Vestry Minutes: March 21, 2021


Present: All Present:  Chris Mullaney, Bob Bess, Mary Anderson, Linda Seeber, Jim McManic,  Amanda Alvarez, Melissa Kurkul, Joe Stark, Julie Sutton, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity
Absent: DJ Mitchell
Also Present: Paula Jefferson, Sue Mitchell, Liza Goodner and Gary Wilkinson

Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 21, 2021 virtually via zoom meeting. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:35 p.m.

Keen Haynes made a motion to approve the Annual Meeting Minutes

Bob Bess second: Vestry voted to approve.

Minutes from the February, 2021 meeting were approved as distributed, no revisions.

Lisa Goodner:  Scout Update

  • Reported that there are three potential scout projects – sidewalk to the flag pole, benches to be replaced and a possible outdoor movie screen.
  • Liza requested a fundraiser for the projects. Discussion
  • Bob Bess made a motion to approve a fundraiser and Chris Mullaney seconded.
  • Vestry voted to approve a fundraiser.

Treasurer’s Report: Gary Wilkinson for DJ Mitchell

Treasurer’s Report Approved:

  • Gary said the church is doing well and will continue to monitor the expenses.
  • Monthly Spending was approximately $5,900
  • Ahead on pledges

Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson

  • Committee reviewed all reports and the scouting report for projects
  • Reported that the electric company will help with outside lighting
  • Bob Bess made a motion to receive the reports and Bob Garrity seconded.
  • Vestry voted to accept the treasurer’s and finance committee reports.

Rector search committee: Sue Mitchell

  • Monday March 15th was the deadline for applicants.
  • Multiple candidates, ½ have passed red flag check
  • Will conduct introduction interview with a 2nd interview being more in depth.
  • Mock interviews are being set p with Canon Waggoner.
  • Sue reported that the committee feels very positive about the process

Endowment – St Martin’s Cloak – update:

  • Discussed setting up endowment committee and a team to serve as a governing board
    • Team will be/should be comfortable speaking with people about estate planning and be able to work with the group that currently manages our funds.

Senior Warden:  Keen Haynes

  • Vestry members need to complete background checks
  • Executive Council Report:
    • Discussed legal challenge and need to vacate by April 9th.
    • Name change for dioceses
    • Food Pantry and Offices will move with St. Luke’s

Junior Warden: Bob Bess and Chris Mulaney

  • Locks on church and offices changed to keypads. Looking to change one door to the parish hall to a keypad.
  • Parking lot lighting replaced. Continue working on all lighting
  • Announced a church workday – April 11th. 12:30 – 3:30 (tentative end time)
  • Bob announced the 8 channel mixer is being replaced with a 16 channel.
  • Asked for approval to donate the 8 channel mixer to Chuck Taylor for all his time he has spent helping at church.
  • Julie Sutton made a motion and Linda Seeber seconded the request
  • Vestry voted and approved.

Chris Mulaney:

  • Chris will publish the Holy Mowers Schedule this week.

Father Pogue:

  • Reminders about Vestry Person in Charge and Lunch/Closing Prayer Schedule.
  • Easter and Holy Week schedule is out. No Easter Vigil
  • Baptism Easter morning – new family with 2 children.
  • Announced Discovery Weekend on Zoom for April 16-18th.
  • Announced Stage 1 opening – 10:30 will open with app 15% occupancy with reservations and will open the parish hall to live stream.
  • Stage II – 8:00 am service and Christian Formation for all 9:15-10:15

Curate’s Report: Paula Jefferson

  • Shared about her experience at the Hillsboro church and their spirit. April they hope to be in a new space.
  • Discussion about restarting a new group of Human Flourishing in the fall and using the same books.
  • Next Book – Speaking of Sin by Barbara B. Taylor

Adjournment and Closing Prayer at 1:45