Vestry Minutes – March 18, 2018

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting
March 18, 2018
Present:Jim Bedell, MaryBeth Butler, Christopher DeClerk, Sharon Dudek,  Ike Ogbue, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Also present: Cheryl Beesley, Ron Hitchcock.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 18, 2018 in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector at 12:18 PM.
Landscape Plans for the Memorial Garden
The rector introduced Cheryl Beesley, landscape designer, who came to share her vision for landscaping the Memorial Garden. Vestry members were given the opportunity to examine the extensive plans she had. Beesley emphasized her plans were conceptual only. One thing that must be considered is that there are perennial plants that are dormant at this time but will be coming up soon. Beesley and the Memorial Garden Committee will work together to create a final plan which will be presented for vestry approval at a later date.
Consideration of Minutes
Minutes of the February 18, 2018 meeting were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report
Financials Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports.  Linda Snow moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  The motion was seconded and carried.
Revised 2018 Budget Approved: Treasurer Mitchell reviewed the proposed revised 2018 budget. Ike Ogbue moved the revised 2018 budget be approved as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Information for Parish to Change: Mitchell stated that the financial information provided in the bulletins will change as of the coming week. Every month after the vestry meeting the information will be updated and remain the same until after the following monthly meeting. He will also be providing quarterly updates on the current financial position of the parish to ensure that members are always informed.
Check Approval List Update: The list of those authorized to approve checks written from the various budget lines is still being updated and will be ready for vestry approval at the April meeting.
Vote to Approve Prayer Shawl Ministry Fundraiser
Kathy Wilkinson moved the vestry approve a Prayer Shawl Ministry Fundraiser to be held December 2, 2018 after both services in the Parish Hall. Items to be sold in the “boutique”  event would be made by Ministry members, proceeds to go for supplies for the ministry as needed to give comfort to those in need. The motion was seconded and carried.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry requests the approval of the Vestry for a Fundraising Event the first weekend in December 2018.  This would consist of a “Boutique type” event held in the Parish Hall after the 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM services on Dec 2.  Items that would be up for sale will be made by members of this Ministry.
All proceeds from this event would go into the Prayer Shawl Ministry Temporarily Restricted Account for the purchase of yarn, gift bags, tissue paper, cards and postage as needed in order to give comfort to those in need.
Thank you for your attention concerning this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Wilkinson
Prayer Shawl Director

Election of Junior Warden for 2018
Linda Snow moved the vestry elect Linda Seeber to serve as St. Martin’s Junior Warden for 2018. The motion was seconded and carried.
Vote to Fill Vacant Vestry Seat
Linda Seeber moved the vestry select Keen Haynes to fill the vestry seat recently vacated by Norma Barbier. The motion was seconded and carried. Norma Barbier plans to continue to coordinate Service Sunday and work with the Youth Minister, but finds she cannot continue to fulfill the duties of a vestry member. Haynes will complete Barbier’s vestry term ending in 2020. He has agreed to assist Seeber with building and grounds matters.
Buildings and Grounds Matters
Labyrinth Area Landscaping: Jr. Warden Seeber, Keen Haynes and Ron Hitchcock will investigate what all is needed to landscape the area around the labyrinth and return with more information at the April meeting.
Additional Doors to Parish Hall and Church Building: The bid from Vortex to replace the south doors to the parish hall and the east door to the church building was reviewed. Vestry consensus is that Vortex should be contacted to ask if there is a possibility of receiving a discount of any sort and the possible cost of replacing the west door to the office area at the same time. Information will be reviewed at the April meeting.
Signage for the Labyrinth: Some changes were required in the proposed signage for the labyrinth area. Consideration of the proposal was tabled until the corrections are made.
Senior Warden’s Report
Senior Warden Snow stated that she had nothing new to report. She did however take the opportunity to express her gratitude for all the ways in which vestry members have stepped up to cover her usual church service duties, providing help in ways large and small freeing her to care for Carl and herself as they work to find medical solutions for him.
Rector’s Report
Vestry Ministry Liaison Choices: The rector asked vestry members to choose their top three choices for serving as liaison to the various ministries of St. Martin’s. The acronym that helps is SWEEP: S- Stewardship, W – Worship, E Education – the categories under which are Adult Education, Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministry, E – Evangelism Bringing Others into the Church (Radical Hospitality Committee), P – Pastoral Care and S – Service (Outreach). The Wardens already know what roles they have for the coming year. All other vestry members are to email him their top three choices by Easter.
Children’s Ministry Changes: Amy Pirk has recently begun a full-time job and finds it necessary to resign as St. Martin’s Children’s Minister. A lay volunteer has come forward to lead the “Band of Moms.” Liza Goodner has been working with St. Martin’s children in various capacities. She has been hired to serve as the new St. Martin’s Christian Minister. The change will be announced tomorrow.
Radical Hospitality Chair Needed: Due to increased family obligations, Sharon Payne finds it necessary to step down as Chair of the Radical Hospitality Committee. Vestry members will work to ensure that the welcoming of newcomers to our midst continues.
VPiC Reminders for Sundays: Vestry member were reminded that a prelude is played at all weekend worship services. The VPiCs are to make their announcements from the pulpit after the prelude is ended.
Special Refreshments on Easter Day
Although no vote was taken vestry members decided to provide mimosas and special snacks between the 8:30 and 10:30 services and following the 10:30 service during the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt. Non alcoholic beverages will be available.
Announcements / Upcoming Events
Vestry Retreat – March 24 10 AM – 1:30 PM East Parish Hall
Blessing of St. Martin’s Labyrinth – March 25 12:00 PM
St. Martin’s School Bingo Beers and Barbeque Fundraiser – April 14 6 -9 PM
Bishop’s Visit and Confirmations – April 29
Labyrinth Workshop – May 19 3 PM
The meeting adjourned at 4:18 PM with prayer by Linda Seeber.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk
Please note:  Next regular vestry meeting Sunday, april 15 2018, 12:15 PM, East parish Hall.