June 22, 2014
Present: Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Aubrey Hardman, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Cyndy Sulots, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; the Rev Michael Wallens, Interim Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Not present: Bob Blomstrom, Pat Hollifield, Joe Panther; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, June 22, 2014, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer led by the Interim Rector.
Minutes of the May 18, 2014, meeting were approved as distributed.
Christian Education Change Proposed
The Interim Rector presented a proposal to change the status of Children and Youth Minister Corrie Cabes from part-time employment to full-time. ( See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry accept the proposal as presented effective July 15, 2014. The motion was seconded and carried.
Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of Treasurer Diana Panther the monthly financial reports and her accompanying narrative were presented in writing only. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Communication Committee
Annette Duff presented a proposal from the committee to add additional logos to those currently in use by St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and St. Martin-in-the-Fields Preschool & Academy. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry authorize the Communication Committee to change the logo for all branding to St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church & School as proposed. The motion was seconded and carried. With an eye to the future the preference of the vestry is that the name of the school be changed from St. Martin-in-the-Fields Preschool & Academy to St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal School.
Susan Kleinwechter will make sure the administrative assistant has the logos for all sizes needed so that all communications from church and school match.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reminded the Vestry that the Fort Worth East Deanery, our deanery, is in charge of the diocesan convention being held November 14 – 15 at the Jack Daniels Club at the ballpark in Arlington. Some of the proposed changes to diocesan constitution and canons have to do with Episcopal schools in the diocese.
Grow the Church Ministry
Elizabeth Mason, chair, gave an update on the ministry. . (See attached.) In response to her request that more Vestry members are needed to be a part of the ministry, Cyndy Sulots agreed to serve
Profile Committee
Jim Wilson, chair, stated that the profile is now available on the deployment website for use by interested clergy. On behalf of the Vestry and the parish the Senior Warden thanked Wilson and all his committee for their work.
Search Committee
The written report of Richard Cabes, chair, is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Stewardship Committee
Aubrey Hardman, chair, explained how the committee continues to work on fine-tuning the use of the “7 habits of a highly effective steward.” (See attached.) Stewardship minutes are being given at all services. The Interim Rector stated that all who wish to participate in giving stewardship minutes are welcome. The program “Financial Peace University” for adults and youth will be presented in the fall.
Interim Rector’s Report
Labyrinth On Hold: The painting of a labyrinth on the floor of the east parish hall is on hold at present. The company from which prices and preliminary information were received has not been forthcoming with more details. Labyrinth committee chair Ron Hitchcock and the interim rector are currently exploring other options.
Building Use Policies: St. Martin’s building use policies are being updated. Vestry member provided suggestions on amendments to the policies. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry approve the Building Use Policies as proposed with the recommended amendments. The motion was seconded and carried.
Diocesan Workshop: On Friday and Saturday the Interim Rector, Annette Duff, and Susan and Gil Kleinwechter attended the Steinke workshop. They found that there is a better understanding on the diocesan level of how damaged the diocese had been by the years of conflict.
Vestry Retreat: He distributed copies of the document “A Healthy Mission-Focused Church – Hope Inspired,” which will be used at the fall Vestry Retreat. Members were encouraged to begin now to identify ways in which St. Martin-in-the-Fields does and does not fit the profile. The retreat will be held Saturday, September 20, 2014, at the home of Gil and Susan Kleinwechter.
Nursery Staff Changes: Heather Ripple is expecting her second child and wants to be able to devote more time to her family. She is resigning as Nursery Director effective July 31. Rachel Stehlik has resigned as assistant to the nursery director. Mayra Carballo will be taking over as Nursery Director. Talks are in progress with an individual to serve as her assistant.
Senior Warden’s Report
Model Plane Complaint: Complaints have been received from homes nearby about an individual on our property flying a large model plane over the homes. When police were called and the individual questioned, he claimed he had permission from St. Martin. If a property owner gives such permission, the police have no recourse. The Interim Rector will contact the police to advise them that no such permission has been given by the church.
Vacation Time: Bess announced he will be in Colorado the entire month of July.
NA Meeting Times
There is some confusion about the meeting times for the Narcotics Anonymous group that meets at St. Martin. The Interim Rector stated that they meet in the library Sunday through Friday at 7 PM and at 4 PM on Saturday.
Audit Committee Approved
The following have been appointed to serve as the 2014 Audit Committee for St. Martin: Jack Bailey, chair, Dawn Childers, Paula Jefferson, Courtney Mullaney, Lee Norwood, Jane Smith and Doug Watson. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry affirm the committee as appointed. The motion was seconded and carried. The committee plans to meet August 25 to audit the 2013 financial records of the parish and school. Once complete the audit must be officially accepted by the vestry before it is forwarded to the diocese.
No July Meeting
As has been its usual practice in the past, the vestry decided there will be no regular meeting during July. If any pressing matter arises, a special meeting will be called. The next regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields will be August 17, 2014, 12:30 PM.
The meeting adjourned at 3:25 PM with prayer by Jim Wilson.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Proposed Additional Logos:
Grow the Church Ministry Report for Vestry Meeting June 22
Quick review: The reasons we are forming this ministry are to support our existing ministries and offer opportunities to develop and serve in new programs and services, and to offer members (new and old) opportunities to participate in the fruits of new ministries (fun, fellowship, new relationships, services to the community and spiritual growth).
The idea behind the Holy Currencies Is to cause a continuous cycle of blessings to flow through the development the 6 currencies of: Time and Place, Gracious Leadership, Relationships, Truth, Wellness, and Money.
The Ministry was introduced during the New Comers Luncheon event and we have the beginning committee from that introduction and we still need one or two vestry members to be part of this new ministry and to invite others in the church to join.
Ministry plan for next few months:
Father Mike has ordered 6 copies of book for new ministry members.
An Email has been sent to those who indicated they were interested about the book and to assign reading the first chapter (Introduction and the Time and Place chapter) before our first meeting.
We have set meeting for 9:30am July 6th .
First Meeting agenda is to review chapter one and Time and Place chapters, and review draft of survey monkey questions I am preparing for the Time and Place currency.
Plan is to have committee review revise and approve survey on Time and Place findings and to distribute results during a town hall meeting, email blasts and website.
We will then focus on a second currency and development of our understanding of it.
Next step would be to apply our growing understanding of how to use the currencies:
1. To support one of our existing ministries and
2. To launch a new program or service Ministry supported by our understanding of how to use the currencies to sustain and enhance the ministry.
Request – communications about the ministry and the July 6th meeting be put in weekly bulletin, put on the web and be sent out to email list.
Search Committee Report
The Rector Search is now LIVE as St. Martin’s profile for the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) has been posted to the national registry for TEC. We will begin receiving online applications as early as this month, and we will also receive names from the Canon to the Ordinary and the Bishop. The parish is also welcome to provide names for consideration.
We held a training session with the Canon Waggoner this past week, where we learned the STAR interviewing process geared toward Search Committees. We are meeting again soon to develop our interview questions and practice our interview skills.
Once we have narrowed applications we are interested in, will initiate a Skype call for the initial or secondary interviews. This will cover the majority of our interview process and elimination. When we have final candidates, we will then schedule on-site visits with the candidates to meet them in person and see them preach and celebrate in their current parish environment.
The Search Chair, Richard Cabes, will give periodic updates to the parish and the vestry as we have news to share, but the majority of the process will not be transparent, and will occur behind the scenes. Please reach out the Search Chair for any questions throughout the Search period. I also encourage every vestry member to view our Parish Profile, created by the Profile Committee, posted on our church website. There is also a section for the Rector Search on our website for the latest news.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Cabes
Search Chair
St. Martin-in-the-Fields