St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting
May 20, 2018
Present: MaryBeth Butler, Christopher DeClerk, Keen Haynes, Ike Ogbue, Becky Snell, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Jim Bedell, Sharon Dudek, Linda Seeber, Nancy Wieden.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 20, 2018 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:34 PM. He then led the vestry in a bible study, followed by a discussion of Chapter 2 of “The Vestry Resource Guide.”
Why People Go to Church
The rector led discussion of the recent survey of the reasons people give as to why they do or do not have connections with a church. The vestry discussed ways in which the results may or may not apply to St. Martin’s.
Welcoming Ministry
MaryBeth Butler announced that the committee will be meeting after today’s vestry meeting and invited all those who have suggestions for the committee to join them. An initial report on the plans of the Welcoming Ministry will be given at the June meeting.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the April 15, 2018 meeting were approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report
Financials Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the April financial reports. Linda Snow moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Ways to Pay Pledges or Make Other Donations without Paying by Check or Cash: Treasurer Mitchell distributed a document showing the various ways parishioners may make contributions. Further research will be done on the possibility of setting up a means by which the church could directly withdraw funds from parishioners’ checking accounts.
Vestry Signs Letter of Support for Paula Jefferson
Vestry members present signed the Congregational Nomination for Postulancy for Paula Jefferson. The nomination must be signed by the nominee as accepted before it is forwarded to the Diocesan Bishop and Commission on Ministry.
Memorial Garden Repairs
Becky Snell, representing the Memorial Garden Committee, presented a list of desired repairs to the Memorial Garden. Her report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Frame Purchase Approved: Ike Ogbue moved the vestry approve the purchase of 4 bronze frames for the columbarium at a cost of $4184.00. Funding is to come from the Building and Grounds budget line at this time and if necessary later in the year be moved to Memorial Funds – Undesignated. The motion was seconded and carried. Currently there is only a phone proposal from the vendor. Snell will ensure that documentation is provided from Fred Cheek Monuments for St. Martin’s records.
All other improvements listed on the report were tabled until more information is available.
Junior Warden’s Report
Endorsement of Email Vote Approving Increase in Cost of Breezeway Door: Joel Walker moved the vestry vote to endorse the email vote of May 9-10 in which a majority of members voted to approve the increase in cost of installation of a new door from the church building opening to the breezeway from the $550.00 approved at the April 15 meeting to $700.00. The motion was seconded and carried.
The written report of the Junior Warden is attached to and made a part of these minutes. In it she provides information on the replacement of doors, labyrinth plans, light replacements and August Grubby Sunday plans.
Senior Warden’s Report
Senior Warden Snow had nothing new to report at this time.
Rector’s Report
Update on St. Martin’s Proposed Bylaws: The rector will call the chancellor of the diocese to find out the status of the proposed bylaws for St. Martin’s that was sent them some months ago. If the diocese approves the draft, then the vestry can move forward with voting on and approving the bylaws.
Vestry Person in Charge Announcement Recommendations
Communications Director Susan Kleinwechter reminded vestry members of the importance of the announcements they make preceding church services. In response to requests from vestry members for help she agreed to provide every vestry member with the script to be used at each of the 3 weekend services and will also create new laminated cards and other tools to be used at the podium.
Announcements / Upcoming Events
June 4-7 City Week Intergenerational Mission Trip to Union Gospel Mission
June 10 Regular Vestry Meeting
June 17-22 Teen Mission Trip to Pecos, NM
June 18-July 19 Bricks 4 Kidz Summer Camp
July 5-13 Episcopal Church General Convention Austin TX
July 9-13 Vacation Bible School 9 AM – 12 PM
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM with prayer by Joel Walker.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, june 10, 2018, west parish hall.