March 15, 2020
Present: Bob Bess, Keen Haynes, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Becky Snell, Chris Mullaney, Julie Sutton.
Guest: Sue Mitchell
Absent: Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber and Ben Taylor
Such meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 15, 2020, via Zoom meeting during the COVID-19 Pandemic at approximately 12:30 p.m.
The minutes from the February 29th meeting and the financial report were approved. Motion by Bess and seconded by Mullaney
The following topics were discussed:
- Sue Mitchell provided an update on the Search Committee, they are scheduled to meet via Zoom on Sunday, March 21st at 9:00 a.m.
- Snell provided information that they will begin contacting potential new members to join the currently standing committee members.
Junior Warden Report
Bess provided an update on the Eagle Scout ongoing cleanup. It is still scheduled to occur even during the quarantine. It was recommended that after the pandemic has passed that we schedule a spring cleaning even if we do it in shifts to avoid mass numbers of helpers. Punch list items would include the blinds in the sanctuary, pews, consumables and renewables. Anika will provide a list of cleaning items the church already has and all members of the vestry agreed that as a group we would also provide anything that the church as lacking. Bess will handle the sign-up list.
Senior Warden Report
Haynes has nothing new to report at this time.
Interim Rector’s Report
The Very Rev. Pogue asked for an action to be decided on a new computer for the office. Liza and Haleigh are having to share a really old one. Father Ron will check the budget for this, Mitchell said there is room in the budget for one new computer. After much discuss, we all agreed to follow the direction of Father Ron, All approved.
Father Ron explained that no intinction will continue for the foreseeable future,
The Easter offering letter will go out next week.
Father Ron suggested that as Vestry members we begin reaching out to members of the congregation to check on them and see if there is any immediate needs. We will keep a running list of how we can help as a group.
An update on the commissions, most groups have not met due to the crisis, but we will keep tabs on them and follow up.
We will need to vote on the parochial report, Father Ron will send it out via email this evening.
Pemberton suggested we continue to emphasize online giving during this pandemic.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by The Vey Rev. Pogue at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Pemberton