June 23, 2012
Present: Steve Anderson, Jack Bailey, Bob Bess, Gary Grant, Aubrey Hardman, Pat Hollifield, Joy Malmgren, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Jami Taylor, Brian West; Jim Reynolds, Rector; Amy Haynie, Parochial Associate; Glenda Morehead, Clerk, Diana Panther, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, June 23, 2012, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Minutes of the May 20, 2012, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Report
The Rector introduced Corrie Cabes, the new CE Director who is on board as of June 15. He stated that she has Montessori training and experience in previous teaching employment. Cabes reported the following:
VBS was an amazing success with 150 enrolled. 75% of the students were linked to the Academy. There were 25 youth assistants, 6 staff and clergy. 131 were present for the Saturday evening service celebrating VBS. 500 canned items were donated to the Community Storehouse, and these items were blessed at the Saturday service. She thanked the entire congregation for their support. Next year’s VBS will have a medieval theme. She is looking at the Sunday School curriculum for the next year with the goal of doing what’s best for our children.
Fun Festival-in the-Fields
Dick Seeber, chairman of the event, reported the following:
The Festival-in-the-Fields will be from 10 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, September 29, 2012. The purpose of the Festival is to let people know who we are. A tent has been rented for 2 days, Saturday and Sunday at a cost of $1135 for the 2 days. Setup of the tent will be done on Friday. Ron Hitchcock is checking into what permits will be required and from whom, and those will be obtained. Linda Seeber is in charge of the Silent Auction. So far 13 people have agreed to donate items for the Silent Auction. Richard Cabes in charge of activities for the children. Entertainment is being arranged and a leader is needed for that. Brian West volunteered to help, but will not be in charge of it. Dawn Childers 1s in charge of ticket booths. Everything will be free except for hamburgers and hot dogs. Joel Walker will be providing the food and Joe Panther will head food service. Bill and Maeve Matulevich will be in charge of the vendor craft booths. The fee is $25 per table. All vendors must be approved by the Festival Committee. Ron Hitchcock and Joy Malmgren are in charge of advertising. The Masons and Jeffersons have volunteered to head parking for the event. The Parish Hall will be open only for use of the restrooms. Flo Lowrey will be in charge of welcoming and directing those who come into the buildings. The church building will be open to provide information and a look at our worship area. It was suggested that hiring of off-duty policemen would be a good idea to provide a secure presence. Seeber asked that all the Vestry plan to participate in the Festival in some way.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Bob Bess moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Rector’s Report
Thank you for support: The Rector expressed his thanks for all the support shown him and his family on the death of his father. His mother’s house was put on the market and sold within 15 days for cash. On July 1 Jan, Linda and other family will be going to finish emptying the house.
Times off 2012: The Rector stated that this year he has been gone 22 days, taken as vacation only. He plans to take off an additional week in the Fall – 7-8 days – to return to Disney World.
Times out of the office Rector and Parochial Associate: The Rector and Parochial Associate leave tomorrow AM on the youth mission trip and will return June 29. They will be in town that Saturday and Sunday, and will be leaving on Tuesday to go to General Convention, returning on July 15. The Rev Lauren Gough will cover services July 7-8 and again July 14-15. Jordan Haynie will be preaching July 14-15. She will preach 3 times while she is home this summer. The Rector reviewed some of the subjects that will be considered at General Convention. Sometime after their return he, the Parochial Associate and Lisa Neilson will present a program on General Convention.
Parochial Associate’s Report
The Parochial Associate announced that the Rev David Madison of Diocese of Fort Worth is on the Budget Committee of General Convention. The budget is one of the subjects that will be controversial. Diocese of Fort Worth is 1 of the 4 dioceses that is meeting or exceeding their 19% asking to support the Episcopal Church.
She thanked everyone for their understanding and support while the Rector and Parish Administrator were out.
She reported that the kids going on the mission trip asked specifically that the Rector and Bob Neilson provide the male adult presence on the trip. She and Becky Snell will be the female presence. 10 people are going – 6 kids and 4 adults.
Her first day back in the office in July will be July 31. She will be making her annual trip to Navajoland right after returning from General Convention.
Starting in August she will start conversations about working to help in Title 1 schools.
Senior Warden’s Report
The Senior Warden passed a note from Michele King thanking the Vestry for their help and support, spiritually and financially, during her time recovering from surgery.
Delegates to Diocesan Convention: Although there is no money budgeted for it at this time, the budget originally included $800 for delegate expenses. The consensus of the Vestry is that St. Martin’s delegates’ registration be paid for all and reimbursement provided for those who need it.
2011 Audit of St-Martin-in-the-Fields: Paula Jefferson, chair of the Auditing Committee plans to complete the audit in July.
Letter of Agreement with the Rector: The Senior Warden reported that there is no Letter of Agreement between St-Martin-in-the-Fields and the Rector. A thorough search of all church official documents has yielded no contract or Letter of Agreement. The Senior Warden will work with the Bishop, the Rector and DJ Mitchell, Senior Warden at the time of calling of the Rector, to prepare a Letter of Agreement, which will be taken to the Finance Committee for their recommendation before being brought to the Vestry at the September meeting.
Summer program for elementary age children: There is no activity available for children ages 4-10 during the summer. 2 adults are needed to watch these children every Sunday.
Nursery policies: Nursery policies need some changes. The Rector will sit down with the Nursery Director and all childcare givers to go over the policies. Anyone having concerns about the nursery is to go first to the Nursery Director, then to the Rector.
Junior Warden’s Report
AC unit replaced: The Jr Warden reported the big air conditioner unit went out and has been replaced at a cost of under $3600, which includes a 5 year warranty. He once again requested that thermostats never be turned off. Reaching a reasonable temperature after the units have been completely turned off is too hard on the air conditioners and shortens their life.
Playground: July 13 from 4-8 PM Richard Cabes is having a work evening with his work group for specific actions in the playground. No volunteers are needed for that evening. Unlocking and locking the playground on Sundays will be added to the list of VPIC duties.
Memorial Garden fencing: The Jr Warden is researching various fencing types for the Memorial Garden. Fencing of the MemorialGarden will coordinate with the planned scout project. He plans to fence the entire area that is currently irrigated. All the work should be done by the start of school.
Carpet estimate: The estimate to carpet Michele and Amy’s offices and outside the Rector’s office is $2000.
The education building floors will be waxed before school starts.
Weekday Nursery
As was reported at the last Vestry meeting the space currently being used for a weekday nursery is being lost. That room is needed for use by the Academy as a classroom. The Rector has decided that the bookstore space in the West Parish Hall could be better used as a nursery during the week. Patricia Pannell, bookstore manager, was consulted and agrees with the Rector. He has also been in discussion with some of those concerned about having a dedicated space for a weekday nursery, and all agree the bookstore space would be perfect for that use. No one on the Vestry objects to the bookstore closure. The Parochial Associate and Becky Snell will work with Patricia Pannell to liquidate the bookstore stock and will head the volunteers who will ready the room for use as a nursery. The work will be finished by September 8.
Recycling Program
Linda Seeber stated that Styrofoam cups are being put into the recycling containers. She would like to go to paper cups and plates in an effort toward conservation. The Vestry agreed to adopt the use of recyclables for church events, moving away from Styrofoam and toward paper and plastic. Recycling bins will be placed in various areas throughout the church facilities, Seeber to determine placement of the bins. In future budgets funds will need to be budgeted for purchase of the paper and plastic goods.
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM with prayer by Aubrey Hardman.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead