Vestry minutes – May 15, 2016 meeting

May 15, 2016
Present: Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Elizabeth Mason, Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell , Treasurer.
Also present: Jim Hazel of Baird Investments, Ron Hitchcock.
Not present: Gil Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 15, 2016, at 12:30 PM in the West Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:47 PM.
Baird Investment Presentation – Planned Giving Overview
The Rev James Hazel, Episcopal priest and Baird investment consultant, stated that although believers are charged from earliest biblical times to plan for disposition of their assets after their deaths, most churches are uncomfortable providing information and recommendations in that regard to their members. He complimented the leaders of St. Martin’s for their willingness to assist its members, from the youngest to those members most advanced in age. He provided a brief overview of some of the options available for planned giving and expressed his willingness to help in any way possible. He cautioned vestry members to remember that planned giving is a complex issue and education regarding it is not a quick process. He is available to act as the consultant to St. Martin’s in creating a plan to start the discussions with parishioners. The rector thanked him for his continuing willingness to help.
Labyrinth Update
Ron Hitchcock announced that due to the difficulties encountered from City of Southlake regarding a concrete labyrinth, he recommends creating a labyrinth without a concrete slab and increasing the size to forty-two feet. Most of the work could be done with volunteer labor, but there would be a cost for the stencil needed for the design and for an appropriate product to use for the lines. The location would remain the same. DJ Mitchell will put together the proposed financial package and they will create a construction plan and return for vestry consideration at a later date. The vestry agreed to consider the labyrinth proposal when they return.
Minutes Approved
Joel Walker moved the minutes of the March 20, 2016 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the motion carried. Joel Walker moved the April 17, 2016 meeting be approved as distributed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reported that pledge statements for the first quarter went out. To date there have been very few questions regarding the statements. All questions will be researched in the effort to ensure that all contributions to St. Martin’s are carefully tracked. He reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Kathy Wilkinson moved the financial reports be accepted as presented. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the motion carried.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Fundraiser Update: As of this date gross income from the recent school fundraiser stands at $11,272.00 with a net of $9,860.00. The rector expressed his gratitude to all who worked so tirelessly to make the event a success.
Fall Enrollment Update: Enrollment for the fall school term currently stands at sixty-one students.
Junior Warden’s Report
Church Gutters Clean: The rector praised Jr. Warden Busey who keeps the gutters of the church building cleaned out.
Tree Removal: The Bradford Pear tree at the front end of the church sidewalk broke in the recent storms, and the broken section is currently lying on the ground. The jr. warden announced that he has arranged to have the broken tree removed.
Maintenance Work Needed: The visitor sign that was displaced by the broken tree will be moved to a more convenient location. The large church sign at the front of the property is engulfed by bushes. They require frequent pruning, are unhealthy and need to be removed.
Senior Warden’s Report
The written report of the senior warden is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Rector’s Report
New Vestry Member Elected: The rector announced that Gregory Anderson has found it necessary to resign from his leadership roles at St. Martin’s including those as vestry member, co-jr. warden and diocesan delegate. Diocesan canons state that when a vestry seat is vacant the vestry has the authority to choose a replacement who serves the balance of the vestry term. Kathy Wilkinson moved the vestry elect Ike Ogbue to replace Gregory Anderson on the vestry. Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Ogbue will serve until the parish annual meeting 2018, at which time he will be eligible for election to a full three-year term.
Computer Security Proposal: The vestry discussed the computer security proposal from Michael Young of Computer CPR. They deferred decision on the proposal until a breakdown of the necessity and cost of the various items is available.
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer.
Joel Walker moved the meeting be adjourned. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM with prayer by Cyndy Sulots.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note: Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, june 26, 2016 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.

May 2016 – Senior Warden Report

  • Church IT Infrastructure – Susan Kleinwechter and I met with Michael (Mike) Young from Computer CPR regarding our IT infrastructure. As you know, Fr. Scot has had issues with viruses on his computer. Our computers do not have a single comprehensive security plan and our backups are minimal to non-existent. That was my assessment prior to discussing with Michael and he agrees. He has provided a proposal that I would like the vestry to review and vote upon. At a high level the proposal will secure our network, provide for regular backups and protect our PCs from viruses as much as possible. Susan and I agree that this is a smart thing to do for our church and school. The main question will be how to fund it. Since the school would benefit I would like for them to share in the cost.
  • School Fundraiser – The school fundraiser was a great success. Anika and company provided a great meal and dessert. We had over 70 baskets for the silent auction! had 12 items for the live auction as well as a LOT of things to raffle. We had a good mix of people from the church as well as the school. As of the last count we had grossed $11,272 and have a net of $9,860! My thanks to Anika, Elizabeth Highsmith, the Brotherhood and all of the others that helped make it such a wonderful event.
  • EYC Scavenger Hunt at Grapevine Mills Mall – I volunteered to help with the EYC scavenger hunt at Grapevine Mills Mall on April 24. It was a fun time watching the teens search for the clues over a couple of hours. I know from personal experience that it can be challenging to find activities that keep teens engaged, build friends, encourage teamwork and add a bit of God. We are blessed with a large and active youth group that is led by a Godly, dedicate person. Please take some time and thank Corrie for her hard work.