For a pdf of the full vestry packet, including all reports and financials, please click here
Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Amanda Alvarez (via Zoom), Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Bryan Hedrick, Liz Jordan, Melissa Kurkul
Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair
Not Present: Jen Duncan, Becky Snell-Bolerjack, Glenda Morehead, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 21, 2023 in the West Parish Hall. The meeting was opened in prayer by the Rector at 12:05 pm.
Rector Alan Bentrup appointed Tina Morehead as Clerk for the meeting.
Consideration of Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry approve the minutes of the April 23rd meeting as written. Bob Bess seconded the motion; motion carried.
Finance Committee Report & Treasurer’s Report
Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson presented the report, indicating that the parish is currently in a favorable position. Pointed out that income continues to outpace expenses.
Reservations for 2024 Delegates to Diocesan Convention St Martin has prepaid for reservations to 2024 Diocesan Convention to make sure delegates have hotel rooms as needed. This expense will be listed in Finance reports as for 2024 through the remainder of 2023 and carried through as a line item on the 2024 budget.
Update on Interment Costs St Martin’s charges for interment in the Memorial Garden mirror those of other Episcopal churches in the area, most notably Trinity Episcopal’s charge for columbaria and interment.
Outside Audit: Info was provided to independent auditor. Wilkinson will follow up with auditor to ensure audit will be completed according to Diocesan deadlines.
Rector’s letter of agreement corrected In compliance with canons of EDOT, letter of agreement with the rector has been corrected regarding Self Employment Tax. St. Martin will no longer withhold half of the Self Employment Tax as taxes, the Rector is responsible for paying all Self Employment Tax to the IRS himself. Gross annual stipend payment is the same as before. Motion was made by DJ Mitchell for changes to be made, seconded by Mary Beth Butler; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Bob Bess moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted; DJ Mitchell seconded the motion; motion carried.
Review of Master Plan
DJ Mitchell provided an update on the Master Plan for expansion of Sanctuary, moving of offices, as previously outlined. “Moving of walls” projected to start in fall, first phase will be moving offices to Parish Hall areas. Dick Seeber moved that communication be sent out to the parish regarding updated Master Plan after DJ finalizes the copy in the coming week. Motion was seconded by Liz Jordan; motion carried.
Jr. Wardens’ Report
Mower: Dick Seeber assisted Constance with Fever United in taking ownership of St. Martin’s large industrial lawn mower.
Storage shed was reorganized once mower was removed, and materials for Good News Garden were moved into the shed.
Secondary fencing in playground to be removed. Rick Schultz confirmed with the State that the shorter secondary fencing inside the playground is NOT a state requirement for the playground to be used by the Church only. (as opposed to use by preschool.) Fever United has someone who will remove the fence at no charge to St. Martin.
Sr. Warden Report
The playground and memorial garden will be maintained by the Green Team monthly. They have reviewed the state requirements regarding upkeep of the pea gravel inside the playground and those will be followed to ensure compliance.
Rector’s Report
Bishops’ Visits: On May 28, Bishop Suffragan Kai Ryan will make an official visit to baptize, confirm, receive, and accept reaffirmations. She will meet with the Vestry briefly and informally after the service. A total of 23 persons being baptized, confirmed, received, and reaffirming their dedications are a record for St. Martin.
Curate Update: We have been assigned a Curate who will start July 1st. Information will be provided to the Congregation in a few weeks, until then no information is to be shared by Vestry members.
Seminarian: Tony Kroll, a seminarian from Bexley-Seabury, Chicago, will be assigned to a field education course at St. Martin’s for one to two years starting in September.
Next Vestry meeting to be held Monday June 19, 2023 at 7 PM via Zoom so as to not conflict with Fathers’ Day on June 18th.
Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 12:48 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Tina Morehead
Clerk pro tem