Vestry Minutes: November 15, 2020


November 15, 2020

Present:  Bob Bess, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Christopher DeClerk, Becky Snell, Keen Haynes, Christopher Mullaney, Julie Sutton

This special meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 15, 2020 virtually via zoom meeting.  The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:30 p.m.

Absent:  Ben Taylor

Also Present:  Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell and Gary Wilkinson

Congregational guests:  Linda Snow, Jennifer Varley

Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:

Minutes from the October 18, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed, one abstention, Snell who had not read them. 

Treasurer’s Report:

All were given copies of the budget and treasures report.

  • Revenue, pledges are actually ahead of plan as of this month.
  • Expenses are all under budget except for the music department, the increase is due to extra covid supplies. Even with the AC expenses building and grounds is still under budget, utilities are still down to slower building usage.
  • Still no news on the PPE loan

Finance Committee Report:

The committee met on November 14, 2020

  • Beginning processes of the 2021 budget including:
    • How the new rector salary and compensation package will fit in.
    • Inspecting all expenses to see where savings may be.
  • The Vestry approved Thanksgiving offering package went out as planned.
  • The Christmas package will go out in December as well as information on the Angel Tree ministry.

Financial and Treasurer’s Report Approved:

All approved the reports as presented.

Stewardship Report:

  • 88 pledges are in so far over the 66 reported last month. 29 families that pledged in 2020 have not pledged in 2021.
  • Father Ron and DJ suggested that we pass the word that if any families are struggling right now to please reach out to us so we can pray for the needs.

All accepted the report as presented.

Rector search committee:

Sue Mitchell reporting

  • The new draft of the profile was emailed yesterday to all vestry members.
  • Mitchell would like all recommendations to be emailed directly to her and not to copy all on the email distribution list. There are emails kicking back when too many are copied and she feels this alleviate the problem.
  • Chuck Ambrose will narrate the drone video.
  • The new website is under construction now.
  • The final draft of the profile will be ready for the December vestry meeting

The vestry would like to thank all of the members for their time and prayers that have gone into this, we know countless hours have been spent and precious time away from family.  You all are very much appreciated.

All acknowledge the receipt of the draft profile.

Endowment fund update:

  • The new guidelines will be distributed in the December vestry meeting, DJ Mitchell is asking for all edits to be sent directly to him.

Junior Warden update:

Bess reported

  • The insurance company has paid out our claim on the roof, $30,000 which includes the church building and offices.
  • There is a current shingle shortage and as soon as the contractor can locate materials the repairs will begin and should take 4 weeks to complete.
    • A motion was given by Bess to enter into contract with the roofing contractor, seconded by DJ Mitchell, all approved.
  • As expected, the water bill increased due to extra watering on the soccer fields Fever has agreed to pay for the excess.
  • A few sprinkler heads are broken, Bess/Mullaney will look at them and repair what is needed next week.
  • The new sign at Union Road and Davis is up and under budget, total cost was $200.00. A special thanks to Ron Hitchcock for all his work on this.

Senior Warden update:

Haynes reported.

  • There is still one slot open for delegates, please let Haynes know if anyone is interested.
  • The Vestry recommendations are in there will be five slots to fill.

Curate Report:

Paula Jefferson reported on pastoral care, ministries are still under way and going great.

  • Lectionary series, Forward Looking continuing, 9 attended last week.
  • EYC, Movie night was a huge success, the kids were very happy to be together even though socially distanced.
  • Morning prayer is going well, 9 people attended last week.
  • Jefferson has written a Thanksgiving prayer and will occur in the Christmas service as well.

 Interim Rector’s Report:

  • All VPIC assignment are complete through the annual meeting in January.
  • The space in the school areas are being utilized again, including the prayer shawl ministry.
  • We need to make sure we are very careful as outside groups begin to utilize the space again. Sanitizing will need to be implemented.  More on this as this time approaches.
  • The charters are still in editing phase, contact info is being added on those that are in each ministry. Father Ron asked that all new charters be turned in ahead of the December Vestry Meeting. 

The Vestry then entered executive session to discuss the compensation package for the new Rector.

Adjournment and Closing Prayer:

The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by Haynes. 


Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Pemberton, Clerk