Vestry Minutes May 19, 2019

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting Minutes – May 19, 2019
Present:  Bob Bess, Mary Beth Butler (member & clerk), Sharon Dudek, Keen Haynes, Brandy Heckel, D.J. Mitchell (member & treasurer), Christopher Mullaney, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Julie Sutton, Christopher Thomas, Assisting Priest
Absent: Christopher DeClerk, Ben Taylor, Scot McComas, Rector
Also Present: Glenda Morehead, Parliamentarian, Linda Snow, Historian
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 19, 2019 in the West Parish Hall. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Assisting Priest at 12:27 PM.
Bible Study
The Assisting Priest led the Vestry in a study using Ephesians 5:1-2, 6-11, 18b-20. 
Senior Warden Haynes chaired the balance of the meeting.
Norms of Vestry Meetings
Mullaney is working on a draft of a statement to be read at the beginning of all meetings. The matter was tabled until the June 23 meeting.
Fundraiser Updates & Calendar Planning
Dudek and Sutton presented their proposal for a Parish Bingo Night on September 28. This document is attached and made a part of these minutes. Signup sheets were circulated for volunteer positions. Mitchell moved acceptance of the proposal and the motion carried.
The Octoberfest event will be offered as planned on October 27 with the following elements: Chili Cookoff, Trunk or Treat, Beer and possibly wine by parish artisans. 
Parish Bylaws Approved
The revised Parish Bylaws were presented at the May 5, 2019 meeting. Bess moved that the bylaws be accepted as presented. The motion carried. The bylaws were signed by Hayes as Senior Warden and Butler as Clerk, affirming the vote. Morehead will submit copies to the Diocesan office and to the investment firm.
Senior Warden’s Report
AED & CPR Classes: Haynes said that DeClerk will be offering AED and CPR classes on a date to be announced.
Walk or Run Evenings: Mullaney will be forming a group to walk or run together one evening per week.
Safeguarding Vestry members were reminded to update their Safeguarding classes. This may now be done entirely online. It was agreed to ask Kirsten Tiemann to offer a Safeguarding class on June 30 following the 10:30 service. Class will be open to all members of the congregation.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the May 5, 2019 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Mitchell reported on the April 2019 financials. Heckel moved acceptance and the motion carried.
Transparency of Financial Status: Mitchell will make his first bi-monthly announcement on the “State of the Financials” at the services on June 1 & 2.
Salary Increase for Parish Administrator: Bob Bess moved that the salary of the Parish Administrator be increased to $40,000.00 per year effective February 1, 2019, due to an increase in responsibilities of the position and to bring the salary to market level. The motion was seconded and carried.
Welcome Ministry Initiatives
Three follow up calls were assigned.
Junior Warden’s Report – Labyrinth Signage
Bess noted ongoing needs for replacement of bulbs and HVAC filters. Parishioner Andres Delgado owns a handyman service and it was suggested that he be contacted to assist with this and other work.
Rector’s Report
In the absence of the Rector, no report was presented.
Announcements/Upcoming Events
June 2: Parish Picnic and Blood Drive
June 9: Pentecost
July 15-19 Vacation Bible School
July 22 – 25 City Week at Union Gospel Mission
The meeting adjourned at 2:28 pm with prayer by Mullaney
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Butler, Clerk