March 16, 2014
Present: Bob Bess, Bob Blomstrom, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, DJ Mitchell, Joe Panther, Elizabeth Mason, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Aubrey Hardman, the Rev Amy Haynie, Associate Rector.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 16, 2014, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with worship led by the Interim Rector, using the vision, mission and core values statements.
Minutes of the May 16, 2014, meeting were approved as distributed.
Annual Parochial Report Approved
Canons require that the Annual Parochial Report of every parish must be approved by its Vestry before being forwarded to the diocese. St. Martin’s Annual Parochial Report was not completed in time to be approved at the February meeting. That being the case, the Vestry agreed to break with long-standing policy and consider the report via email. The report was distributed by email and was approved in its final form on March 4 to be forwarded to the diocese. That vote is made a part of these minutes.
Staff Changes
Children and Youth Minister: The Interim Rector distributed copies of the new job description for Corrie Cabes who has previously served as Christian Education Director. (See attached.) Her title is now Children and Youth Minister, serving those 4 years of age through 12th grade. Christian Education for older youth and adults is now the duty of the clergy. Anyone with ideas for adult classes is asked to contact a member of the clergy.
Administrative Assistant: 3 candidates for the position has been interviewed by the Interim Rector, Senior Warden, DJ Mitchell and Paula Jefferson. The interview committee hopes to make a decision by next Sunday.
Other Positions: Candidates are being sought for 2 other positions, which would be extremely part time – Financial Manager and Communications.
Annette Duff reported that the style guide to be used for materials on the website is still not finalized. The new Academy website is ready to go and will replace the old one. The Academy Facebook page is complete and Cindy James, a member of the school staff, will be doing it.
Diocesan Convention Committee
Joel Walker reminded Vestry members that our deanery, the Fort Worth East Deanery, is responsible for diocesan convention 2014. The committe working on the diocesan convention held its initial meeting Tuesday evening. Convention will be held in the Jack Daniels Club at the ballpark in Arlington. Its layout is excellent for diocesan convention.
St Martin’s Preschool and Academy
School Board Chair Karrie Marling gave an overview of the school. The School Board meets monthly, and all members support the school as one of the most visible outreach arms of the parish. There are currently a total of 62 students enrolled, but there is no breakdown of numbers in classes or days per week enrolled. Three committees have been created to help guide the school currently and in the future – Playground Committee, Technology Committee and Marketing Committee. A board member chairs each committee and more committee members will be solicited from among school parents and members of the congregation. School bylaws will be voted on at the April board meeting, then forwarded to the Vestry for approval. A workshop on Episcopal Schools will be held April 5 and several board members will be attending.
Members of the committee are Aubrey Hardman, chair, Bob Bess, Richard Cabes, Eloise Frye, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Ibun Omoniyi, Ife Omoniyi, Tayo Omoniyi, and Interim Rector Wallens. In the absence of Aubrey Hardman DJ Mitchell reported that the committee is using the 7 holy habits of stewardship for its work this year. Each person chose one of the habits to determine the actions they personally will take. The next meeting of the committee will be next Sunday.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer presented the revised January financial report which includes the Academy financials and the monthly report for February. Joel Walker moved the financial reports be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. The Treasurer stated that income is down, with pledges received under the amount expected. The information on pledge income will go into the weekly email blast to parishioners and be included in the announcements in services.
Interim Rector’s Report
Newsletter to Return: The newsletter of St-Martin-in-the-Fields is being revived. It will be distributed to the parish electronically and hard copies will be available in the narthex for newcomers and others.
Growing in Faith Together: The Interim Rector once again presented information on the diocesan workshop on how a congregation works, how to keep it healthy and ways to grow. Part 1 will be held April 4 & 5 at Trinity Lutheran Fort Worth. The cost is $25 per person. Details are online at http://bit/ly/Grow0414 . Part II will be held June 20 & 21. He asked all Vestry members to plan to attend if possible.
Vestry Responsibilities: He distributed lists of areas of church life and asked that Vestry members sign up for oversight responsibilities of church departments. Vestry members volunteered as follows:
Stewardship: Bob Bess, Aubrey Hardman, DJ Mitchell
Worship: Bob Blomstrom, Jim Wilson
Evangelism: Elizabeth Mason, Cyndy Sulots
Education Formation: Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Cyndy Sulots
Pastoral Care: Joe Panther, Joel Walker
Service and Outreach: Annette Duff, Gil Kleinwechter
Growing the Church: He sees the need for a Committee to Grow the Church. He distributed copies of his proposal with recommendations for action and listing hoped-for results. (See attached.) Elizabeth Mason volunteered to head the group and Bob Blomstorm to help in its development. The Interim Rector has 15 names for membership on the committee.
Senior Warden’s Report
Tee Shirts Available: The short sleeved tee shirts purchased locally for the visit of the Presiding Bishop cost $1492.00. $850 has come in to date from sale of the shirts. Vestry members were encouraged to purchase commemorative shirts for their families if they have not done so.
Neilson Seminary Support: Lisa Neilson is applying to Virginia Seminary and must submit a statement of the financial support she will receive from St-Martin-in-the-Fields. On the form the Senior Warden will show no funds for tuition, $100 for textbooks.
2014 Festival in the Fields: The Senior Warden has assured Dick Seeber, chair of the Festival that $2000 will be available as seed money for the Festival. Plans include a soccer tournament and a chili cookoff on the same day as the Festival.
Junior Warden’s Report
Phone System Upgrade: Jim Wilson will get the information needed to get the equipment for a phone system upgrade.
Grounds Care: The Fever Soccer Team will take care of the grounds as a service project.
Leaks from Yesterday’s Rain: There were some minor leaks as a result of the rain yesterday. Jr Warden Joe Panther will be contacting Don Sulots for help.
Office Refrigerator Replacement Needed: The refrigerator in the office kitchen cannot be repaired. Panther will send out a solicitation to members of the parish requesting donation of a refrigerator (with icemaker) under 10 years old.
Finance Committee Announced
The membership of the Finance Committee was announced: Jack Bailey, chair, Bob Bess, Aubrey Hardman, Paula Jefferson and Treasurer Diana Panther.
Profile Committee Announced
Jim Wilson, Chair of the Profile Committee, announced the current members of the committee: Bob Bess, Ron Hitchcock, Susan Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney and Interim Rector Mike Wallens. This committee is charged with creating a parish-wide survey and the resulting profile that will be used by the Search Committee in its work. Wilson plans that the work of the committee will be completed by the end of April.
Search Committee Chosen
In secret ballot the Vestry elected the following persons to serve as the Search Committee for St-Martin-in-the-Fields: Ashley Hardman, Brian Long, Chris Mullaney, Eloise Frye, Flo Lowrey, Francine deLongchamp, Gil Kleinwechter, Marty Hitchcock, Tayo Omoniyi. A concerted effort was made to ensure all areas of the parish and all age groups were represented. Richard Cabes will chair the committee; Senior Warden Bob Bess will attend meetings, but will have no vote.
The meeting adjourned at 3:55 PM with prayer by Jim Wilson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead