November 15, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Jack Bolerjack, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Also Present: Sue Mitchell.
Guest: Rachel Hitt, Ideal Impact Energy.
Not present: Charles Busey, Elizabeth Mason.
A regular meeting of the vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, November 15, 2015, at 12:30 pm in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the rector.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Watson Resigns: The rector announced that he has regretfully accepted the resignation of Douglas Watson as treasurer of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and thanked Watson for his service. He thanked DJ Mitchell for agreeing to serve as Interim Treasurer until elections are held at the called vestry meeting immediately following the Parish Annual Meeting January 31, 2016. He also thanked Sue Mitchell for her work in helping to correct and clarify the financials.
October Financials Approved: The Interim Treasurer reviewed the October financial reports. Jim Wilson moved the vestry accept the financials as presented. Gregory Anderson seconded the motion and the reports were accepted.
Changes to Account Signers: Courtney Mullaney moved Douglas Watson be removed as a signer on all St. Martin’s financial accounts, and that DJ Mitchell be added in his place. Annette Duff seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Investment Committee Report
DJ Mitchell stated that two more people are needed on the Investment Committee. Only he and Sue Mitchell were available to meet with Jim Hazel in their recent meeting. He distributed copies of the Initial Recommendations for the St. Martin-in-the-Fields Capital Fund. Since they were recommendations only, no vote was necessary. He will put together information on tax reductions items for the vestry to vote on at the December 13 meeting. Vestry members are asked to email him any questions to him at least one week before the meeting – no later than December 6.
Ideal Impact Energy Audit Presentation
Rachel Hitt reminded the vestry that the purpose of their company is to help churches find new and creative ways to conserve energy and bring their electric and gas bills down as much as possible. She stated that sometimes their audit shows that a church doesn’t need their help. St. Martin’s is such a church. In response to a question regarding thermostats that could be controlled remotely, she agreed to put together an estimate of the cost to St. Martin’s.
Minutes Approved
Gil Kleinwechter moved the minutes of the October 18, 2015, meeting be approved as distributed. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Stewardship Report
Gil Kleinwechter reported that 110 pledges have been received for 2016 totaling $382,038.00, more than was pledged for 2015. Four more were received this weekend.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School’
The rector announced that the school has 2 new students. He has asked Pat Hollifield to serve on the School Board, and Hollifield has accepted.
Communications Committee
Gil Kleinwechter reported that plans are to refresh the church website in February. The school website will be reviewed on November 20. Brooke Casey is working on the church banners used on our site.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported the following from the diocesan convention:
Jordan Ware is the new chair of the Commission on Ministry. Henry Penner and Joy Malmgren from St. Martin’s continue to serve on the COM.
Calye Hughes is the new president of the Standing Committee.
Scot McComas is chair of the diocesan School Commission and also serves on the Disciplinary Board and on the committee on Constitution and Canons.
ERD has an international map onto which Epsicopal churches can put information about themselves. St. Martin’s already has a presence there.
Deanery information: Our deanery – the Fort Worth East Deanery – meets the fourth Monday of January, April, July and October. Bob Gross in its dean and Gregory Anderson its sub dean. Scot McComas and Linda Snow are the deanery representatives to the Executive Council.
Written Reports Attached
The following written reports are attached and made a part of these minutes: Children and Youth Ministry Report, Grow the Church ZIP Code party Report.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Gregory Anderson reported on the following:
Water Heater in the Parish Hall: A new water heater has been installed in the parish hall at a cost of $1250.00. It replaces the unit that was installed in 1991.
Tree Removal: The 3 Bradford pear trees along the south side of the Parish Hall continue to cause problems. Gil Kleinwechter moved the vestry approve the removal of the trees by a bonded and insured professional at a cost of no more than $1500.00. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion, and the motion carried, Jim Wilson abstaining.
Roof Leaks: The roof leaking continues, and the individual who is to do the work under warranty is proving to be nonresponsive. Don Sulots will contact the company to get the work completed as soon as possible.
Labyrinth Resurfacing: Jacob Tiemann has completed his Eagle Scout Labyrinth project which enlarged and changed the dimensions of the Outdoor Worship Area to make possible the installation of a labyrinth. Only one estimate has been received for completion of the labyrinth. The vestry must receive at least three bids before proceeding to vote on the work. No action was taken at this time.
Senior Warden’s Report
Nominees needed for Vestry and Delegates 2016: Senior warden Gil Kleinwechter asked everyone to begin recruitment for vestry and delegates. Five vestry positions must be filled this year.. Jim Bedell, Joel Walker and Nancy Wieden are those who have agreed to run for vestry to date. The number of delegates needed from St. Martin’s will be based on Average Sunday Attendance, and that information is not available at this time.
Senior Warden Contact Information: Gil Kleinwechter asked that everyone use his official email address to contact him, rather than using his personal email address as in the past. His official email address is He can also be contacted on his cell 817-319-1752
Rector’s Report
Library Funding Needed: Now that St. Martin’s has a revitalized library, funding for it will need to be included in budgeting for 2016.
Gifts to Retiring Diocesan Leaders: The diocese has asked all churches to contribute to a fund to provide gifts for the retiring Chancellor and Treasurer, both of whom have served for a number of years. Gregory Anderson moved a check be sent to the diocese to go toward purchasing gifts for the retiring chancellor and treasurer, $100.00 for each. Jim Wilson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Same Sex Marriages and Blessings: The Episcopal Church has approved the marriage of same-sex couples in Episcopal churches, and the blessing of same-sex relationships is also approved church-wide. Bishop Mayer has approved them for the Diocese of Fort Worth. The same canonical requirements apply to all those wishing to be married in the Episcopal Church no matter the genders of the individuals. A variety of comments and opinions were expressed by vestry members. The rector reminded vestry members this is just the first conversation they will have on the subject, as they lead the congregation into new territory.
Vote On and Signing of Letter of Support for Lisa Neilson
Jim Wilson moved the vestry vote to continue St. Martin’s support for Lisa Neilson in her ordination journey and sign the necessary letter of support for her ordination to the diaconate. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried. All members present signed the letter of support which will be forwarded to the bishop.
On January 15, 2016 at 7 pm at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church Lisa Neilson from St. Martin’s and Lynn Waltman from All Saints will be ordained to the diaconate by the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
St. Martin’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will have its inaugural breakfast at 9 am on November 3 – St. Andrew’s Day – at the Main Street Grill, Keller. Jim Bedell is the contact person for more information.
Meeting Adjournment
Jim Wilson moved the meeting be adjourned, Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 3:25 pm with prayer by Gregory Anderson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, December 13, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report – November 2015
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
A Few Highlights:
- Teens will continue to meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
- With Advent and Christmas approaching, you’ll find our teens involved in the coat and toy drive and planning ways to help the homeless at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
Sunday school
Sunday school is strong and vibrant with an average of 50 children and volunteers participating regularly. Did you know we have 23 teens regularly attending Sunday school? Our children and teens are learning more about St. Benedict with Benny lanyards, an activity that invites children to live with purpose, respond creatively and get some Benedictine inspired goodies too!
A youth group for 3rd – 5th graders, modeled after EYC, will meet for fun, fellowship and a Benedictine service project on November 22 to create prayer cards to go in each coat donated to the coat drive. They will slip the cards in the pocket of the coat, as an extra layer of love and support for the recipient. Liza Goodner is taking the lead with this program and is thrilled to have tweens and parent volunteers joining this new and active group.
Monthly Giving Campaigns for fall
Sock Drive Stats:
We have just wrapped up the sock drive for the 140 men finding a new start at Union Gospel Mission. During a recent Wednesday night EYC meeting, our teens counted 349 pairs of socks and prayed for the men who would receive them.
Toy Drive
The toy drive has kicked off and we’ve already filled two very large boxes with toys for the children of Union Gospel Mission. This campaign will wrap up at the Advent fest on December 6.
Save the Date
November 29: Feast of St. Nicholas features a potluck brunch after the 10:30 am service to kick off Advent with a focus on the joy of giving and celebrating the reveal of our updated parish library.
December 6: Advent Fest (grab Advent resources, enjoy live music and visit the hot chocolate station at this festive coffee hour held after the 10:30 am service.
December 24: Elvish the Elf is at it again, helping facilitate a delightful potluck of cookies and appetizers fit for a king…Jesus, that is! There is a rumor that Santa will make a brief appearance.
Chaplain’s Corner
All are invited to attend weekly chapel, held three times a week in the church sanctuary from 9:15 am – 9:45 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We recently welcomed our patron saint, Martin of Tours! Join us for a very special chapel service on December 3. We will welcome St. Nicholas. Chocolate gold coins will find their way into the tiny shoes of our precious students!
Blessings–Corrie Cabes
Grow the Church Report on the Final Zip Code Party
Reaching out to Neighbors and Friends and Those in Need
Fellow Vestry Members,
Please mark your calendars for the final Zip Code party, Sunday November 22 at NOON (after the 10:30am service).
There seems to be a little confusion about who should attend – the answer is- everyone who can and who wants to!
Please spread the word to your friends to come and enjoy the fellowship and hear the hopes and dreams of the parish.
We need some help for the set up for this event on Saturday the 21st after the 5pm service.
If you can help set up for 30 minutes from 6 to 6:30 please let me know.
Please plan to attend and represent your zip code!
Babe’s fried chicken will be served and we are asking everyone to bring a side dish or dessert.
This event includes a contest between zip codes for the most non-perishable food brought. The winning zip code participants will win a prize!
All participants WIN by having an opportunity to be Jesus’ hands by providing food to those who are in need at Union Gospel Mission.
Thank you!
Elizabeth Mason