May 17, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Bob Bess, Jack Bolerjack, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Jim Wilson; the Rev Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Treasurer, Doug Watson.
Not present: Charles Busey, Courtney Mullaney and Cyndy Sulots.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 17, 2015, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector. The Senior Warden chaired the meeting.
Eagle Scout Project Proposal
Jacob Tiemann came before the Vestry to request permission to take the preliminary steps to do an Eagle Scout Project for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. If granted permission he will create a plan showing the scope, projected costs, etc. to his scout council for the required permission from that body, then return to the Vestry for final approval before beginning the necessary labor, with July as a probable start date. His project would involve doubling the size of the current Outdoor Worship Area from 15’x30’ to 30’x30’, moving the standing cross to center it in the enlarged area, and changing the surrounds as needed. Gregory Anderson moved the Vestry approve the preliminary plan for Tiemann’s Eagle Scout Project as outlined. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and approval was given. Jack Bolerjack will mentor Tiemann as needed.
April Minutes Approved
Gregory Anderson moved the minutes of the April 19 regular meeting be approved as distributed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Jim Wilson moved the minutes of the April 25 meeting be approved as distributed. Gregory Anderson seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Gregory Anderson seconded the motion and the report was accepted.
Stewardship Report
Gil Kleinwechter reviewed his plans for this year’s approach to stewardship. His outline is attached to and made a part of these minutes. He intends that the Stewardship Committee shall include both members of the Vestry and the congregation at large. A principle part of the stewardship campaign will be the development of a 3 – 5 year plan for St. Martin’s. The starting point will be the work the parish completed during the interim period. The Vestry will work with the ministries to help them formulate their individual plans. A draft of the combined plan is scheduled to be ready for the August 2015 vestry meeting.
The Rector stated that stewardship plans require that a representative for the committee attend the Calendar Planning Meeting on June 6 at 1 PM. He has set November 1, All Saints Day, as Commitment Sunday.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Report
The written report of Karrie Marling, board chair, is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Rector updated the written report by stating that the current enrollment for fall as of today is 41 students, up from the 38 stated in Marling’s report. Elizabeth Highsmith is the newest member of the staff of the school. She will have social media and marketing duties and will be assisting Interim Director Cindy James.
School Fundraiser a Success: The Rector stated that response from both church members and school parents was gratifying – a large number of items were provided for sale and use, and early analysis indicates that proceeds exceeded expectations. He thanked all who took part in any way. A final amount earned (gross and net) will be provided at the June Vestry meeting.
Christian Education Reports
The written report of Corrie Cabes, Children and Youth Minister and School Chaplain, is attached and made a report of these minutes.
Communications Committee
The written report of Annette Duff, committee chair, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Newcomers Report
Flo Lowrey reports that since the Newcomer Party at the end of March, we now have 20 families to be invited to a Newcomer Party. One will be planned by or before mid-September.
Grow the Church Ministry
Elizabeth Mason, chair of the ministry, reported that 4 Zip Code parties have been held and 5 more have been scheduled. One is in the planning stage and 6 more are needed in various sections of our church coverage area. The parties will wrap up with two being held at the church in September. The next meeting of the ministry will be Sunday, June 28 at 9:30 AM.
Diocesan Information
New Provisional Bishop Elected: Joel Walker announced that at the special diocesan convention held yesterday, the Rt Rev Scott Mayer was elected as provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, taking office as of July 1. Bishop Mayer has agreed with the Standing Committee’s request that he plan to serve a term of 7 years.
Chancellor Resigning: Diocesan Chancellor Kathleen Wells is stepping down as chancellor effective as of the November regular diocesan convention. She will continue to serve as assistant chancellor. Wells has served pro bono during the past 5 years of litigation and finds it necessary to focus more on her private law practice.
November Convention: The annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will be held November 13 – 14 at Fort Worth Botanical Garden. Walker is once again on the planning committee for the convention.
New Assessment Recommended: Susan Kleinwechter stated that the assessment taskforce has recommended to Executive Council a new formula for assessment of parishes – 10% of the first $50,000 of income and 16 1/2% of all income over $50,000. The taskforce made no recommendations regarding reducing expenses.
Junior Warden’s Report
In the absence of the Jr. Warden, the Senior Warden announced that the new stoves have been installed with an additional $300.00 cost for the plumbing necessary for the installation.
Senior Warden’s Report
Co-Jr. Warden Elected: Senior Warden Bob Bess stated that the size and complexity of St. Martin’s property makes the job of Jr. Warden all but impossible for one person. He asked for a volunteer to act as Co-Jr. Warden with Charles Busey. Gregory Anderson responded to his request. Jim Wilson moved the Vestry elect Gregory Anderson as Co-Jr. Warden. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and Anderson was elected. Pat Hollifield offered to help when necessary.
Electric Energy Savings Options: Daniel Fails, Silverstone Electric, recently did an electric energy audit for St. Martin’s. He has recommended several changes in incandescent and fluorescent lighting throughout St. Martin’s. His final report will be considered at the June Vestry meeting. He will also be asked to investigate and provide information on what savings could be gained from making offsite monitoring of the thermostats possible.
Rector’s Report
Worship: Although exact numbers for this weekend are not available at this time all agree that the 10:30 worship service is growing.
Transition Committee: The Rector and Transition Committee continue to meet each month on the fourth Thursday.
Installation of the Rev Scot McComas May 30 2015 11 AM: Additional chairs will be placed in the church and narthex. Chairs will be available in the West Parish Hall with a live feed of the service to the wall-mounted TV there. The service booklet is being prepared and invitations sent out to all priests and officials of the diocese.
Investment Committee Appointed: The Rector has appointed the following persons to serve as an Investment Committee for St. Martin’s: DJ Mitchell, chair, Aubrey Hardman, Gil Kleinwechter, Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell, Doug Watson and the Rector himself. The committee met for the first time on May 9 at the Mitchell home. Their next meeting will be on June 27 at 2 PM at the Mitchell home.
Buildings and Grounds Committee Appointed: He has appointed the following persons to serve as a Buildings and Grounds Committee for St. Martin’s: Joe Panther, chair, Gregory Anderson, Mary Anderson, Steve Anderson, Charles Busey, Pat Hollifield, Cathy Tolliver, Kathy Watson and the Rector himself. He will also investigate the possibility of including Constance Smith of Fever United on the committee.
Church Personnel Change: Jan Rees has announced her resignation as Financial Manager as of August 1, 2015. Diana Panther will chair the search committee for a replacement for Rees. Bob Bess, Doug Watson and the Rector are the other members of the committee. The committee hopes to end its work successfully in time for Rees to help train her replacement before church activities gear up for the fall.
Update on Classroom Flooding: Mooring, the remediation firm chosen by the insurance company, continues its work, and will have an update soon. The work should be completed in time for VBS which shall take place June 23-25.
Part-Time Priest Help Considered: The Rector is in conversation with Susan Slaughter with the possibility of her helping with priestly duties, beginning in September. At this point in time it is difficult for him to assess what help he might need once he begins full-time in June. When he has a clearer picture, he will return to the Vestry possibly with a request for funding.
Other Matters
Online Giving Resource: In response to a request by a Vestry member the Finance Committee will determine the best program to use for St. Martin’s online giving.
Thank You Note for New Stoves: A thank you note was read from Kathy Watson writing on behalf of all those who currently use the parish hall kitchen and all those who will do so in the future. She thanked all members of the Vestry for authorizing the funds for the project, Jr. Warden Charles Busey for his research and work to make the stove change-out possible and DJ Mitchell for finding a company who would purchase the old stove and remove it.
Parish Assessment Not Used for Diocesan Lawsuit Expenses: Concern has been expressed at some of the Zip Code Parties by persons who need clarification on the use of the diocesan assessment funds. DJ Mitchell will write an article for publication on St. Martin’s website. The article will be ready for publication by the end of next week.
Jim Wilson moved the meeting be adjourned. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 3:06 PM with prayer by Jack Bolerjack.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report May 2015
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Wednesday nights will change up a bit in the summer. Teens will be invited to join in Mass on the Grass on Wednesday nights, an informal summer worship experience where teens are an integral part of the service. It’s a great opportunity for youth to be involved in ministry, serving side by side with clergy and lay ministers. After the service, all are invited to stay for a picnic dinner and fellowship. When weather allows, we will stay and play outdoor games.
A Few Highlights:
• EYC will continue to meet during the summer months on every second Sunday for Service Sunday (sack lunches for UGM). Teens meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
• Five youth were confirmed by Bishop High in April following a youth confirmation retreat featuring yarn labyrinths, ancient prayer practices and a round of “stump the priest” with our new rector, Fr. Scot!
Sunday School Takes a Summer Break
We are wrapping up an amazing year of Christian formation!
• Children’s chapel begins on May 24 during the 10:30 am service (except for the first Sunday of the month) and will run through the summer months. Children and teens are invited to follow the cross after the Gospel procession for a children’s sermon, liturgy and lots of fun activities. Teens are invited to serve as chaplains leading small group discussions.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Chaplain Minute
The students at St. Martin’s are preparing for graduation and end of year ceremonies. Students have had a great time learning about the liturgical seasons, Bible stories and lots of fun with music and drama. Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to serve as worship assistants next fall!
Lava Lava Island: Our 2015 VBS Theme
Vacation Bible School preparations are in full swing for children ages 4-5th grade! Join us for a tropical adventure on June 23-25, from 6-8:30pm. It’s three days of island fun, Bible truths and soccer! We are starting to plan our closing VBS worship service that will be held on Saturday, June 27 at 5pm in the church sanctuary with all the songs and prayers the children will learn at Vacation Bible School.
Lava Lava Luau
All are invited to celebrate Vacation Bible School with a luau dinner and a movie in the education building after the closing worship service on Saturday, June 27. Fun tropical food and a Chadder (VBS’s official mascot) movie theater experience awaits.
City Week
Save the date! Youth ages 12-18 are invited to participate in a mission trip to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County (UGM) on July 20-23. An optional celebration day at Six Flags will be held on Friday, July 24 for those completing the mission trip.
A mission trip information meeting with lunch will be held on Sunday, May 24 from 12:30 pm-2 pm in the education building. I encourage all interested teens, parents and volunteers to attend.
In addition to the mission trip, St. Martin’s Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) will join forces in June with the youth from Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Midland, Texas. One of our youth, Justan Presley, was a member of their youth group before becoming a member of St. Martin’s EYC. Holy Trinity’s youth leaders, Kevin Leoffler and Bert Bostic, will be visiting our area and want to get their youth group together with our group for some fun and meaningful work at Union Gospel Mission, a Ranger’s game and worship with us at St. Martin’s!
Corrie Cabes
Communications Committee Report to the Vestry – May 2015
Strategy will be a dual approach
- Continue to publish to our page for all to see
- Use a group for community building
St. Martin’s Group: Gregory Anderson has agreed to take over the St. Martin’s group on Facebook. We discussed the merits of keeping a group as well as the page, which include more personal peer to peer communication and simpler posting on mobile devices to a group versus a page. Susan Kleinwechter has added all communications committee members as administrators to the group to assist with moderating. Gregory will invite all newcomers to both the Facebook page and group and encourage them to “Like” our pages. He would like to use the group to get the congregation more engaged, as currently there is little activity on the group.
Facebook presence:
Church Group: Note: to access the group, you must be logged into Facebook.
The group currently has 139 members, moderators are: Gregory Anderson, Susan Kleinwechter, Annette Duff, Linda Snow, Courtney Mullaney, Corrie Cabes
Church Page: Note: Anyone on the internet can go to the page.
The page currently has 223 fans, moderators are: Susan Kleinwechter, Annette Duff, Gil Kleinwechter, Corrie Cabes
School Page:
The page currently has 147 fans, moderators are: Cindy James, Susan Kleinwechter, Annette Duff, Corrie Cabes, Mayra Carballo, Regina Molaschi, Nikki Wenham, Alison Zukowski
School Group:
Cindy James created this group approximately 5 months ago. Our committee is unaware of its purpose or strategy. It is a public group with 34 members. Cindy James is the sole administrator for this group.
Marketing: As the Holy Week paid Facebook post was a huge success for the $20 spent, we advise the following events to utilize this with for the rest of 2015.
School Fundraiser on May 16
Installation of Scot+ on May 30
School Enrollment – Monthly post from May – August to plug school and new Kindergarten program
Sunday School – Back to school
Fall Festival
Boosted posts will be limited to $20 each. The school board approved $100 of the $300 total marketing budget to be used for Facebook marketing. Posts on the school Facebook site include the fundraiser on May 16, as well as the monthly enrollment posts. The school fundraiser was also marketed on the church Facebook page.
Regarding VBS, after discussing with Corrie Cabes, the number of posts will be contingent on how the registration numbers look closer to the start date. We will split the $20 into $5 increments to avoid over enrollment and we will also boost posts in short sprints. We are also able to pause the boosted post if enrollment max is reached. We will run the post on the school Facebook page the week of May 18 as this is the last week of school. If needed, we can also post to the church Facebook page. We will wait to see how the street banner increases enrollment. The banner will go up on or around May 20.
Historian – Linda Snow has agreed to take on the role of historian to compile and preserve St. Martin’s history from what has already been documented and fill in the gaps. History of the parish has been compiled through 1999, she will continue from that point forward. Carl Snow will be assisting Linda with scanning documents and digital compilation. The information will be kept in multiple archives: physical media, digital media and media that is publically published. The Rector discussed with the committee a former parish that had a coffee table book made for the 50th anniversary and would like to do the same for St. Martin’s.
Seasons Newsletter: We discussed adding a history section to include an interview with an “old timer” as well as a newcomer profile in each edition. Expansion of content was also discussed, Gregory is seeking direction of newsletter.
Signs: Susan Kleinwechter and Annette Duff have compiled a list of all current outdoor signage of the church and school, as well as additional needed signage (playground). Each sign has been reviewed with pictures and measurements and we have created the verbiage for the small school sign on the monument, the school office sign by the school door, 3 doorbell signs and need to finish the remainder.
For the sign by the red church doors we recommend steel because we can lay a magnet over it to change information. For other things, we want to assess interest in steel and magnetic sheets. We can create ad hoc signs on printable magnet sheets to do things like change service times and post events.
We recommend contracting with Signs in a Flash, which is the sign company on the corner of 1709 and Pearson. Signs in a Flash has confirmed they print magnetic vinyl sheets and can do steel signs in the sizes needed, as well as aluminum. Our sizes needed are stock sizes.
Audio/Visual recording volunteers: We are in need of more volunteers to record sermons. Susan Kleinwechter would like to get a list to the schedulers to stream line the process, but we don’t have enough people currently. We request to be early on the list for the “ministry minute” to promote this ministry.
Communication cards – Discussion involved breaking the current communication card into two cards. Rather than list all the ministries on the back of the card, two cards were discussed, with one card aimed at the newcomer and one at those returning with information on how to get involved with the church. The new “Communication Card” would be basically the front of the current card with a few edits and more room for capturing personal information with the back to have our mission statement. The second card would be a listing of the ministries and how to get more involved in the church – a step 2 type card. The welcome folder is also to be redesigned with the possibility of a pledge card on the inside. The rector has the drafts of the cards and will pass along the feedback to Anika Barbarito and Flo Lowery.
Monthly Meeting – The communications committee will meet as a group with the rector on a monthly basis, with individual members meeting more frequently as needed.
-Submitted by Annette Duff