Vestry minutes – November 18, 2012 meeting


November 18, 2012

Present:   Steve Anderson, Jack Bailey, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Joy Malmgren, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Jami Taylor Brian West; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present:  Bob Bess, Gary Grant; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 18, 2012, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Remarks by Deacon
The Rector introduced the Rev Henry Penner, who was ordained to the permanent diaconate on November 2.  The Deacon reminded Vestry members that St-Martin-in-the-Fields has been his church home for over 20 years.  He praised the Vestry, saying they all do a wonderful job representing the parish.  He thanked everyone for all their prayers, support and help during his long journey to the diaconate.
Minutes of the October 21, 2012, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
Corrie Cabes, Director of CE, was not available, but her written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.  The Rector stated that great strides have been made in the Academy chapel due to Corrie’s work..  Chapel is held each Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 AM, and Vestry members are invited to attend this service for the children.  On December 6 St. Nicholas will be visiting during chapel.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker announced that Henry Penner’s ordination to the diaconate at diocesan convention was a unique event.  St-Martin-in-the-Fields was well represented among those attending.  On December 21 at 7PM Jordan Haynie will be ordained to the transitional diaconate in St-Martin-in-the-Fields.  In mid December the Commission on Ministry will be sitting down with Bishop High, the new provisional bishop, to begin to learn his thoughts on ordination.
Security of Property
Pat Hollifield gave particulars on the security camera systems he has investigated so far.  Vestry members with information on sources and equipment were asked to provide them to Hollifield to assist him, as he continues his work.
In the absence of Bob Bess, chair, Glenda Morehead provided the following update:
We now have 97 cards returned.  There are 90 pledges with a total of $264,600. (One of the pledges is from someone who lives here only a part of the year, and theirs always spans over into the next year.) When you add the part that will be paid in 2014, the total pledged is $264900.)  There are 20 new pledgers.  Follow up continues.
The Rector stated he needs a volunteer to head Stewardship in 2013.  He intends to have a Stewardship chair in place by the Parish Annual Meeting.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren, chair of the Committee, reiterated the plans for St. Martin’s Angel Tree to provide gifts for children at a charter school.
She would like to have a special collection to be sent to St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowery, an Episcopal church in one of the areas hardest hit by Storm Sandy.  They are working to provide help to people in need.  She plans to add $250 of budgeted funds to those collected.
Nominating Committee
The Senior Warden, chair of the committee, reported that 6 people have agreed to run for Vestry so far:  Pat Hollifield (who is currently completing a partial term), Richard Cabes, Annette Duff, DJ Mitchell, Joel Walker and Jim Wilson.  All have been asked to provide autobiographies as soon as possible.  He asked that anyone who knows of anyone who would like to run get the information to the Rector or any member of the Nominating Committee.  He has asked Becky Snell to help him and the committee choose nominees for Delegate to Convention.  Those serving as delegates are committing to attend all Deanery meetings in addition to their attendance at diocesan convention.  Plans were made to announce the invitation to run for Vestry or Delegate in church services.  The Senior Warden will make the committee’s final report at the December meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer announced that the Finance Committee will be meeting on December 1 to prepare the budget for Vestry consideration at the December meeting.  After approval by the Vestry the budget is shared with the parish at the Parish Annual Meeting.
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports.  (See attached.)  Aubrey Hardman moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  The motion was seconded and carried.
Rector’s Report
The Rector announced that he met yesterday with the Altar Guild.  In the meeting they discussed the 9 services that will take place in 6 days at St-Martin-in-the-Fields during December.  Thursday the 20th 7 PM will be the Blue Christmas gathering.  Friday the 21st
7 PM is the ordination of Jordan Haynie. The weekend of 22-23 are the services of Advent 4, with Greening of the Church following, Monday the 24th are the 3 Christmas Eve services, Tuesday the 25th 10 AM is the Christmas Holy Eucharist.  The church office will be closed from then through January 1.  The Rector will be available if needed for emergencies.
The Rector, his mother and his wife will be leaving next Friday for DisneyWorld.  They will be returning the following Thursday.
On behalf of his mother, Jan, he expressed profound gratitude to Linda Seeber and all the Helping Hands Ministry for their help, their chauffeuring, and their assistance during her recent treatments.
On April 9, 2013, he, his wife and his mother will be gone for 2 weeks.  They will be going to Europe, mainly to Germany, where he and his mother lived while his father was stationed there.  This will be his wife, Linda’s, first trip to Germany.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden announced that he is checking into an upgrade of the sound system in the sanctuary.  He has bids from all the vendors he has worked with and will be forwarding the information to Jim Wilson, our resident sound system expert.  Funds for the redone sound system will not come from the Operating Fund but from special gifts made to the Memorial Fund.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden announced that Linda Seeber has gotten estimates for carpeting of the hall outside the Rector’s office and the area comprising the Parish Administrator and Parochial Associate offices.  The cost quoted of commercial carpet is $2275 for carpet squares $3400.  The cost would come from capital funds.  Vestry consensus is to go with Seeber’s recommendation of the carpet.  Jami Taylor moved the project be changed to include carpeting the Rector’s office and the Chapel with commercial carpet also at a total project cost not to exceed $6000, cost to come from capital funds.  The motion was seconded and carried.
Becky Snell announced that on Tuesday the slab will be poured for the first multipurpose area being built by scouts (15’x30’).  The boys are putting up the framework today.  The pour will be cancelled if the weather is inclement.
The Parish Annual Meeting lunch this year will be a Pot Luck.
The responsibility for the Vestry lunch each month will be added to the agenda beginning with the new Vestry in 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM with prayer by Joy Malmgren.
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, december 16, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Christian Education Report
November 2012
Christian Education News:
We have lots of exciting events going on in Christian Education!
Wrap Up of Fall Events—WNL was a great success with 40-50 people participating for 6 weeks.  It was a great time to gather around a good meal, classes for all and EYC-led compline. Thanks go especially to Becky Snell and the Vestry for a GRAND FINALE of grillin’ and cookin’ and cleanin’ up after WNL!
-Advent Festival Dec. 2nd
 –hot cocoa, caroling, cookies, “green” an advent wreath, decorate an ornament and create a manger scene (crèche’).
I am seeking favorite family cookie recipes for this event.  Looking for the Vestry and parish family to bake cookies and give out copies of the recipes to share with everyone.  Please email me if you can do this!
St. Nicholas Chapel Service, Dec. 9th
St. Nicholas will make a guest appearance at the Preschool and Academy for a very special Chapel Service.  Children’s shoes will line the halls and await goodies to be delivered by St. Nick!  Preschool Chapel is held bi-weekly with music, liturgy and I am proud to say that the children have memorized the Lord’s Prayer! This is an amazing outreach ministry to the over 80 children and families enrolled in the preschool.  Drop in Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30am in the sanctuary and join in the fun!
Elves Feast Dec.24th
After the 5pm Family Service-
This fun event features goodies and a visit from good ole’ St. Nick!
Epiphany Pageant Jan 6th
Under the direction of Patricia Pannell, the story of Christ’s birth is brought to life with all the children of St. Martin’s participating!
Questions/comments? Contact Corrie Cabes