For a pdf of the full vestry packet, including all reports and financials, please click here
Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Bob Bess – Senior Warden, Rick Schultz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Mary Anderson, Mary Beth Butler, Liz Jordan, Melissa Kurkul, Becky Snell-Bolerjack
Also Present: Gary Wilkinson, Finance Committee Chair
Not Present: Amanda Alvarez, Bryan Hedrick, Jen Duncan, Glenda Morehead, Clerk
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Monday, June 19, 2023 at 7 PM via Zoom. The meeting was opened in prayer by the Rector at 7:01 pm.
Rector Alan Bentrup appointed Tina Morehead as Clerk for the meeting.
Consideration of Minutes
DJ Mitchell moved that Vestry approve the minutes of the May 21st meeting as written. Dick Seeber seconded the motion; motion carried.
Finance Committee Report & Treasurer’s Report
Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson presented the report, indicating that the parish is continues to be in a strong position going into the summer months. Income continues to outpace expenses.
Treasurer DJ Mitchell provided a spreadsheet of updated expenses/income through May 2023 with updated projections through end of year 2023. Copy is attached.
Update on non-audit review by third party CPA: Gary confirmed with correct personnel at EDOT that we are allowed to have a review done by a third party prior to Diocesan audit. After the third party review is complete, St. Martin Audit Committee will follow the EDOT checklist in doing our audit. Timeline for completion is sometime in September.
The next scheduled meeting of the Finance Committee will correspond with the next Vestry meeting to be held in August. Special meetings of both the Finance Committee and Vestry will be called if situations warrant prior to August 20th.
DJ Mitchell moved that Vestry accept the Treasurer’s report, Dick Seeber seconded; motion carried.
Junior Wardens’ Reports
Rick Schultz: HVACs in both the office area and in the classroom/parish hall buildings both need repairs that are preventing their working. Both expenses were approved by the Vestry and work should take place next week.
Dick Seeber: The removal of small fencing in playground area is a much more detailed job than expected, expense to remove it and repair the area to make the entire playground safe will be $1000.00. Expense was approved by the Vestry from Building and Grounds budget and work should begin 6-20-2023.
There is a dead tree in the Memorial Garden that needs to be removed as it is a hazard to both people and the building. Per Becky Snell the tree died during extended snow and ice in 2022. Since this is a safety issue, Rector will have church staff contract arborists to get estimates and the tree will be removed as soon as possible. Several Vestry members will send the office contact information for their “tree guys.”
Senior Warden’s Report
Senior Warden Bob Bess echoed the multiple thanks that he included in his written report (copy attached).
Due to challenges with lock up taking place on Sundays: Bob asked the Junior Wardens to investigate the possibility of installing motion sensor lights in the bathrooms so that lights would turn off automatically.
Also, the door from the office area to the Memorial Garden needs repair including having an automatic closer installed and possibly new dead bolt/key pad entry installed. Current deadbolt is keyed on the outside and mechanism no longer works with all keys, and door is very difficult to close completely and lock securely. Rick Schultz to call on the electrician/lock company that has worked on the other doors in the church buildings to correct the issues.
Rector’s Report
Reviewed upcoming dates as listed in his written report, copy attached. Discussed the following items separately:
Curate Gavin Tomlin will be ordained to transitional Deaconate on June 24, 2023 in Houston. He is in town now and has moved into his new apartment. Begins working at St Martin July 1.
If air conditioning in the large parish hall is not fixed prior to June 25th, then Rector and Vestry Forum will be moved into the sanctuary
September 10 will be Rally Sunday and the last 9:15 service for summer. Attendance continues to increase, even though service times are combined to one Sunday service for the summer.
Nomination to Priesthood of St. Martin sponsored candidate
After the Senior Warden left meeting, Rector presented letter from St. Martin to the Diocese of Texas recommending Phyllis Bess to the Bivocational Priesthood. He explained the complete process and recommendation from our discernment committee. Our letter to EDOT pledges our support (financial, prayers, friendship and moral support) to back Phyllis in her process through Diocesan discernment and her next steps to becoming a priest.
Motion to nominate Phyllis and pledge support was made by DJ Mitchell, seconded by Liz Jordan. The motion carried unanimously and with great joy.
The meeting was closed in prayer by the Rector and adjourned at 7:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Tina Morehead, Clerk pro-tem
Approved as corrected August 20, 2023 TMM clerk pro-tem