June 26, 2016
Present: Jim Bedell, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Gil Kleinwechter, Courtney Mullaney, Linda Snow, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Nancy Wieden, Kathy Wilkinson: Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; DJ Mitchell, Treasurer.
Not present: Elizabeth Mason, Ike Ogbue.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, June 26, 2016 in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened at 12:23 pm with prayer by the Rector.
Consideration of Minutes
Kathy Wilkinson moved the vestry approve the minutes of the May 15, 2016 vestry meeting as distribued. Linda Snow seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Joel Walker moved the vestry approve the minutes of the June 5 called meeting as distributed. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
May Financials Accepted: The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) He remarked that they show that the school financials are in good shape at present. He will provide projections for financial expectations through the end of 2016 at the July meeting. Courtney Mullaney moved the vestry accept the financial reports as presented. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Memorial Garden Maintenance Funding: The treasurer reported that undesignated monies totaling $1450.00 are available for use on the Memorial Garden. Cyndy Sulots moved the vestry approve usage of Memorial Garden Funds up to a total of $1450.00 for maintenance of the Memorial Garden. When or if maintenance over and above that total is needed, a vote by the vestry will be required. Jim Bedell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Festival in the Fields Line of Credit: Kathy Wilkinson reviewed the projected budget for the October Festival in the Fields. (See attached.) Jack Bolerjack moved the vestry approve a line of credit for the Festival of up to $2000.00, funding to come under the Hospitality budget line. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Rector’s Sabbatical Funding Plans: The rector provided information on the sabbatical after each five years of service that is one of the provisions in his letter of agreement with St. Martin’s. This is commonplace in letters of agreement for rectors across the church. The parish must provide time and funding for such sabbatical. Since he came to St. Martin’s in 2015, his first sabbatical will be due in 2020. The treasurer is compiling information on the Five Year Budget he will present at a later time and will include the rector’s sabbatical in that budgeting as well as the annual budgets.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector announced that 66 students are now enrolled for the fall term. As the opening of school draws closer, it is expected that the number will be larger. No traditional kindergarten classes will be offered this year; instead there will be transitional kindergarten for children who would benefit from that environment. The school board meets Tuesday evening.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker, a member of the Standing Committee of the diocese, reported that Bishop Mayer will be on his sabbatical July 1 through October 31. In his absence his various duties will be covered by the standing committee, the canon to the ordinary and the assistant bishops.
Junior Warden’s Report
Junior Warden Busey announced that the overflow drain on the church building over the door to the office area is stopped up again and needs to be cleaned out and the air conditioner in the parish hall kitchen is not working. There are also other small routine maintenance jobs that need to be addressed.
Senior Warden’s Report
Thank Yous: Senior Warden Kleinwechter reiterated the recognition and thanks to volunteers in his written report which is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Computer Security Proposal: Discussion of the matter will be deferred to the July meeting; he is still soliciting specific information and cost breakdowns from vendors.
Rector’s Report
Audit Committee: The rector announced Paula Jefferson, CPA and member of St. Martin’s, has agreed to chair the 2016 Audit Committee. He has asked her to appoint the other members of her committee. The committee will be auditing St. Martin’s 2015 financial records on July 30, 2016 starting at 9:30 AM. Vestry acceptance of the audit is required before it can be forwarded to the diocese by September 1.
Continuing Education for Communications Director: $1,000.00 of money budgeted for the rector’s continuing education money has been provided to Susan Kleinwechter to attend a “Leading in a Changing Church” conference in Austin. The rector himself would have attended but, due to a family wedding, he is grateful Susan represented our church.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
Audit of 2015 Finances – July 30
Outreach Grant Application Deadline July 31
Audit Report Accepted and Forwarded to Diocese by September 1
Stop Hunger Now – September 24
Festival in the Fields October 15
Ministry Liaison Reports – October 16
Vote to Adjourn and Closing Prayer
Jim Bedell moved the meeting be adjourned. Kathy Wilkinson seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:33 PM with prayer by Joel Walker.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
May 2016 – Senior Warden Report
- Brotherhood, Hospitality and Volunteers – I want to thank these groups in particular for their continued service to St. Martins. These people have helped setup and take down at the events at St. Martins. This is usually done behind the scenes and with little fanfare. While I understand and respect their desire to not seek recognition I want thank them. They are a huge help to St. Martins and I am thankful for all of their efforts!