May 17, 2020
Present: Bob Bess, Keen Haynes, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Becky Snell, Christopher Mullaney, Julie Sutton, Bob Garrity, Christopher DeClerk, Ben Taylor and Linda Seeber
Guests: Gary Wilkinson, Sue Mitchell
Such meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 17, 2020, via Zoom meeting during the COVID-19 Pandemic, beginning at approximately 12:30 p.m.
The minutes from the vestry meeting on April 19th were approved as submitted by all except Christopher DeClerk, who was not in attendance. The minutes from the April 26th meeting were approved by all as submitted.
Treasures Report:
DJ Mitchell presented the treasurer’s report for April. The change in our cash position is virtually unchanged. The pledge revenues are continuing above plan, yet all other revenues are as reported last month and below plan. Revenue is 15k below plan, but all expenses are significantly below plan helping keep the deficit low.
Our focus should be on the end-of-year projections. We will make a lot of assumptions based on how things pan out through the year, based on expenses and income and how the pandemic has affected things. With the PPP grant for payroll expenses, we should break even at the end of the year, there are just so many unknowns at this time. All approved the treasures report.
Finance Committee and School Report:
Gary Wilkinson gave the finance committee report and the update on the school. A finance committee meeting was held yesterday, Saturday the 16th. The committee combed through the budget and discussed stewardship. The loan was received as of May 1st and the next finance meeting is June 20th.
The school has finished up the school year with the last 6 weeks with online learning activities. We had as many as 50 kids/families participate in any given day of sessions. We had reduced tuition for April and May, from a financial perspective, we are still ahead for the school year by $3,800 we did pay the teachers full salaries until the end of March. They will continue to work on room plans, cleaning and how to keep the kids separated for next school season.
We are expecting all 50+ students to start in August, but so far only have 28 signed up now for sure.
We will have to adjust if the numbers changes, a reopening plan is in the works.
All received and accepted the finance and the school report.
Rector search committee:
Sue Mitchell presented for the search committee. We have to provide a list of members households asap so we will be prepared to pay Holy Cow once they resume services.
The profile is in progress. The team is working on an invitation and gathering more info on the Keller/ DFW area. They will begin meeting weekly starting next week to get the first draft ready. Jerry Burkett is working on the website for potential changes going forward.
A potential fall meeting will be set up and the team is working on the plan to regather. Hopefully this can be coordinated with the drone flyover so good pictures can be taken.
Father Ron anticipates 4-5 zoom meetings in August for conversations about past, present, and future and the survey report.
Junior Warden Report
Bob Bess and Christopher Mullaney reported on a few items that need to be repaired. One toilet is running nonstop. The water has been turned off to it until we can get back in the building. With all the wardens out of the church in quarantine, there isn’t much activity happening right now.
The holy mowers are doing great a great job with the yard. Mullaney will cut down the dead crape myrtle tree as soon as possible. Father Ron said the inside of the church is covered in dust. Zander will be contacted to dust the sanctuary. It needs to be kept up and should not wait we are about to regather, it could cause issues for parishioners to return to a lot of dust. There are also a lot of black bugs in the hallway by the office.
Senior Warden Report
Keen Haynes reported on the executive council meeting yesterday. The hot topic is the ongoing litigation, results still anticipated by end of June. Chancellor Sandy Liser anticipates that after litigation, we would enter mediation to iron out items for resolution, it could take up to 60 days to see results.
The Diocesean Mission and Outreach Committee met Friday and approved items on the outreach list. Our Service Sunday was funded but the United Gospel Shoe program did not get funded.
There have been topics discussed regarding how things will happen after this is resolved, regarding those that have left and want to come back to serve again. There may be a waiting period for this to occur.
Interim Rector’s Report
The Very Rev. Ron Pogue asked for more equipment for the online services, singing will be added to the online service by Joe or possibly a member of the choir. Lectors have been added. Becky Snell will reach out for volunteers.
Sunday morning online services will now be available on Sunday mornings instead of Saturday, it is a lot of work for Chuck Ambrose to finish.
There is a schedule for all speakers going forward on the online services until June.
Becky Snell asked about a mid-week service via zoom for a healing service. It’s a consideration and could be noon on Wednesdays, more to follow.
The regathering draft plan has been sent via email; more details need to be added in the actual plan especially sanitation of the facility after every service. We are not sure if we will have more than one service on Sundays. We cannot have shared hymnals etc.; they are too hard to sanitize. We all agree it is time to advance the technology and the pandemic is platform we can use to launch this.
We are considering an alternative to the hymnals; we could print out words on paper. Another option could be electronic versions sent via email and others bring their devises with them.
Our current sound system went into the shop in January and the one we are using now is a loaner and is not working well, it is not compatible with our microphones and is causing issues. We need to look into this, the shop that has our system is not open right now due to quarantine.
Pastoral care is still making calls, there are 12 people calling and reaching out to people in need. Father Ron is getting requests for pastoral meetings and those are happening via phone call.
No deaths, we have had some people have surgeries, we are keeping close tabs on those that have kept us in the loops.
Father Ron has reached out to 20+ households of newcomers and the reception has been great.
Christopher DeClerk reported the Food Drive is going really well, and the plan going forward is exciting.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by The Vey Rev. Ron Pogue at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Pemberton