May 19, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Annette Duff, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Bob Bess, Gary Grant, Pat Hollifield.
Absent: Aubrey Hardman.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 19, 2013, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Minutes of the April 21, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
The written report of Director Corrie Cabes is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Communications Committee
Annette Duff and Gil and Susan Kleinwechter provided an update on the status of the proposed parish website. Susan stated that the goal was to have all the information currently presented in print or electronic form be put on the website. The Rector announced that the staff will be developing the policies regarding the website as the needs arise. Bios of all Vestry members and information on the various ministries of St-Martin-in-the-Fields are needed by Friday. Plans are to launch the new website in the next 2 weeks. The Vestry approved launching the new website when all areas of it are ready.
Diocesan Information
Day of Discovery Joel Walker reported that June 1 at All Saints School there will be a Day of Discovery. Cost for the day is $15 which includes lunch. All are encouraged to attend. The main thrust for the Day will be “What it takes to be ordained.”
Jordan Haynie’s Ordination June 11 there will be a planning meeting in preparation for the ordination of Jordan Haynie to the priesthood at All Saints, Fort Worth, July 9. Jordan will be on the staff at All Saints. The planners have especially asked the help of people from St-Martin-in-the-Fields. Jordan began the ordination to Holy Order process from St. Martin.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Jim Wilson moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Relationship between the Church and School
Questions were raised about financial reports from St Martin’s Academy on a regular basis. The Treasurer stated that year end financials from the school were included in the Annual Reports booklet. She does not have access to the school’s financial information, so cannot report on its behalf.
Diligent searching has not revealed any papers documenting the relationship between the church and school. As a result, the Parochial Associate has asked the school director to consider being open to the creation of a “letter of agreement” between the school and church, and the director has agreed. Several Vestry members stated that a document detailing the relationship between the church and the school was created in or around 2009. The search for the document will continue.
The Rector reported that over the summer Richard Cabes will be working with the Rev David Madison of the school accreditation board on the requirements for accreditation of the school.
Rector’s Report
The Rector remarked that this is his last Vestry meeting. The shelves and walls in his office are emptying, in preparation for his retirement. He is currently putting together the booklet for the service on June 9 – the liturgy is created to demonstrate the end of the relationship between a parish and its rector. Bishop High will preside at the service during which the Rector will present his letter of resignation and his keys to parish offices and files to the Senior Warden. He plans to perform no sacramental duties in any parish for a year. He asked Vestry members for their support during the last services over which he will preside, the services the weekend of June 2. He thanked all present for their support during his 11 years of service in St-Martin-in-the-Fields.
Parochial Associate’s Report
The Parochial Associate reported the following:
Province Youth Event The Province-wide youth event planned for Dallas this summer has been cancelled since the Diocese of Dallas decided not to participate. It was decided that it was not a good use of resources to hold the planned event for the few youth who were left.
Youth Confirmation Retreat The confirmation retreat for youth was held at Trinity May 3-4 with 16 youth participating. Almost all the youth who participated were then confirmed May 5.
Volunteer Brunch The Volunteer Appreciation event this year was a brunch rather than a luncheon as in the past. The brunch was held between the services today and went really well. Plans are being made to do a program in the fall to help members of the parish determine their spiritual gifts and talents and what ministries in the parish would be a good fit for them.
Back to Church Participation Bishop High intends for every parish to have a focus this fall on getting back into church participation in conjunction with stewardship.
Services during the Interim The Parochial Associate and Deacon will be responsible for the services during the summer until an Interim Rector is called. They plan that one Saturday a month the Deacon will be conducting Evening Prayer, giving the Parochial Associate that evening off.
Summer Children’s Chapel This summer there will be a Children’s Chapel for those children 3 years old through elementary school during the 10:30 service. Older youth will be enlisted to help shepherd the younger ones. The children will join the service during the peace.
Junior Warden’s Report
New Water Line The Jr Warden reported that water started coming up through the pavement in the parking lot on Monday. Water has been restored to the education building, but remains off in the main building. A new water line is needed. He hopes to meet with a new plumber tomorrow. He estimates that replacing the line may run as high as $9,000.
Air Conditioner Repaired On Saturday the AC unit on the south side of the sanctuary started putting out hot air. It was repaired this morning. Apparently nothing is wrong with the unit. The repairman says although it is possible there is a slow leak, he is of the opinion we are once again victims of freon theft.
The meeting adjourned at 1:57 PM with prayer by Annette Duff.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Christian Education Report
May 2013
Sunday School wraps up this Sunday, May 19th with a FUN FAITH FIELD DAY. Children and Youth will get a Vacation Bible School games preview with outdoor field games filled with faith inspired themes. Game Master Lou Madsen leads the charge and has developed game stations for our Sunday School children and youth. Face painting, Pentecost origami crane making station and popsicle bar are some of the highlights of this wrap up of a wonderful year in Sunday Christian Education at St. Martin-in-the-“Fun Fields.” Thanks also to Mother Amy Haynie and Sunday School teachers for making this event possible.
Sunday school has brought in new families who have gotten involved in the ministry of St. Martin’s and I am proud to lead a wonderful team of Sunday School volunteers who are very dedicated to Children’s ministry at St. Martin’s. I look forward to a wonderful Fall in Christian Education.
Children’s Chapel– Beginning Sunday, May 26th, Children’s Chapel will be offered during the 10:30 am Service. At the beginning of the service, children and youth ages 4yrs-12th grade are invited to “Follow the Cross” from the Sanctuary to the Chapel to participate in their own learning of the Bible. Some of the older children will be asked to help lead the reading and discussion of the lessons or by facilitating a fun project for the younger children. Once the sermon is finished, the children return and join their parents and the congregation in time for Communion.
Bible Lessons follow the Revised Common Lectionary and are facilitated by members of the church. Leaders are trained and certified in child safety classes and follow guidelines which require two or more adults to supervise children at all times. Parents are always welcome to visit and learn more about the program.
Diocesan Fine Art Gallery: It has been an amazing privilege to be a part of this Diocesan-wide project. This gallery project, graciously hosted by St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church in Fort Worth features art and musical performances from more than 55 artists and musicians. A new “template” has been created for this event with an original liturgy to celebrate the God-given gifts of artists and musicians. On Saturday, May 18th, clergy, youth and lay people from the Fort Worth and Dallas Dioceses will participate in a service starting a 5pm, with blessings for artists and musicians, Stations of the Liturgical year and music from St. Martin-in-the-Fields Choir and Christ the King Choir. After the service, all are invited to move through the gallery and refreshments will be offered under tents on the beautiful St. Elisabeth grounds. A virtual gallery, created by Lefty Brandon, diocesan photographer, will continue the work of the Fine
Art Group, led by The Rev. Cynthia Ruiz, The Rev. Tracie Middleton and Corrie Cabes with contribution from Bishop Rayford High.
Retreat Opportunities: The Fine Art Gallery will host day or evening retreats through June for groups interested in experiencing the Liturgical year through powerful art and liturgy. Contact for more information.
EfM: Education for Ministry, a program through the University of the South, equips lay-persons to be informed and knowledgeable in their daily ministry. Look for an inquirer’s booth in the West Parish Hall after the 10:30am service on May 26th, led by the Reverend Judy Upham, an experienced Fort Worth EfM Mentor.
VBS: We will have a Vacation Bible School Kick-Off Coffee Hour after the 10:30am service on Sunday, May 26th to kick off “Kingdom Rock”, a medieval themed curriculum that is sure to inspire and delight children as they learn that “God is Strong.” Work nights and many planning sessions continue as we prepare for our largest outreach ministry of the year. Vacation Bible School will be held on June 24th-28th . A Family Service will be held on Saturday, June 29th at 5pm at St. Martin’s. Please save the date–following the service, a yummy medieval style banquet will be held in “Ye Royal Eastern Parish Hall” with McTeggart Irish Dancers entertaining the lords and
ladies in attendance.
Security Update: The security system has been purchased and the installation process will begin next week. Thank you for funding and approving this project.
In His Service,
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education