St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Vestry Minutes June 20, 2022
Present: Alan Bentrup, Paula Jefferson, Jim McManic, Jen Duncan, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, Linda Seeber, Mary Anderson, Melissa Kurkel, DJ Mitchell, Amanda Alvarez, Rick Schulz, Bob Bess, Joe Stark
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by the Rev. Alan Bentrup
Opening Prayer offered by Alan
May Minutes approved
Finance Committee Report – Gary Wilkinson
- See the attached report
- Gary Wilkinson is looking into an affordable review with David Lowder’s assistance.
- Reports approved.
Senior Warden Report – Keen Haynes
- VPIC assignments filled for July and August
- Diocesan merger was discussed.
Junior Warden Report– Joe Stark and Rick Schulz
- Updated vestry on various property items around the campus.
Assistant Rector– Paula Jefferson
- Offered update on Stephen Ministry
Rector’s Report – Alan Bentrup
- Master plan update on meetings with VLK Architects, to be presented at August meeting
- Discussion of staffing changes with Rev. Paula leaving for St. Christopher’s
- Bob Duquesnel has been hired as the new choir director
- Raises for Parish Admin and Family Minister starting Aug 1
- Motion to submit application for Parish Status in the Diocese of Texas (EDOT) approved unanimously; application to be signed by vestry and parishioners
- Motion to establish new temporarily restricted fund for Building Bridges program unanimously approved. Building Bridges is a partnership with Chrysallis Center (Carla Pulliam) focsed on support and education for parents of LGBTQ teens, funded by diocesan mission grant
Closing Prayer – Alan Bentrup
Adjourned at 8:00
Respectfully submitted
Mary Anderson – Vestry Clerk