Vestry minutes – March 17, 2013 meeting

March 17, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Gary Grant, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, DJ Mitchell, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Not present:  Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Joe Panther; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, May 22, 2011, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Minutes of the February 17, 2013, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
The written report of Corrie Cabes, director, is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of the Treasurer the financials and her written report are attached and made a part of these minutes.  DJ Mitchell moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.  The motion was seconded and carried.
Parochial Associate’s Report
In the absence of the Parochial Associate, her written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Rector’s Report
The Rector passed a congregational certification for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth for Vestry members to sign supporting the ordination of Jordan Haynie to the priesthood.  The signatures of the 11 Vestry members present were attested to by the Clerk.  The completed certification and an accompanying letter will be sent to the Bishop and Standing Committee.  (See attached copy.)
He announced that since St Stephen’s, Hurst, must rent a facility for services, they will be having no Holy Week weekday services.  Members of St Stephen’s will be attending some of the Holy Week services at St Martin.  The Rector of Trinity has announced that they will have no Easter Vigil service.  She has charged members of her congregation with attending the Vigil at other Episcopal churches.  They are to return with ideas of what Vigil practices they want to have in the future at Trinity.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden shared details of his recent meeting with Bishop High. (See attached.)
The diocese has a list of those who are trained to serve as Interim Rectors.  The Vestry will elect an Interim Rector from that list.
The Rev Jim Reynolds’ final service at St-Martin has been moved from June 30 to June 9.  The Bishop will be present.  There will be one service that day at 9:30 AM – a special service that ends the relationship that began when the priest was installed as Rector in the parish.
The Bishop will meet with the Vestry when he is at St Martin for confirmations on May 5. He will be discussing the calling process. The Vestry will not serve as the Calling Committee. The Vestry will be represented on the Calling Committee, however. The Senior Warden plans to work with the Calling Committee. He intends that all areas of church life will be represented on the Calling Committee which will be elected by the Vestry. The Bishop has stated that past experience has shown that the bigger the committee, the slower the calling process, the smaller the committee the faster the process.
The Vestry agreed with the Senior Warden’s proposal to move the June meeting to Tuesday, June 18, 7:30 PM.
Junior Warden’s Report
The Jr Warden thanked Vestry members for all their prayers and support during the final illness of his brother. He reported there was a good turnout for Grubby Sunday, and thanks have gone out to the parish. There is a Girl Scout project going on at present in the Memorial Garden.
Green Teams are gearing up to begin their work. A determination must be made if teens can be used on Green Teams if a parent is not present.
Mission and Outreach
Joy Malmgren stated that the committee is making plans.
Building Security System
Pat Hollifield distributed written information sheets on the hardware he has researched to date and a questionnaire detailing decisions that must be made in order to choose the correct type system. Hollifield was charged with getting firm-price proposals as soon as possible from several professional sources for the equipment they recommend and the installation costs involved to secure both buildings. Vestry members agreed they would be willing to vote via email when they have the information in hand. Linda Seeber will check into the price of a “gun safe” for use to store the valuable items used for services.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM with prayer by Gary Grant.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Christian Education Report
March 2013
Soup, Study and Stations-This program wraps up on Friday, March 22nd. Mother Amy Haynie has led a wonderful discussion and helped families connect childhood memories and faith traditions, bringing meaningful holy time now to their own family.
Children and Youth have brought the Bible to life, brick by brick with Legos. They will walk from the manger to the cross and beyond with our Lord.
I am happy to say that the Vestry has been well-represented during this series!
Special thanks to these Vestry Members:
ANNETTE DUFF, for your family’s participation and support of this program. STEVE ANDERSON, for checking in on the program, coordinating the cleaning crew and being available during set-up time.
JOEL WALKER, for his generous donation of soup that has spanned the entire program length and paper/plastic products. His adoption and support of this program has been invaluable!
SSJE– The Society of St. John the Evangelist—each day, this wonderful group of learned scholars and monks has brought a refreshing approach to the Lenten Journey with video clips on the St. Martin’s Facebook page and blog.
AWAKE MY SOUL– St. Martin’s and St. Elisabeth’s have come together to support a family in need. Donations ranging from canned goods to self-care items have poured in from the generous hearts of these two parish families.
Holy Week Worship Opportunities for Youth– Mother Amy and I are combining to bring our children and youth a meaningful worship experience on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Children will begin in the Sanctuary and process out to the East Parish Hall in the Education Building for a special liturgy for youth. There will be interactive stations of the cross and a standing wooden cross that will be bare during Holy Week yet will transform on Easter as a living symbol of Christ’s defeat of death.
Easter Sunday Events– An egg hunt will be held in between the 8:30am and 10:30am services at 9:45am. Children are encouraged to arrive at 9:30am in the East Parish Hall to be put into “crews” before they hunt for eggs. Look for a beautiful flowering cross that children will decorate with flowers from home or those provided by the church. Photo opportunities will abound on this blessed day!
Living the Questions– A new Adult Sunday Morning Christian Education offering begins between the Sunday services starting April 7th in the West Parish Hall .
Diocesan Fine Art Gallery-What was once a beautiful Lenten journey for many artists is expanding to invite the entire Fort Worth Diocese to reflect on the liturgical calendar. Artists may choose a season, such as Epiphany and reflect with art or music. The Bishop’s calendar is marked to attend the Fine Art’s Gallery on May 18th from 5-7pm. You are cordially invited to attend and mingle with some of the most talented artists and musicians in North Texas! Participants may download registration forms from the St. Martin’s webpage or the Fort Worth diocese webpage. May 1st is the deadline to participate!
Youth Confirmation Retreat– A retreat for Youth Confirmands will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church on May 3rd and 4th. Please pray for our youth as they continue the path set before them at their baptism. Bishop High will confirm candidates who have completed this weekend retreat.
EFM-Education for Ministry, a program through the University of the South, equips lay-persons to be informed and knowledgeable in their daily ministry. Look for an inquirer’s meeting in May.
Labyrinth-It is my pleasure to team up with Ron Hitchcock and a Labyrinth committee to start the plans for an outdoor worship space and labyrinth on the campus of St. Martin’s. A “Path of Prayer” will be the theme of this project and it will come to clear focus as a Lenten Project for 2014.
VBS– Many hands will make God’s work come alive to children and their families this June 24th-28th from 9:30am-12:00pm.
Last Note-
I was deeply saddened by the recent crime resulting in a broken window to my office and the theft of our penny jar for the Lenten project. I want to thank Father Jim Reynolds and Mother Amy Haynie for their quick and cool-headed response, working with the police and crime investigators and their assistance in cleaning up the rather large mess of shattered glass in my office. In addition, I want to thank Jim Wilson for his kindness towards me. He did an additional deep cleaning on Grubby Sunday and I was very touched by this.
As a result, I have met with Father Jim Reynolds and Mother Amy Haynie to consult them about the security of the church. It is my greatest mission to provide a safe and secure environment for the children and adults that God has entrusted me to educate and care for at St. Martin’s. We have put a trusted parishioner, Bill Matulevich, in charge of the Awake My Soul fund and he will empty and deposit the funds weekly.
I am very grateful to hear that the Vestry has a security plan in the works. I have been told by Father Jim that the flat screen television that I plan to use for the Spring Adult Christian education program cannot be remounted in the West Parish Hall for use until the security plan is put in place. It is my prayer that I will be able to move forward with this exciting new offering for our adults beginning on April 7th.
In His Service,
Corrie Cabes
Director of Christian Education
Parochial Associate’s Report
March 2013
Hi Friends,
Corrie and I are chaperoning the EYC to Main Event this week for one last Spring break party.
The Holy Week schedule is the same times as in past years.  Corrie and I are working together to introduce a new Children’s worship time within Maundy Thursday and Good Friday evening services so that families may feel comfortable bringing children.  It is important to all of us that we walk through all the days of Holy Week so that we truly understand the joy of Easter.  Corrie and I felt that the children might need an age-appropriate way to participate in the story.
Easter Vigil has one baptism, and the 10:30 Easter service has one baptism.  SMiTF is blessed to have so many families with babies and young children.  Thanks be to God and to the vestry who supports a Christian formation director so well.
Corrie and I are also gearing up for the Youth Confirmation Retreat May 3-4.  The entire Confirmation class will take 26 hours – six sessions – over two days with a closing worship.  We are hopeful that this format will fit busy family schedules better than six classes spread over six weeks.  April 1 is the deadline to register so that we can get t-shirts ordered and know whom to expect.  On April 19th, Corrie and I will spend the day in preparation and prayer for our confirmands and chaperones.  Bishop High will be at SMiTF on May 5th for confirmation.  It will be a big weekend for all of us – please keep us in your prayers.
The provincial Youth Event is being advertised throughout Province VII.  I may have two teens from Stephenville joining us, as well as a college senior willing to be a chaperone!  It will be exciting to have more youth from the diocese involved if possible.  SMiTF has done a great job of representing the diocese for the last three years through our teens, and I expect that will continue at the PYE.
There is still a middle school summer Youth Event being talked about.  Some of the clergy have planning it are slow to respond, but I am hopeful it will still happen.  Once I have the dates, I will publicize.  It would be an event within the diocese, staying at a local Episcopal church (maybe even SMiTF).  I am working really hard to not be the only person planning youth events for the diocese, so I am anxiously waiting to see how this plays out.
I will be out of town April 8-10 to attend the Episcopal Church Building Fund Symposium.  This will be my third year to attend on behalf of the Episcopal Diocese of Ft. Worth.  If you need me those days, I will have my cell phone with me and will respond, as I am able.  We will be meeting in Albuquerque, NM.