Vestry minutes – May 20, 2012 meeting

May 20, 2012
Present: Steve Anderson, Jack Bailey, Bob Bess, Gary Grant, Aubrey Hardman, Joy Malmgren, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Jami Taylor; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Excused:      Pat Hollifield, Brian West; Jim Reynolds, Rector.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 20, 2012, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Parochial Associate. In the absence of the Rector the Senior Warden chaired the meeting.
Minutes of the March 18, 2012 meeting were approved as distributed. Minutes of the April 15 2012, meeting were approved as amended.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that the ordination of Henry Penner to the deaconate has been approved by the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. The date of his ordination has not been set yet.
Action Items
There was discussion as to how to prevent misunderstandings on what has been agreed to in Vestry meetings. The Senior Warden introduced the addition to the agenda of “Action Items.” The Action Items will be reviewed at the end of each Vestry meeting to ensure that all members have a clear understanding of what items were approved and/or discussed by the Vestry during the meeting. Since the minutes provide a more complete record of Vestry actions, the Action List will not be recorded in the minutes.
We Want to Know
Becky Snell went over the results of the recent survey on construction of a new playground. (See attached.) Consideration will be given as to how to conduct surveys in the future, possible renaming of the committee and which if any surveys should be done for fall. The Rector and Senior Warden will meet regarding these matters.
New Playground Tabled
Steve Anderson moved the Vestry table the discussion on a new playground for the balance of 2012. The motion was seconded and carried.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren reported she is supporting the Fun Fest and asked Vestry members sign up to help with the event. She has no new M&O information at this time. She will be getting with Becky Snell regarding items to make up care packages for military people. She will be doing reminders about goods for the Storehouse.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Bob Bess moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. Bess and Jami Taylor will be doing the weekly bulletin updates on finances.
St. Martin Academy
Richard Cabes reported that when an outside group was using church facilities recently, some of their children broke some of the playground equipment, leaving broken plastic with sharp edges. The broken plastic has been removed, but playground repairs and maintenance are needed. A maintenance list will be provided to the Jr Warden, so needed work can be done before VBS. The Senior Warden asked that Vestry members take part in a walk-through of the playground at the close of this meeting.
Parochial Associate’s Report
The Parochial Associate asked that Vestry members use her cell phone number 214-695-2627 when needing to contact her. She reported that Michele King will be returning to the parish office June 4 and the Rector will return June 7. She and CE Director Valerie Reinke are working on things to close out the year.
Christian Education Director and EYC Plans: Corrie Cabes has accepted the position of CE Director. The Parochial Associate and CE Director will work together on the ministry to youth. Cabes will focus mainly on middle school students, and Haynie on the high school students. The two of them will “tag team” EYC next year. The Nets for Life drive brought in $860 from St-Martin-in-the-Fields, $660 of it from the cake sale, $200 from Mission and Outreach for this ERD program.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon: The Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon will be held after the 9 AM service next Sunday. She asked about putting out a basket at the luncheon for use by those who wish to contribute to the hospice that cared for the Rector’s father in his final days. The Vestry consensus was that such was appropriate.
Senior Warden’s Report
Finance Committee: The Senior Warden announced the Rector has appointed the following Finance Committee: Lisa Neilson – chair, Jack Bailey, Bob Bess, Paula Jefferson, and Diana Panther.
Audit Committee: The following have volunteered to serve as the Audit Committee: PaOKula Jefferson – chair, Kerry Angle, Neil Hahn, and Doug Watson. Bob Bess moved the Vestry approve the Audit Committee as listed. The motion was seconded and carried. The audit is due to the diocese annually by September 1. The Vestry must accept the audit before it is sent to the diocese.
Episcopal Connection Resolution: The Diocese has sent a resolution to be adopted by St-Martin-in-the-Fields to reaffirm its continuing connection to the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and The Episcopal Church. The resolution was adopted and will be forwarded to the Diocese. A copy of the resolution is attached and made a part of these minutes. Christian Education Director Overlap: The Rector has requested funding at a cost of $1049 for a 2 week overlap for Reinke and Cabes to allow for training the new Director. Aubrey Hardman moved the overlap funding be approved as requested. The motion was seconded and carried.
Junior Warden’s Report
Concrete Work: The Jr Warden announced that the concrete work will not be done before VBS. He stated that the sloped sidewalk to the East Parish Hall and correction of the front sidewalk to the church are the priorities for concrete work for the $5000 approved by the Vestry. The Senior Warden plans to get one more bid for the concrete work. Memorial Garden: A $20,000 memorial gift has been received. $1000 is designated to the choir and $19000 to the MemorialGarden. He will be getting bids for fencing the MemorialGarden, either the entire designated area or only the current garden area. There was discussion about setting aside an area for the cremains of pets – not in individual plots and not in the MemorialGarden itself.
Playground Maintenance Committee: The following volunteered to serve on a committee to maintain the current playground, subject to appointment by the Rector: the Jr Warden, Richard Cabes, Aubrey Hardman and Becky Snell.
Additional Funding for Assistant Clergy
The Rev Lauren Gough (ret) is currently being compensated $100 per month for her work at St-Martin-in-the-Fields. Steve Anderson moved the Vestry set the compensation to the Rev Lauren Gough at $400 per month for her services to St-Martin-in-the-Fields, for the balance of 2012, effective June 1. The motion was seconded and carried with Joe Panther abstaining.
Additional Academy Matters
The Senior Warden announced the school needs to use an additional room. Discussion of the matter was postponed until the Rector returns.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM with prayer by the Parochial Associate.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead