March 20, 2016
Present: Gregory Anderson, Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, Courtney Mullaney , Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson: Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 20, 2016, in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the rector at 12:40 PM.
Consideration of Minutes
Gregory Anderson moved the minutes of the February 21, 2016, meeting be approved as distributed. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Courtney Mullaney moved he minutes of the February 28, 2016, be approved as distributed. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer DJ Mitchell reviewed the March financial reports. (See attached.) There is a new contract on the copy machine which is expected to save one cent per copy. Copier costs will continue to be monitored to determine if this is the case. Oversight of Financial Manager Kristen Kosla will continue for one month to ensure she is adequately trained. A meeting of the Finance Committee may be necessary before the April 17 vestry meeting. Gregory Anderson moved the treasurer’s reports be accepted as presented. Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion and the motion carried.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
Enrollment for Next Fall: The rector reported that enrollment for the fall term is at 60 thus far.
School Fundraiser April 30: He distributed lists of neighboring merchants who have expressed an interest in donating items for the fundraiser. Vestry members are expected to contact these businesses and any other individuals who could donate items. Information on the items expected must be given to the parish administrator by April 9 so the booklet for the fundraiser may be printed and distributed prior to the event.
Junior Wardens’ Report
Labyrinth on Hold for the Present: Installation of St. Martin’s outdoor labyrinth has been delayed. City of Southlake is requiring more information than expected before issuing the necessary permit. The senior warden will determine if help can come from some sources outside the congregation in navigating the bureaucratic process. In addition, other options may be considered for the labyrinth installation.
Update on Building Gutters: Charles Busey has checked the rain gutters on the education building, and they remain free of leaves and debris. The rain gutter of the church appears to serve no useful purpose, except to allow accumulation of leaves and debris, resulting water cascading in unwanted areas, flooding the Memorial Garden. He plans to explore the possibility of removing the gutters from the church building.
Senior Warden’s Report
The senior warden will be emailing vestry members information on the vestry retreat at his home as the date draws nearer.
Rector’s Report
Fund Transfer Needed: There is $500.00 in the Memorial Fund that needs to be transferred to the Rector’s Benevolence Fund. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry approve the transfer of funds; Courtney Mullaney seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Communications Position: The senior warden was excused from the meeting for this portion of the rector’s report. The rector brought for vestry consideration the Job Description for a salaried Communications Director. There were several recommendations for changes from vestry members. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry endorse the Job Description with the recommendations proposed. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Having examined several other communications positions and discussed the matter with consultants, the rector announced that he is asking Susan Kleinwechter to accept the salaried position. Kleinwechter has been serving St. Martin’s as head of communications on a volunteer basis since early 2013. Vestry members concur that she is the logical choice. Funding for the position was included in the vestry-approved annual budget for 2016. Processing of the salary package will begin with the April 1, 2016 payroll with an effective date of January 1, 2016.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
Vestry Retreat April 2 – Cyndy Sulots will be unable to attend.
KellerFest April 15 – 16 – Vestry members are reminded that they previously signed up to man St. Martin’s booth.
Confirmation April 17 – The Rt. Rev. Sam Hulsey. The rector will invite Bishop Hulsey to attend the vestry meeting
Ministry Liaison Reports April 17
School Fundraiser April 30 – All vestry members are expected to take part.
Stop Hunger Now – September 24
Festival in the Fields October 15
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer
Jim Bedell moved the meeting be adjourned. Nancy Wieden seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM with prayer by Kathy Wilkinson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
March 2016 – Senior Warden Report
- Corrie Cabes asked to speak – Corrie was asked to speak at a meeting of the executive council of the Episcopal Church gathering in Fort Worth regarding joyful ministry (intergenerational ministry that we do at St. Martin’s). Specifically they asked her to speak on the sack lunch ministry with Union Gospel Mission. Presiding Bishop Curry was present! A report of the meeting along with a section on Corrie’s presentation can be found on the diocesan website. This is a great on so many levels. First, Corrie is a blessing for St. Martin’s. Her creativity and inclusion are helping us realize our goals for Outreach. Second, we are getting the word out. Our website, communication to our diocese and beyond are showing that we are striving to live our faith not just talk about it. Finally, we are focusing on serving instead of trying to fill seats in church. People of all ages want to live their faith not just hear about it on Sunday. Like the song says “They will know we are Christians by our love!”
- Fever United & Constance Smith – I spoke with Constance and informed her of our policy on guns. She has posted a notice on their website that includes a portion of my email as well as a link for the exact wording regarding conceal/open carry. I let her know that if the parents that had mentioned funding a gym were still interested in doing something that we have clearance from the diocese to proceed. I also informed her that we are proceeding with a labyrinth so expect to construction in front of the church soon. I want to note that I always ask her what we can do for her and Fever. She appreciates our willingness to help but she is far more interested in helping us. We are truly blessed to have our relationship with Constance and Fever.
- Young Adult Group – At the March Tap-Into-Theology I sat with two young adult couples. They were curious as to whether we had a group or groups in that age range that met regularly. Unfortunately we do not. We look after the children, youth parents and others but this age range, unless married with children, do not have something just for them. I think that we should investigate that segment at St. Martin’s and see what we can do to reach out to them.
- April Vestry Retreat – Saturday, April 2 we will have our vestry retreat at my house (2510 Brookforest Dr. Keller TX 76262). Please review the draft agenda below and come prepared to participate, discuss and strategize our way forward. Here are the topics so far:
- Team building exercises
- Planned Giving and Endowment/Foundation Formation
- Re-Imagine the future church building
- Existing plans will be available for review
- Do these plans represent who we are today?
- Do these plans project who we want to be in the future?
- The importance of the Vestry/Ministry liaison – we need to have quarterly reports submitted to the vestry
- Labyrinth snag – The city of Southlake has thrown up a big road block to our effort to build a labyrinth. They are demanding an updated master plan, drainage survey, etc. before approving a permit to build. I think that this is completely uncalled for and we need to do all that we can to get past it. I have spoken with Ron and while he was initially discouraged he will continue to work on it. He will be reaching out to the city council and possibly the mayor for help. I can understand if this was a building but it is not.