June 18, 2013
Present: Steve Anderson, Bob Bess, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Joe Panther, Linda Seeber, Becky Snell, Joel Walker, Jim Wilson; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Diana Panther, Treasurer.
Not present: Gary Grant, DJ Mitchell.
Absent: Aubrey Hardman.
A meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at 7:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. Due to the necessity to move the regular date and time of a meeting for June, the meeting was called by the Senior Warden, Bob Bess, who chaired the meeting and opened with prayer.
Jordan Haynie’s Reception
Joel Walker, of the diocesan Commission on Ministry, announced that Jordan Haynie will be ordained to the priesthood at All Saints at 7 PM on July 9. St-Martin-in-the-Fields has supported Jordan through her entire process toward priesthood. A reception (serving snacks and beverages only) will be held after the service. Help is needed at All Saints starting at 5:30 PM setting up the reception. Walker asked that those who can help contact him. The ordination will be put on the website calendar; Linda Seeber will inform Michele King.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) Jim Wilson moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded and carried.
Consideration of the Letter of Agreement with the Parochial Associate
The Senior Warden presented the proposed Letter of Agreement. Joel Walker moved the Vestry approve the Letter of Agreement between St-Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and the Rev Amy Haynie as proposed. The motion was seconded and carried, Jim Wilson abstaining.
Security System Installation Update
The Jr Warden reported that installation of the security system is nearing completion. Dan King is putting in long hours to install the system, all on a volunteer basis. Joel Walker moved that $500 be given to Dan King as a thank you gesture for all his help. The motion was seconded and carried.
Senior Warden’s Report
Search Committee Plans The Senior Warden outlined his plan for choosing the members of the search committee for Rector of St-Martin-in-the-Fields, when the time comes for their selection. He plans to request that each Vestry member come to that meeting bringing the names of 3 candidates for the committee. The Vestry would then select the committee from the resulting list. He remarked that in his opinion a committee of 36 is by far too many and 12 is too few. The hope is that the criteria for membership on the search committee can be decided at the July meeting.
Interim Rector He has spoken with the new Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese, Canon Janet Wagner. She has stated that there is no need to rush the choice of Interim Rector since the Rev Amy Haynie is available to cover priestly duties for the parish at present. She also stated that the person chosen as Interim Rector needs to be someone who is specifically trained for the role.
Junior Warden’s Report
Broken Water Line The Jr Warden announced that the solution used to repair/redo the water line serving St. Martin is good for the long range. The total cost is expected to be just over $8000, $3000 of which has been donated.
Handyman Changes He plans to prepare a different proposal for coverage of handyman duties at St. Martin. He will be bringing the proposal to the Vestry at a later date.
Choir Expresses Gratitude On behalf of the choir Jim Wilson thanked the Jr Warden and Bill Matulevich for correction of the door to the storage closet in the choir loft.
Scout Project Completed The scout project in the Memorial Garden has been completed.
Coke Machine
Apparently the coke machine has been removed. Linda Seeber will check with Michele King to see if she knows who removed it and why.
Church – School Documents Found
A search of church records has resulted in location of bylaws and other documents relating to the relationship between St-Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and St. Martin Academy. Linda Seeber will see that these are shared with Richard Cabes for use with the Rev David Madison when they start working on the long range plans for the Academy.
The meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM with prayer by Bob Bess.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead