March 15, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Bob Bess, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Annette Duff,, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; the Rev Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Treasurer, Doug Watson.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, March 15, 2015, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
DJ Mitchell moved that the minutes of the February 15, 2015, meeting be approved as distributed. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.
Newcomers’ Party
Flo Lowrey gave details on the party planned for Newcomers on March 21 following the 5:00 service. (See attached.) Childcare will be provided.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Greg Anderson seconded the motion and the report was accepted. The ladies who count and deposit the money weekly will be doing their work on Mondays beginning in April.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The written report of Karrie Marling, board chair, is attached and made a part of these minutes. Gregory Anderson moved the Vestry go on record as determining the name of the school shall be St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School also doing business as St. Martin’s Episcopal School. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Elizabeth Mason will contact Cindy James to help her accomplish the necessary changes from the school side. The Jr Warden will work on getting the school signs changed.The Rector has called a meeting of all concerned parties regarding the school website on Thursday, March 19, at 4:30 PM.
Christian Education Reports
The written report of Corrie Cabes, Children and Youth Minister, is attached and made a part of these minutes. The Rector stated that information on VBS scholarships and how to obtain them will be made available closer to VBS time.
Communications Committee
Susan Kleinwechter’s written report is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker, a member of the Standing Committee, reported that the committee was to have met on Saturday, but the meeting was not held due to the funeral of Pat High. Walker stated that a joint announcement will appear on the diocesan website shortly from the Standing Committee and Canon to the Ordinary Janet Waggoner. It is hoped that a long-term provisional bishop can be found, who would serve with a 7 year contract. The Standing Committee strongly believes that it is not yet time to search for a full-time bishop. They are in conversation with candidates at this time, and the name of the person chosen will be the subject of the announcement.
Junior Warden’s Report
Roof Leakage: Jr. Warden Charles Busey announced that the roof is still covered by a warranty and Don Sulots and his crew will be coming out next week to assess the damage due to recent rains.
Intersection Signage: He is checking into the possibilities for signage at the various corners of Hwy 1709 and Pearson Lane.
New Stove: DJ Mitchell moved the Jr. Warden be instructed to bring to the next Vestry meeting a proposal to replace the current stove in the parish hall kitchen. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the motion carried.
AED Donated: An Automated External Defibrillator has been donated to St. Martin’s. It is currently in the parish hall kitchen. A permanent location will be found for it so it can easily be retrieved when needed. All Vestry members will be trained in its use, as the Vestry Person in Charge is the most logical person to call on when use of the unit is needed.
Senior Warden’s Report
Field Damages: There has been more damage to our fields and a police report has been filed. There is still no decision as to the solution. Police suggest barriers clear across the front of the property, but that is not considered feasible. Ballards may be used on part of the area in question. Fever United will be paying for whatever solution is used, as a part of their ministry to St. Martin’s.
Outdoor Property Monitoring: Gil Kleinwechter will analyze what is needed to provide the best outside monitoring for our needs and will return to the Vestry with a proposal when his work is complete.
Rector’s Report
Service Attendance March 14 and 15: Saturday 5 PM 30, Sunday 8:30 AM 20, 10:30 AM 152.
Reports for Vestry: The Rector stated that reports for the Vestry are due on the second Sunday of the month to the clerk, who sends out emailed packets to Vestry members before the Vestry meetings.
Committee and Guild Appointments: As president of the parish and vestry he continued the appointment of the chairs and members of guilds and committee. Altar Guild – Linda Seeber and Jean Freitag; Acolytes – Deneice Wood and Joe Panther; Ushers – Kerry Angle; Quiet Committee – Kathy Watson; Green Team – Steve Anderson; Cursillo – Evie Larimore, coordinator; Finance – Jack Bailey, chair, the Rector, the Senior Warden, the Treasurer, Jan Rees ex officio and non-voting, Diana Panther, Aubrey Hardman, Jim Wilson, Gil Kleinwechter and DJ Mitchell; Grow the Church Ministry – Elizabeth Mason, chair; Radical Hospitality and Newcomers – Flo Lowrey, chair; The Order of the Daughters of the King – Linda Snow; The Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Gregory Anderson; Communications Committee – Annette Duff and Courtney co chairs, Gregory Anderson, Gil Kleinwechter, Susan Kleinwechter and the Rector. The Rector will chair the Worship Committee with Phyllis Bess as co-chair; he will also head Stewardship with co chair Gil Kleinwechter.
Transition: He and the Transition Committee have met and will continue to meet each month during the transition period.
Susan Slaughter: He will be meeting with the Rev Susan Slaughter soon. A priest in this diocese, she has retired at 72. She has been attending St. Martin’s and would like to assist with pastoral care on a basis of 10 hrs. per week at $1500.00 per month. He plans to see if she would help temporarily in a non stipend position until parish income improves.
Stewardship: The Stewardship Committee will start working in August and the campaign will start in October.
Eagle Scout Project Update
Nicholas Chasteler has finished the physical portion of his Eagle Scout Project for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. DJ Mitchell will contact Nicholas and help him complete the final steps necessary to reach his goal of Eagle Scout. Following their work, Mitchell will report back to the Vestry.
Other Concerns
Gregory Anderson reported that he had been asked to check the condition of the prayerbooks in the pews and had found that there were many that were too worn to be usable. The Rector stated that an order has been placed for 12 new pew prayerbooks, and he will ensure that at least 10 more are ordered.
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM with prayer by Jim Wilson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report March 2015
Newcomers Bless Service Sunday
It has been great to welcome newcomers to join Service Sunday. It is really my absolute joy to see someone new walk through the door in the education building. They may be a little bit unsure of themselves and I love to sweep them up, inviting them into the frenzy of making sandwiches, sacking lunches and working towards a common goal of feeding the homeless. At the end of each Service Sunday, I see newcomers plugged in, more at ease and finding their place at St. Martin’s.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Wednesday night meetings are going strong. Teens are invited for fun, prayer and fellowship each Wednesday night from 7-8pm in the EYC room. The Renegade Lent series will began on Wednesday, February 25 and will run through April 1. This DVD and discussion series aims to debunk false ideas about the person of Jesus. Jesus defied the rulers of the day and established a kingdom on earth. We are asked to join Jesus’ revolution. Teens have worked on creating a mosaic depicting the true nature of Christ. See it unfold in the blue parish hall.
A Few Highlights:
• EYC will continue to meet on every second Sunday for Service Sunday (sack lunches for UGM). Teens meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
• City Week Mission Trip: June 8-11 will be an exciting week for the youth of St. Martin’s. Teens will head to Union Gospel Mission each day and learn what it is like to be homeless first hand. They will help prepare and serve food to the homeless at UGM, lead worship services and work on projects created by Lezlee Kinney, volunteer coordinator. Adult sponsors from St. Martin’s are needed to mentor teens throughout this trip. Responsibilities will include transportation, working with teens on projects and praying daily for youth and the homeless.
• Good Friday Family Service: Teens are busy working on a worship service for Good Friday that will be meaningful for all ages. Stations with an interactive Lego cross, “salty tears” and an opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ life and death will make this an unforgettable service.
Youth Confirmation: A youth confirmation retreat for 6th-12th graders is scheduled for April 17-18 off campus. This retreat is an intensive spiritual experience, seeking to prepare youth for the next step in their journey of faith. Bishop High will visit on April 26 at the 10:30am service and confirm youth ready to take responsibility for their faith, with God’s help.
Sunday School
Nursery, children and teens are trekking through the New Testament this spring at St. Martin’s. Children will learn about Jesus’ life and ministry with exciting, hands-on curriculum.
• Palm Sunday will be an exciting day in Sunday school for nursery, children and teens. After a palm waving procession with the congregation, the children will return for a Palm Sunday Cinema, with a short movie from the Holy Moly curriculum, depicting the colt’s point of view in the Palm Sunday Gospel. Then, a Palm Sunday skit will be performed by the children, tweens and teens.
• Easter Activities will feature time in the fields for a flowering of the cross, family pics and an Easter Egg Hunt. Children will receive a very special “Jeaster” Egg this year. Children and families are invited to gather in the fields at 9:30am for flowering of the cross, pics and games. At 9:45am, the Easter Hunt will begin. Jesus+Easter=Jeaster (Pronounced “G-ster”)
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Chaplain Minute
The students at St. Martin’s are learning short prayers and a children’s creed in chapel. “Jesus” will make a special visit to chapel this semester! We will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and learn all about the trinity, represented as a three leaf clover. Students will munch on “trinity treats” and watch a short Veggie Tales movie about the life of St. Patrick. Even the youngest ones are learning about the seasons of the church year, saints of the church and how they can walk with Jesus through interactive stories and Godly Play.
Lava Lava Island: Our 2015 VBS Theme
This year, we are offering a very exciting Vacation Bible School for children ages 4-5th grade! Join us for a tropical adventure on June 23-25, from 6-8:30pm. It’s three days of island fun, Bible truths and soccer! We will close this incredible experience with a VBS worship service on Saturday, June 27 at 5pm in the church sanctuary with all the songs and prayers the children will learn at vacation bible school. This is Different! Is it still VBS?
• This is VBS and much more! Our goal is to offer a VBS experience that touches lives and moves hearts closer to Jesus. Partnering with our friends, Fever United, we hope to bring a very different VBS to St. Martin’s. It’s so hot in the summer, so we are moving VBS to the evening so that kids can head to the fields and play fun games, be inspired to be leaders through Christ and learn some fun soccer basics.
• Our evening VBS welcomes everyone, but intentionally invites children of working parents who have not been able to participate in the past.
• Another goal is to specifically invite Fever United Soccer families. We want them to feel comfortable at St. Martin’s and know that we would love for them to become a part of the St. Martin’s family and even worship with us!
Why Three Days?
• We want to pack as much island fun into three amazing days for a couple of reasons. We are working with Fever United’s busy summer camp schedule and need to honor their time and commitment. Also, Fever United has partnered with St. John’s in Southlake for a three day VBS in the past. They’ve found that three days makes it easy on volunteers and families schedules.
A Message from Fever United
Coach Constance Smith had this to say about what children will be learning: “Along with learning the game of soccer and exercise, we will teach that soccer is just a game. Who you are is more important! Your character, teamwork and leadership is more important. We will win or we will learn from the game of soccer…it’s about life skills development on the field.”
Curriculum Corner
Aloha! We have great curriculum from Group VBS, with an island feel. Each day, children and volunteers will journey with Christ through his earthly ministry, while learning island themed Bible songs, and having a great time in a “tropical getaway” complete with a volcano! It’s Lava Lava Island: Where God’s Love Flows!
• Coco’s Preschool Playhouse (4 & 5 year olds): 4 & 5 year olds will have a blast with soccer and outdoor games, snacks, Bible and much more! Preschoolers will enter a tropical paradise, making new friends along the way. They’ll be a part of an island crew and journey through the awesome Lava Lava Island.
• Lava Lava Island (K-5th Grade): Kindergartners through 5th grade become part of an island family, led by their fearless crew leader. Each member of the family has a very important job, from leading the daily prayer to navigating the crew through Lava Lava Island. They’ll have a blast and make their very own volcano erupt! 5th graders serve as assistant crew leaders, training for an opportunity to be a crew leader next year!
Registration starts May 1! The cost is $15 per child, which includes an island t-shirt and floral lei.
Volunteers Needed: I want to especially invite anyone who has not been able to be a part of VBS in the past. This is amazing outreach ministry that you can be a part of! Contact to join in the fun or for any questions you might have. Free childcare is available for volunteers with children ages 3 and under.
Corrie Cabes