Vestry Minutes: May 16, 2021


Present: All Present:  Chris Mullaney, Bob Bess, Mary Anderson, Linda Seeber, Jim McManic,  Amanda Alvarez, Melissa Kurkul, Joe Stark, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, DJ Mitchell, Julie Sutton
Also Present: Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell, and Gary Wilkinson

Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May16, 2021 virtually via zoom meeting.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:35 p.m.

Vestry Minutes from previous months were presented.  No corrections were needed.  A motion was to approve the minutes for the April meeting.  Voted to accept.

Treasurer’s Report: DJ Mitchell

  • DJ reported that he is tracking the budget and it’s pacing at about $422,000 noted that
  • Worship Committee was over budget due to some purchases. Building and Grounds are also over budget but a lot of work is being done on lighting and other improvements.
  • Discussed the Rector’s Search budget and current cash balance.
  • It was suggested that we apprise the congregation during the summer of dips in giving. A blurb would be in the Friday Blast.
  • Ron asked for a mid year report on the budget.

Treasurer’s Report Approved:

Finance Committee – Gary Wilkinson

  • 2020 Financial Review will be completed by a committee after the process is approved by Canon Waggoner.
  • Selecting a committee is in the process.
  • A budget report will be given to each ministry to let them know their budget balances.
  • Mentioned the outside audit and that the diocese will probably ask for one.

Rector search committee: Sue Mitchell

  • Announced the dates for vestry members to meet with final three candidates.
  • Transition Team will take over from the Search Committee once a rector is called. The Transition Team is being formed with 6 accepting and 2 more to be presented soon.

Liason Committee

  • Joe Stark – Pastorial Care
  • Several ministries stated they wanted to find a way to advertise their ministry to get more people involved. Discussed the needs of some of the committees

Human Flourishing – DJ Mitchell

  • Announced the 4th and final book for this season. Will take a break and start back after summer.

Jr Wardens – Bob Bess/Chris Mullaney

  • Lighting being completed
  • Looking at estimates for gutters
  • Cracks in the church are being fixed after estimates
  • Sprinkler system is being fixed.
  • Smart TV’s being purchased for the parish halls for overflow.

Bob Bess made a motion to have the TV’s installed professionally

Linda Seeber seconded.  Vestry voted to use professional installers.

  • FEVER soccer is asking that we put a sign or some type of warning for people with dogs on the soccer field. It was decided to invest in a Poop Collection Station. ($175)

Senior Warden:  Keen Haynes

  • Dioceses is officially Episcopal Church of North Texas
  • Diocesan picnic was announced for June 6th
  • Mission and Outreach was given a grant to continue the monthly sandwiches for UGM. It was stated that the church will need to contribute to continue getting the grant.
  • The dioceses will be streaming different churches and a schedule will be published.
  • Domains were purchase to protect us. Note:  After the meeting money was donated to purchase another domain that was available.

Rector’s Report:

  • Reported out about first in person service with about 35 people present. Questions/answers from the congregation helped formulate a plan for the following in person services.
  • Personnel Committee is being set up with Christopher DeClerk being the committee chair.

Curate Report: Paula Jefferson

  • Pastoral care got wants and needs to Joe Stark
  • Announced ZOOM would continue in the education department
  • Discussed the efforts of the regathering team
  • EYC Council being established with 3 youth interested in service on the council
  • Human Flourishing with close out with a guest lecturer after the 4th Discussed future books and ideas for human flourishing.
  • Christian Formation – making multiple tracks of learning for all ages and interests.

Executive Session

  • Discussed dates for candidate dinners, when the search committee will meet to be able to present a candidate on June 3.
  • June 6th the candidate will be presented to vestry at a live meeting in the parish hall.
  • June 10-13 – one of these days for the final vote from the committee.
  • Ron discussed the procedure for calling the new rector.

A motion was made by Julie Sutton that we will meet June 6th to accept the report and June 13th to vote with an in person/Zoom meeting after church at 1:00.

DJ Mitchell made a motion and Chris Mullaney seconded that the vote for the new rector will be a simple majority.  Vestry voted and approved.

Executive Session Ended.

Closing Prayer – Keen Haynes

Meeting adjourned at 2:15