting – December 18, 2016.
January Regular Meeting – January 15, 2017.
Parish Annual Meeting – January 29, 2017 12:15 PM.
Called Vestry Meeting – January 29, 2017 immediately following the Parish Annual Meeting
Closing Prayer
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM with prayer by Gil Kleinwechter.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead